Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Some more one or two photo posts

First up is Flynn with "Baby Mancat Monday" from September 2008.

Scanned photos from 2000.

If you intend to climb trees when you are a big Mancat, it is impawtunt to practice while you are a Mancat in Training. This is an Elderberry tree which I started on when I was nearly four months old.
  It was good training because now I climb huge Oak trees.

And a very young Eric with his Mancat Monday From August 2008.

Then and Now. (2000 and 2008) This was me being a lion in the garden.It's one of the old photos that mum took a photo of over the weekend. We're not sure how old I am here, but it is under the section of six weeks to four months old.Mum thinks that four months is probably about right.

This is me eight years later.I still like to stalk through the undergrowth like a mighty lion.

And a Mancat Monday from both of them on January 2008.

Looking furr mousies.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I began with Rembrandt at 50%, then added Emboss at 20%
I didn't use any of the photos from the post, but this one was taken at the same time as "Looking for Mousies".
preview108pieceCaturday Art 20.08.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Oh my goodness!!! Such cute babies you two were!!!
    You should hear mum! MOL!!!!!
    You two really grew up to be handsome Mancats!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Squeeeee, those baby photos are so wonderful and so is the art!

  3. the tree photos are super!!! we would love to climb in trees too.. but the mama said that would be way toooo much...

  4. Aww! that was sooo cute loved that bit me being a lion heheh!

    Have a memorytastic weekend 👍

  5. What a great flashback! I love seeing the boys as babies.

  6. We loved seeing the baby pics! You two were so adorable. ♥

  7. Such brave and handsome ginger whippersnappers...practice does make purrfect Hugs Cecilia

  8. OMC such sweet baby photos!!! Nice artwork and thanks for the puzzle.

  9. Aw, I love your flashbacks. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  10. Aww, baby pics!
    Hope you had a Happy Birthday!
    The puzzle was more difficult that I would have thought, but I love that!

  11. Flynn was brave and quite a tiny cutie!

  12. Oh, such precious pictures! Love them all. Mom's catwork is very nice. I read a comment wishing Mom a happy birthday - so I'll wish the same. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  13. Oh wow! Frodo would love an elderberry tree to climb!

  14. The baby photos are wonderful ! An elderberry tree is a good thing to start on for climbing !

  15. Those baby photos are so cute and I love the artwork.

  16. Flynn was quite the climber. Great flashback. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  17. What glorious baby photos! I sure live seeing the boys out and about! And the puzzle was a ton of fun! Thanks Jackie!

  18. I don't ever recall seeing your boys as babies. They are so adorable. And, of course, as mancats, they are each so handsome and raring to go. Your Caturday Art of Eric and Flynn is a work of art, indeed. Good choices for mixing the filters!

  19. We loved seeing the baby pictures. Scylla said Eric and Flynn were grown when she discovered cat blogging, so this is the first time we saw them.

  20. Yeah trees are tricky, specially the ones with thin branches, We avoid them mostly, these days. But like Eric and Flynn, we all explored them at some times when younger..

  21. Love all of this, but my favorite pics are the "lion". :D Happy Caturday! :-)

  22. They are a matched set! I love that!

  23. Oh, how sweet to see the boys as babies! We loved this flashback so much. XO

  24. Those cute babies turned into mighty mousies hunters ! Purrs

  25. OMC so much cuteness happening here!!! As always, today's flashback is utterly epic!!!

  26. It is so sweet to see the boys as baby mancats, before We effur met them!

  27. Aww, what cuties they both were! And of course they grew into handsome mancats.

  28. Oh geez, four month old Flynn! What a cutie. And what handsome mancats the brothers grew into.

  29. I meant to write four month old Flynn AND Eric! Lion, indeed!

  30. Seeing the both of you made me roar all over, so much cuteness💗 I love that Rembrandt effect. Will do the puzzle immediately. Pawkisses from Heaven especially for you🐾😽✨
    Ps Jackie, just found out that I don't get any updates anymore by email, and I can't subscribe again, so I'm late with my replies. Hope all is well🙏

  31. Thanks for the totally adorable baby photos of the boys. Such cuties and they grew up into such gorgeous mancats!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy


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