Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

I have some more one photo posts this week. They all follow the same theme, relaxing.

Flynn 13.08.08 Wordless Wednesday

Eric: 16.11.08 When dad has finished his breakfast, we like to sit down together and read the newspapers. 

Flynn 21.09.08 Easy on Sunday

Eric 28.09.08 Easy on Sunday

I am making the most of the dry weather by sitting outdoors on my chair. It's supposed to rain again next week.

Eric and Flynn 8.02.09 Easy on Sunday.

The random photo was requested by two different people this week. MessyMimi asked for 28.03.12 and Pam and Teddy asked for the boys in their pots.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I started with Van Gogh at 35% then added Garden at 25%

For Eric I started with Monet at 75% then added Redblush at 50%. I like the way it has made a cheap old plastic chair look like highly polished wood.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 2.04.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. we love the kitties in a pot... that's super sweet... and we love to read the news paper too... but the dog-way LOL

  2. Aww! so cute as always can't help but aww!, loved the art too :-)

    Have a memoriestastic weekend 👍

  3. Thank you for reposting those precious boys in their pots. My ALL TIME favorite photo of them. Happy Friday!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Those boys sure did know how to relax, they were pros! Love the pic of them in the pots, so adorable, and as always, love your art pics!

  5. The kitties sure do a good job of chilling out!

  6. All so pretty, they did have relaxation down the right way... and you sure know how do use the art program so well, I've never been able to work with it ... the renderings are just lovely!

  7. The pic of the boys in the pots has always been one of my favorites.

  8. Angels Eric and Flynn I tell you one thing you guyz knew how to give and receive 100% love to/from Dad!
    Well done
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. The boys seem to have got chilling out down to a Fine Art. And the Art is, indeed, very fine!
    We love the Flowerpot Kitties!

  10. Such handsome mancats they were!
    Thank you for the wonderful art and puzzles.

  11. They sure did enjoy that relaxing time! Sweet art too!

  12. Always our dear boys whom we love. XXXOOO

  13. Such awdorable wonderful cats- you must miss them alot!

  14. Oh the wonderful memories. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  15. doodz !!!! nothin better N chillaxin with mum, dad, equipmint, chairz and in potz...cept may bee havin a slite snax then chillaxin with mum, dad, equipmint, chairz and in potz !!! ♥♥♥

    whooz up for fish ? wanna go two de oyster shack !! ☺☺

  16. Very sweet resting photos and beautiful art. Thank you or the puzzles. XO

  17. The boys are just precious in these, especially helping Dad read the paper and posing in pots.

  18. Love all the pics, especially the one of the boys in their pots. Priceless.

  19. I SO love seeing the boys in their pots!

  20. The boys in their pots is an absolute classic. Such perfect placing and sizing.

  21. Relaxing is a good theme for today!

  22. A beautiful picture of Eric and his dad together. And the boys in the pots, always a favourite image.

  23. I just love the boys in the pot photo. It is just adorable. Love the artwork. Have a great weekend.

  24. It's always a smile-inducing treat to see the boys in their pots. And Eric and Dad Ivor reading together is a super special memory, too. XO

  25. those boys in their pots ALWAYS make me smile and I always loved the photos of them with Daddy. Karen, thank you so much. I KNOW you actually made me feel better because I keep getting embarrassed that whenever I try to write about Cody I still cry. Thank you and (((hugs))) and love to you!

  26. Sweet photos, especially Eric reading with his dad!

  27. Far as I'm concerned there's no better theme than relaxing. Very sweet photos, as usual. The cats-in-the-pot one is sweet and silly, and any photos involving cats and a dadlap are extra special.

  28. Awwww, such nice relaxing pics. And Mom's catwork is sure pretty. Love coming here every week. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  29. Hmmm, Eric looks a bit nearsighted reading the paper. MOL! Pawsome art.

  30. Lovely flashbacks, and the two of them in twin pots! That was so sweet!
    Thanks for the puzzles!

  31. Love the onesies, sweet angels...and potcats💗😸 and your artwork is just great, Jackie, and that first puzzle to hard...have to find out about the next one ;) Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead. Hope all is well Jackie🙏🐾😽💞

  32. They sure did know how to relax. I love the boys in their pots photo!

  33. My favorite is the one in the big planters. So very adorable! Love, Dori

  34. Another sweet post to share with us. Love these boys and know you miss them and Dad Pete too. I hope you will have a good weekend and take care.


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