Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from March 2010 and there is a bonus video at the end.

Sunny Saturday.

At last we have got lots of sun and all the waterlogged ground is drying out. It's a little bit warmer too so we took mum out for a walk. I think I heard a mouse under the fence so I am listening carefully.

Yup, he's under there but I don't think he will be coming out.

Flynn has come over to have a look as well. Can you see the mousie Flynn?

We will just have to wait and see if he wants to come out to play.

And the bonus video.

Mousing Monday. (Not the same mouse.)

Warning! One mouse was harmed during the making of the video, but it was very tasty.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for caturday Art.

I used Flow at 45%, then Fairy at 34%.

My second one was an AI art of a ginger and white cat at Christmas. I forgot to use it at the time, so better late than never!

preview108pieceCaturday Art 3.02.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art2 3.02.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Those fabulous hunters sure were having some fun and I enjoyed the video too. Very cool art!!!

  2. I do enjoy your flashbacks. I'll bet the mouse was delicious (if you like mouse, that is).

    It's never the wrong time of year, to me, to see Christmas art or decor. It keeps things festive to have peeks at it once in so often.

    1. And I almost forgot to say, Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Oh, playing games with mice is great for all kitties.
    Our Angel Speckie was our mouse hunter, she brought me many love gifts!
    Loved the trophy video.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. I always chuckle when the boys take Mom out for a walk! Glad the sun had come out to warm the air and the ground was drying for the mouse hunt. Mom's catwork is so pretty. As another poster mentioned, I also enjoy Christmas art year-round. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  5. aaah good that you came up with the mouse today... so we could see no shadow, that means we will get spring soon...

  6. Loved this and the vid that mouse was very enjoyed heheh! always like the art as well :-)
    Have a flashbacktastic weekend 👍

  7. The boys would have done well,
    in anyone's gang...They certainly
    worked well together..! Bless..! xx

  8. One Mouse down and 10 million to go. Those boys would have had a job to last until eternity. My Angel Peepers would catch mice in the basement of our old house and leave me the head at the bottom of the stairs. Cats will be cats and don't we e love them. We have no sunshine here today so the groundhog will not see his shadow. Oh yeah, who would have ever thought we'd still have six more weeks of winter.

  9. Terrific footage of an apex predator doing it's job!
    When Sweetie and Celestial Paddy were outside, The Hubby and I witnessed both of them finding rodents from time to time.
    Lovely artwork, and I'll puzzle soon...thank you.

  10. OMCs about 4 months ago I grass was so dry it felt like tiny razor blades....then fast forward to our Fall it rained and rained cats, dogs and elephants. The grass/ground was so mushy I think I heard it calling out for a life preserver.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We imagine that quite a few mice met sticky ends when the boys were around, but that's nature!

    The Chans

  12. mouz ta share....ya shulda toll mum ore dad ta go find sum mor !! :) flynn...buddy...we gived
    yur moovee 984 PAWZ up, we couldna heer any sound but grate act shun ! ♥♥♥

  13. There always seemed to be plenty of mousies to hunt! Love that Christmas Kitty!!

  14. It was tough being a mouse on the farm

  15. I don't think that mousie wanted to come out and play.

  16. Awww, no mousies were safe with those boys. The Christmas AI is beautiful!

  17. They sure were good hunters. Nice art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  18. Great pics, video and puzzles! Thank you for sharing.

  19. Something tells me that mousie had no intention of coming out to visit! :)

  20. With the reputation the boys must have had among the hedgerows, I'm surprised any mouse let himself be smelled or seen when Flynn and Eric were near.

  21. Those boys were the BEST hunters EVER!!!! Love the AI - ginger and white cats are so incredibly gorgeous! Maybe that's because I am partial to them - LOL.

    Hugs, Pam

  22. Oooohh, I swear I can almost hear them bones crunching in that video!

  23. Great hunting boys! Mum would rather not watch, though. She's too sensitive.

  24. Amarula brought a mouse up from the basement the other day! She was very proud of herself I must say She would love to have farmland to hunt on!

  25. You'd think the mousies would have learned to stay away from might hunters Eric and Flynn!

  26. Those boys were certainly Mighty Mouse Hunters! Mummy felt a bit sorry for the Mousie in the video, but We hope the Boyz enjoyed the Tasty Snack!

  27. We loved seeing the boys hunting mousies. And the video of a catch! Well, isn't that what mousies are FOR?

  28. You both are such great teachers for us to learn the real work...we let Granny take them away alive and kicking, when she sees that we found a mousie, as if she's focused on it🐭Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day for you sweet Angels and for your mommy too🐾😽💞

  29. Jackie
    the dog can't hold his licker
    was my favorite too
    My nephews Mom, Kit, like the one that read
    I'm not afraid I'm a teacher
    Hugs Cecilia

  30. That was a wonderful catch! I know your Dad was very proud of you and your mom sure was! Your mom posted an excellent video of that wonderful catch!!!


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