
Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week Flynn has the flashback which comes from January 2009.

Home Comforts.

I told mum the compooter desk wuzn't that comfy for sleeping on, so........

she got me a cushion.

That's better, thanks mum.

I can't leave Eric out, so here is a one photo Tummy Tuesday post from February 2009.

When we go for walks, I always have to come here on the dirt and roll. Mum sez 'Eric, why do you always roll in the dirt when we come back?' I don't answer her cuz I don't know why I do it, it just feels good.

The Random Photo.
Lola the Rescued Cat asked for any date from March 2011, so this photo is from today's date 11 years ago.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I used Illusion at 60%, then added Sadness at 25%.

For Eric I started with Delaunay at 65%, then added Scribble at 40%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 5.03.11
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 5.03.11
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. A dirt roll sounds mighty good to us! Love the art!!!

  2. You kitties sure had a great life on your farm! Both inside and out!

  3. Your Mom aure loved you boys - getting you that pillow !

  4. No matter where they are, I always love seeing the boys.

  5. that was nice to bring a pillow... a mouse pad is for mice a pillow for cats ;O)

  6. Aww! such cute memories what a wonderful mum making it more cumfy heheh!

    Have a shenaniganstastic weekend 👍

  7. Sweet memories and nice artwork! Thanks for the puzzles.

  8. Jackie I am thoroughly enjoying the flashbacks. I didn't start blogging til June 2009 so these are new to me. I have to wonder if Eric and Flynn ever saw any does or mares eating oats of lambs eating ivy while out on perimeter patrol. :-)!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You're such a good mom making the computer desk more comfy! I used to do that for my Angel Lily! Happy Friday! :) <3

  10. My momma does the same thing, getting me a cushion when I want to spend the day being her mews when she's writing. And yes, I agree, rolling around in dirt definitely feels good. I miss having dirt. We have the Catio now, no grass. However I like to roll around in a fresh litter box. It's almost the same. Love, Dori

  11. doodz...mum izza grate mum ta help out like that; given ewe sum pilloz and lettin ya roll in soil ~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☺

    de gurl sayz herz gonna try N sneek ta puzzle land two bozz iz knot in de buildin ;) ☺☺☺

    1. tell mum de gurl played de puzzlez; both, in record time cauz her cheeted N played em both at 24 peacez ;) ☺☺

  12. Lucy loves to roll in the dirt in the summer! Not right now! Cheers!

  13. Angel Eric looks a bit zaftig in the photo that is art and puzzle...hahahaha!
    Off to play, thanks!

  14. I especially love the pic of Flynn on the pillow and the cover art to match.

  15. It amazes me how cats find comfort in the most (what seems to be) uncomfortable places. MOL Love the flashback and the artwork is wonderful!

  16. That's a super cute photo of Flynn on the cushion on the desk!

    Tama and Benny

  17. It sure is nice that mom posts about you all the time. She sure did love the two of you.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. ♥

  18. That sure was nice of your mom to get you that fluffy, comfy pillow!

  19. We don't think we've ever had a dirt roll but we bet we'd enjoy it! We loved that pic of Flynn on the pillow--very sweet.

  20. Rolling in the dirt does look like fun, i think if i were a cat, i'd want to do that.

    Your mom spoiled you with that pillow!

  21. Awww..that was sweet of you to give Flynn a pillow. Very pretty art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  22. Well that cushion made all the difference - we kitties do like comfort after all! Love the photo of Flynn rolling in the dirt. That's one of my favorite things to do outside (Mom isn't too happy about it though!).

    Hugs, Teddy

  23. Your art work is lovely. Yin loves to roll in the dirt (sigh) she brings a lot of it in the house with her.

  24. We love how you put that cushion for Angel Flynn. He looks quite content! And Angel Eric's tummy shot made us squee. Happy weekend to you.

  25. We can, of course, curl up anywhere - but We also love cushions.

  26. I thought Flynn was going to reject the cushion after his mum went to the trouble to get it for him. My cats would have. But Flynn knew comfort! And as for Eric, what can I write? Making himself dirty just before coming back to the house? Sigh.

  27. What wonderful flashback pics! I always feel like I'm right there with you handsome mancats. Mom's catwork is so pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  28. Mom and Dad have had some cats who loved rolling in the dirt, and that it feels good is a great reason to do it. Mom would say that Flynn was spoiled, but he just got what any man cat should have…a comfy place to nap. Mom is looking forward to doing the puzzles. Have a great week. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  29. Sure looks like Flynn was a spoiled boy, though I have a sneaking suspicion both boys were spoiled! Wonderful flashback again.

  30. Great post! Thanks for checking up on me. I am sorry I have not been around much - either posting or commenting. I guess it is just too many discouraging things have been happening (weather, sick brother-in-law, committee work) and I have not been able to motivate myself to be happy, joyous, and free. As before, I know I will turn around, just too much crap going on at the moment. And the tsunami of emotions coming along with the anniversary of Dave's passing is coming up soon too! I was really hoping I would have made the trip to toss his ashes last summer, but Covid has forestalled that. And his ashes sit in his old hockey trophy in the living room...
    I send you love and thanks. Barbie

  31. Mrs H bought me a blanket for my computer desk and I didnt want it. I prefered the rough over the comfort. Im just weird that way, MOL
    Lovely selfies of you both, and yes, a roll in the soil and or sand is perfect way to round off a walk, on that I have to agree.

  32. We always thought your orange furs were so striking against the green grass, making you both even more handsome. Lovely memories..I'd like to have a pillow like that! - Tom xx

  33. Thank you for choosing our date! What a lovely photo from that month. :)

  34. it's amazing what we do for our kitties! Pretty much the whole setup around my desk is designed to make the cats as comfy as possible!

  35. Flynn looks so cozy on the cushion. Very cute!

  36. My Mister Kitty loves rolling on the sidewalk. He get so dirty, I have to brush him off and he gets a bit grumpy. I think they roll just because they can! It makes sense in a feline world heeheehee. Great photos!


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