Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The flashback this week is when the boys got an award in July 2009.

Award and Meme.

We got the,'Your Blog is a Dream award from Cheyenne Millie. and The Kitty Krew.
The rules of this award are to give seven beauty secrets and then pass it on to seven bloggers. Well we are not really into beauty like that so we thought long and hard and came up with these seven beauty tips.

1: Get plenty of fresh air if you can. It is good for your lungs. If you have good lungs you can yell louder.

2: Get plenty of exercise. It is good for keeping you supple. If you don't go outdoors, Thundering herds of Elephants is a good exercise for indoor only cats.

3: Keep your furrs clean. It is always nice to have a spotless tummy.

4: Check your reflection for blemishes. You don't want to smile at your mum with bits of mouse stuck between your teeth.

5: Keep your nails nicely sharpened. You never know when you may want to use them.

6: Get plenty of beauty sleep. You don't want to get bags under your eyes do you?

7: If you get the opportunity, roll in the dirt. It makes your furrs lovely and soft.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.
Same photo, two different effects.

For this one I started with Abstract at 40%, then added Scribble at 30%.

For the second version I started with Life Art at 50%, then added Sparks at 20%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 28.01.23
preview120pieceCaturday Art 2 28.01.23
I am also joining MessyMimi's Meanderings for the blog hop.


  1. Fun in the fields was always a joy to see. Such pretty art.

  2. All of it good advice, especially the rolling in the dirt... But if you get to live in a beautiful corner of the world, that's a head start.

  3. good tipps... we prefer rolling in the dirt... or in pigeon poop... then the mama goes bananas LOL

  4. Well these are brilliant tips heh! cute post :-)

    I liked the art too always stands out :-)

    Have a tiptastic weekend 👍

  5. Boys, you had just the place for keeping handsome. Thanks fur the angel reminders to us kitties. I never go out side, but most of the other things I do as a kitty. But I roll a lot on the carpet. Does that count? Precious

  6. Those were some great tips they shared.

  7. Those were/are fantastic beauty tips! I never get over the beauty of where you live; stunning views!

  8. Roll in the dirt...hahahaha!
    Lovely art, and enjoyable puzzles...thank you.

  9. We loved today's flashback; there's nothing like a good roll in some dusty, dry soil! MOL

    Oh my, the summer view with the ponies - it's just incredible!

    Happy weekend to mew!

  10. OMCs #4 and 6 made me giggle.
    All the rules are fantastic feline rules
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Those were excellent tips from the boys. Cute flashback.

  12. What a large field you have there, sweet Angels, such a beautiful sight and your 7 beauties are so funny, you sure knew what beauty is😸Both artworks are great too. On our way to do a puzzle😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  13. Those were fabulous tips! Nice artwork and thanks for the puzzles!!

  14. Beautiful pictures and great tips! Lovely artwork, too.

  15. Wonderful and useful beauty secret tips. Mom's catwork is especially pretty! I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  16. Wow - that first artified picture looks like a Van Gogh painting !


  17. Those are the best beauty tips i've seen in a long time. Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  18. These are the bestest Beauty Secrets! Kozmo told me he got them from somewhere, but could not remember...he is the best at YELLING -- Loudly! Now I shall tell mom I am making my furs beautiful when I am rolling in the dirt! You are AWESOME! Thanks for the puzzles! Purrs Marv

  19. Eric and Flynn were very wise. That was excellent advice. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  20. Look like an amazing day to look back on.

  21. We remember when there used to be so many awards, back in the day. Your beauty secrets are the best we have ever seen!

    The Chans

  22. MOL, the mice between the teeth bit was so funny. But so true, around here you have to check for spinach or kale between your teeth. Fenris is a silly doggie and likes Kale.

  23. Very cool Caturday art and wonderful lessons. My cats have Thundering Herd of Elephants mastered. :D

  24. That was such a wonderful and happy memory. We especially love tip #7! XO

  25. Those are all excellent beauty tips, boys. Thanks!

  26. I absolutely love yoor beauty tips. Especially the one about rolling in dirt. Note to self: Need to get some dirt. Love, Dori

  27. We can't imagine either of you having blemishes! 100% handsome!

  28. Wow, we did NOT remember THAT one! But it was all great advice. We especially liked 1 and 4.

  29. This is one I missed back when you boys first posted it. WHAT a pleasure.


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