Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week I have a mixture of  one short and two one photo posts.

Eric: It has rained so much lately that we haven't been for many walks. Today I am making the most of it and looking for mousies. The door to Mr and Mrs Mouse's house is here and I am trying to look in to see if any one is home. Nope, doesn't seem like it.

Flynn: While Eric is trying to visit Mr and Mrs Mouse, I am playing with the grasshoppers. I think they like to play because when they jump, I jump, and then they jump again. It is a fun game and they are nice and crunchy. Maybe they don't like that part of the game as much.

Easy Like Sunday.

The weather has got colder and rainy again so we take every chance we get when it isn't raining to get outdoors and take it easy in the fields.

Wordless Wednesday.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For the first one I used Tattoo at 75%, then added Quirky at 50%.

For the second picture I only used Life Art at 70%. I liked it as it was without adding an extra layer.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 11.02.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 11.02.23
I am joining also Messy Mimi's Meanderings for the blog hop.


  1. Oh I bet it is fun to look for mousies...or grasshoppers for that matter.I am waiting for it to warm up some as there are no fun critters when it is cold.
    At least we are getting closer to Spring!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Idyllic days outside on the farm . . .

  3. Those best buds always had such fun field trips! Such pretty art.

  4. Us pups have tried to crunch grasshoppers,, they really don't like that part of the game do they!!

    I was a very rainy day here, least we do not have to shovel that!

  5. That's the first time l've seen the boys
    outside the pots...HeHe! Not quite the
    same is it..! :).

    Shame the mousies were out...Bless!xx

  6. if the phenny is on mouse patrol he looks totally like eric... and he also jumps at the mouse hole ... maybe he is part time cat for coming from a breeder who also breeds cats? LOL

  7. Aww! I always like their field adventures with their "friends" heheh!

    Have a cutetastic weekend 👍

  8. We loved the bit about jumping with grasshoppers. You art is lovely, as always, we must get #1 to consult with your mum about this.

    The Chans

  9. Haha! No, I don't imagine the grasshoppers enjoyed that part of the game at all. :-D

    I don't think I'd ever seen a pic of the boys outside the pot(s), either, but rather snuggled up next to it instead. So adorable.

    As always, I love your artwork!

  10. Ginger Angels Eric and Flynn
    I love the tushtotush photo and the pot pose.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We have rain rain rain here right now; guess it's par for the course in February, unless it's the 's' word instead.
    I would be outside anyhow, visiting with The PO'M; he didn't mind my umbrella.

  12. Such a delightful visit every week seeing what the boys are up to. Mom's catwork is very pretty. I hope that Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  13. The mousie family probably tries to have other engagements when a cat comes called and i can imagine the grasshoppers didn't like the crunch part of the game much, either.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  14. Cute flashbacks. I love how they were always exploring together or snoozing together. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  15. I loved seeing the boys spend time together. They were true brothers. I know I've written it before, but I never get over that...

  16. The! Happy Caturday! :-)

  17. I bet that jumping game was a lot of fun! Maybe not so much for the grasshoppers though.

  18. Jumping after the grasshoppers! Oh it seems so long since I could do that! I am really tired of the snow (would you believe 3 months!) and would like the heat and the sun to bring the grasshoppers! And Grass! we would so love to roll in the grass! Eric and Flynn we LOVE to come and visit and see all the wonderfulness that is you. Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  19. Yeah, mousies and grasshoppers sure ARE fun ta play with. But the grasshoppers probly dont mind being crunchy. TBT once saw a praying mantis catch and start eating one and the grasshopper didnt even stop eating the leaf it had ahold of!

  20. We love these. It's always so dramatic seeing Angels Eric and Flynn in the grass. Their orange fur against the green is amazing.

  21. Looks like fun, playing with those grasshoppers. Are they as crunchy and tasty as moths, We wonder?

  22. You guys had so much fun together!

    We always love your art.

  23. It has been raining here so it sure was good to see you playing outside. We are hoping for a sunny day today.

  24. I always loved seeing the boys hunting and searching for critters in the fields.

  25. Grasshoppers had to make cheap easy free toys outside, m o l.

  26. There is nothing more satisfying than sleeping in a bed of dirt. Sadly, I no longer get to play in dirt. *sighs* Such a nice day you boys had. Love, Dori

  27. LOL at the grasshoppers not likin' the crunchy part so much... hahahahaha! Good protein though! Your fields have so much fun stuff to do in it. The best kind of life to have had. This weeks artwork is very nice too! XO

  28. I love how they were always in close proximity to each other. Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

  29. These are precious memories, indeed. ~hugs~ Be well!


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