Friday, November 8, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from September 2010 and was called, "It Happened Again."

Eric: Oh no! Wouldn't you just know it. As soon as our grass grew nice and long, dad went and cut it all down again.

I will sit here and watch it while Flynn sees if he can find any long grass to play in.

Flynn: I am looking hard but it seems like we will be out of luck.

Eric: While Flynn is doing that I will see if I can find any mangled mousies.

Sometimes the grass machine comes along and the mousies don't run back in their homes quick enough and then it is like having a buffet bar.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Rusty at 50%, then Sadness at 40%.

For Flynn it was reptile at 30%, then Scribble at 25%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 9.11.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 9.11.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. They looks so wonderful out in the fields, even with the short grass! Very pretty art too. Hugs from all of us!

  2. Very nicely done with the artwork. We would love to help the boys with that hunt:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  3. Such great hunters you two were.
    The artwork is lovely, and the puzzles were fun...thank you.

  4. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    Those two were quite a team and your wording with the images is purrfect!
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. we have the same here... maybe our people do that with purpose or to tease us? a good weekend to you

  6. I bet that grass smelled wonderful, though! It was a great field to hunt for mousies. (Poor mice!)

    I love the art, as always!

  7. Those two could have been out there raking hay and making bales. Instead they're out there hunting for mice. It look like a sunny day that day. Precious is feeling much better now that it's been 10 days.

  8. I think first we have to thank you for not showing any "mangled mousies" if indeed any were found! Regardless, love todays art, and as always love the flashback boys! Gentle hugs, Miss Jackie.

  9. Such lucky boys to have those fields (and even after mowing they might have a yummy mouse buffet!).

    Hugs, Pam

  10. Even if you didn’t find any mangled mousies, we bet it was easier to find their holes when the grass is short. Thank you fo the puzzles. Have a good weekend. Our mom continues to send lots of prayers. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  11. MOL MOL it happened again....what a fun title.
    Just when you can successfully hide in the grass to stalk the critters. What fine flashback from 2010
    Hugs cecilia

  12. Another fun adventure with the boys! Looking at all that grass makes me want to sneeze!

  13. Just when you get a nice jungle going, too...

  14. Boys, that grass is always so much and inviting looking when you are both out in it. BUT your Dad has a reason for mowing it...and also, it sure makes it easier to find you two when you are out and about.

  15. doodz…buff fay ala mouz soundz prette tastee…good werk on dad for trimmin that grazz down sew they wood bee eazee two find‼️🧡💛🤎😺 keep watchin out for mum…🌸🌸🌸🌸

  16. wearz R commint spam ham ….ina door jamb 🙀😡…doodz we canna even commint under “ da tabbies “

  17. Long grass is the best, I'm sorry it had to be cut so often. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  18. I love seeing your angels. They were so handsome and remind me so much of my angel, Sammy. Nice art. Thanks for the puzzles. XO

  19. Mangled mousies oh my. Mom found one in her Deebot. She was impressed the Deebot had enough suction to pick it up but sort of horrified too. We never thought about the lawn mower running over them we shall have to make sure to inspect the yard after the grass is cut for buffet makings.

  20. We always loved seeing Eric and Flynn in the tall grass. hen it got cut down, we suppose it made it even more appreciated when it would grow tall once again. :)

  21. Beautiful photos and lovely artwork.

  22. Those art effects are great. Never heard of the reptile one, LOL!! Maybe they need a mousie one...

    Sending love and prayers for you, Jackie. And for Ivor as he stands by you.

  23. Purrs and prayers for you, Ms. Jackie and Mr. Ivor.
    What lovely art!

  24. Mangled mousies and buffet bar- that's got dad roiling with laughter. As always, what splendid artwork.

  25. Don't worry, boys. The grass will grow long again, probably far too soon for Dad. Nice catwork! Hope you are both doing well. Until next time...Jean

  26. Enjoy your buffet, sweet angels😸😸Very nice pics and wonderful artwork. Healing Pawkisses for a relaxed week ahead, Jackie. Hope all's well🙏🐾😽💞

  27. A buffet of mangled mouses!?! Count us in! We LOVE the photos of you guys hunting in the cut grass! Makes us think of the warm days of summer (instead of how cold and rainy it is right now). Keep being awesome guys! Have a terrific week! Keep being awesome. Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo and Nutcase er Nutmeg


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