Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

The flashback this week comes from March 2010 and was called:
Another Successful Day.

This is where mum's best most favourite horse, Mr. Who is buried. We like coming to his grave because there are lots of mouseholes there.

They have made the ground soft where they burrow and I whap with my paw to feel where they are.


Mum tells me she would rather I didn't eat them, but very often I do.

After that it was time to go back home.

The sun came out again and made our furrs look much brighter ginger. Eric decided to sit in the sun for a while.

Then mum called us and told us it was suppertime, so off we went again.

We went on ahead of mum so we would have time to sniff the gate before we went in.

An introoder cat comes around outside our purrison fence and poops by the gate, and he doesn't even cover!
Then we sit and wait for mum to catch up.
Hurry up mum! All this walking has given us an appetite.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For the first one I used Illusion at 35%, then added Scribble at 30%.

For this one I started with Flowers at 45%, then Emboss at 50%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric and Flynn1 20.01.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric and Flynn2 20.01.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.



  1. That was some fun hunting and a very cool out n' about for those sweet boys! Very pretty art too!

  2. Eric and Flynn sure were very close together and they enjoyed their field trips.
    Mousies... only our youngest, Speckie of 14+ loves to sit near areas where they have burrows. She does not eat them but brings them to me as an offering.
    Love the written story with the photos!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. That was a very successful outing! Though that was very rude of the introoder kitty, not to bury his poop!!

  4. wow that is a lot of amousement for you... we have a kind of disneyland here too, but in our cellier, the mama is not amoused LOL

  5. The tones in that artwork with the Angel Boys is magnificent. You know, sometimes I poop without covering it, too, like that introoder cat...

  6. Well Heavens to Betsy, to thinking Intruder would leave a mess right at the gate and not even put dirt over it. These two are too funny catching their mice. My angel Peepers what strictly an indoor Kitty but the house we had at that time unfortunately would get winter time mice in the basement. She loved to catch them which was great. But she would eat the body and leave the heads at the bottom of the stairs. I guess so I could do a headcount, lol.

  7. flynn..dood…ya dinna get a mouz for eric thiz time ?
    did ewe ever get ta meet introoder dood and bee friendz !? 💙😺‼️🐟

  8. Those boys were so close - in every way. I love that you all would go for walks together on your beautiful property. For you and for us as well, they are so much more than pets - they are our kids......our hearts.

    Love, Pam

  9. I love the way the photos tell a story, how the boys tell their story, the story of an outing, their day together is as if you (the reader) were there with them.
    (still wish I could get your posts by subscription!!!)

  10. You ate a mouse and THEN had dinner? Wow!

  11. Mr. Who was lucky to be loved by your devoted Mom.
    I bet he was a handsome fella too.
    Just as you two are handsome fellas
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. What a cute flashback love their antics heheh!

    Nice artwork too very vivid I love that word :-)

    Have a mouseytastic weekend 👍

  13. What a great adventure they had. I love seeing these pics.

  14. What another fun adventure! And yes, the sun sure did make their fur a much brighter ginger color!

  15. I love that forst one Boys...stripes and more stripes. I love stripes!

  16. I so look forward to enjoying these picture stories every week. Mr. Who was such a handsome boy and lived a very long life, surely on account of the loving care he must have received. Mom's catwork is very pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  17. Introoder cats are so annoying.

    I really like that second artwork, with Flowers and Emboss, it's quite lovely.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  18. Nice flashback. They were always on the hunt for mousies. :) Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  19. I am amazed how they always stayed together doing things.

  20. What great adventures they had together! :)

  21. I love the lighting in these pictures: a strong sun setting. And yes, it was another successful, fun, full day for the brothers.

  22. Another grand adventure for your beloved Eric and Flynn. It's wonderful how they did so much together.

  23. More lovely art - and what super adventures the Boyz had!

  24. Lovely adventures and art! The second artwork is our fave.

  25. The two of you had such a lovely life, mousing and exploring!

    The Chans

  26. We sure could have used you two mousers around here last week. Mom kept getting a terrible odor coming from the area around our refrigerator, not inside it. Lo and behold, there was a very dead mouse underneath. Guess we sibes aren't very good hunters.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. That was a great adventure, Angels Flynn and Eric, we especially loved that the sun was shining on your furs and the flowers that stood on the grave of your horsey✨ Now about that snack...did it taste well😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day Jackie🐾😽💞

  28. MARLEY: TBT encourages us to catch those mice! We not only get the mice, we get treats afterwards...


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