We are very happy to have made so many friends over the last three years. You are all great!
Mancat Monday

We got the Kreativ Blogger award from Ginger Jasper and this is what he said:
Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.
We are cheating here a bit because we had a different award a while back which we had to tell six facts about ourselves, so we have put the same facts again plus a seventh one.
Seven Things about us:
1. Flynn:When I am being scritched above the base of my tail. I get a snake's tongue. It flicks in and out really fast.
2. Eric:When I get back scritches I bite my feet and legs cuz I get so excited.
3. Both of us will only drink from the bath tap or rain puddles. The only bowl we drink from is our outdoor bowl cuz it has rainwater in it.
4. Neither of us will drink milk. We came from a farm where there were lots of cows, but milk is yuk. We won't drink cat milk either or eat cream.
5. We don't like human food much. We may eat a tiny bit of steak or shrimp, but we prefer Stinky Goodness or crunchies. We will not eat raw meat at all unless it is mousie.
6. We both love water. We paddle in it, sit in it, play in it. I (Eric) like to get in the bath with the Beans too. I lie on their tummies making biscuits, and let my paws and tail float in the water.
7. Flynn: Sometimes when we are in the fields I am so intent on catching a mousie that I don't see mum and Eric walking on without me. When I suddenly realise they have gone I yell at the top of my lungs until I see them again.
We want to pass this on to:
Samantha, Mr.Tigger and Maverick,
Dante, Dylan and Domino,
The Island Cats,
The Kitty Krew,
Wilfred (Mr.Grumpster),
The Cat Realm,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon.
Happy 3rd Blogoversary and may there be many more!!! Thankyou for being my furriends.
ReplyDeleteHappy happy happy 3rd blogoversary my gingerlicious friends. We so enjoy your posts, and look forward to reading them every day.
ReplyDeleteI am with you, I don't eat the people food and the only fresh meat I like is mousie too!!
Happy Blogoramaversary! Guureat to meet you! Thanks for visiting us =^_^=
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award!
ReplyDeleteAnd a very happy blogoversary to both of you! We are glad your mom remembered. Unlike someone who shall remain nameless. But her initials are jan.
Happy 3rd blogoversary, Eric and Flynn! We are so happy to have met you guys this year. You are grrreat furiends!
ReplyDeleteConcatulations on your award too, we loved to read those interesting fact about you both!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary! Like my human ever remembers anything for me.. sigh.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary! I always enjoy visiting the two of you to see what you've been up to!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award. Those are awesome facts about you!
ReplyDeleteWe housecats love reading about your adventures and seeing your pretty gingery faces (and from the backside, running across a field you are purrty cute too). Happy Bloggieversary!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary, boys! We really love to read your blog and see what you're up to. Those are seven very interesting things about you. And milk? It is yuck!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy we met you!
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy 3rd Blogersary!!!!!
So glad we are good friends!!!
Happy Blogoversary.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary Y'all!!
~Meeko & Kiara
Concats on your blogoversary!! Hope there are many more to come.
ReplyDeleteI liked the info about you both too.
Happy 3rd blogoversary!
ReplyDeleteThat is real interesting to read about you! Especially that you will get in the baths with your mum and dad! I'd be scared!!
Happy Blogoversary to you, the most wonderful of ginger cats! We hope that you have terrific adventures today and always!
ReplyDeletePurrrrrs and love, China Cat & Willow
Happy 3rd blogoversary! You both have such a pretty and big yard to play in! Lucky!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a big day for you. Congratulations on 3 years, you inspire me. Also, congratulations on the well deserved awards.
ReplyDeleteWow! 3 years is great! Congratulations and to many, many more!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award and those are some neat facts!
Wow, 3 years is amazing! We haven't even reached our first blogoversary yet! We love the picture of you boys heading for home!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary! And Congratulations on your award.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary Eric and Flynn!
ReplyDeleteAnd congratulations on your award!
And thank you for passing it on to us, we very much appreciate it!!!
And we LOVE the last sentence in # 5 - our maid is still laughing, hahahahahahahahahahaha!
happy happy bloggieversary guys!! wow 3 years is like forever! I am so glad that you both are still blogging and we are lucky enough to have you guys as furiends!
ReplyDeletehaha Momma wants to scritch your backs just so she can see your funny ways hehehe
You guys make and sure you celebrate.. with your momma too a cause she does type for you ;)
ReplyDeleteDat is pawsome! I luvs comings to your blog to sees your adventures outside and da such!
Concats on your award too!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary Eric & Flynn and many, many, many moooooore!! We are so glad to have meet you and become furiends!! Hugs and purrrs from our house to yours!
ReplyDeleteYour FL furiends,
ReplyDeleteHappy Third Blogoversary! I really enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations on your award. I love the interesting facts about you.
ReplyDeleteWishing yoo a very happy third blogerversary ~ we love reading your blog so hope you have many more blogerversaries!
ReplyDeleteWe were amazed about the bathing wiv your beans ~ yoo must love being in water!
Happiest 3rd Blogoversary! It's so cool that you've been around for so long. Wow!
ReplyDeletePurrs, Siena & Chilli
Happy Blogoversary, boys! Whitey can not believe you like water so much, Eric! Whitey also loves scritches, but I just purr really loud!
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd Blogoversary!
ReplyDeleteSniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy, Happy Blogoversary!!!
ReplyDeleteWe love you boys!
Concatulations! Wow - three years!!
ReplyDeleteA very happy blogaversary....
ReplyDeleteGlad your mum remembered...
Three years thats a long time.. Here's to the next three years..
Hugs GJ xxxx
PS good list and dont mind a little cheating at all, its good to hear them..
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! Hope you two have a great day!!! Love the list! Love the picture!!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE YOU TWO!!!
Happy Blogoversary, Eric and Flynn! We're happy we met you (two) too!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on that award! And thanks for passing on to us! We'll get working on some interesting things about ourselves!
Concatulations on your 3rd Blogoversary!!! Whoo Hoo!!!
ReplyDeleteLuf, Us and Maw
Happy Blogaversary!! WOOO HOOOO we is so glad that you is our furriends!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy third blogoversary! I am so glad I got to meet great mancats like you!
ReplyDeletehappee blogoversary! i luv u both ...
ReplyDeletecongratyoolashunz on yer award, too.
Happy Blogoversary Eric and Flynn!
ReplyDeleteConcats on yore award too.
Yall mite be a lil strange likin water dat much, but we is so glad yoo is our furriends!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree, and Pepi
Happy blogoversary, Eric and Flynn! Wow, 3 years is a long time. We hope you last many more, we love reading about your adventures.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award, and thanks so much for passing it on to us!
Purrs and hugs to you mancats,
The Kitty Krew
Happy 3rd Blogoversary to our ginger buddies across the pond! We so enjoy your blog and pictures! We look forward to it everyday! Love the picture of the two of you leading your Mum back home.
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd Blogofursary!!! You guys certainly have it down to a science by now!
ReplyDeleteI love all the interesting facts about you, but the one I find most remarkable is that you like to get in the bath with your beans. Incredible!!! You boys are both such characters.
Thank you for the award. Now I'm going to have to think of stuff to say ...
Eric and Flynn
ReplyDeleteWe can't believe it's your 3rd blogoversary! Wow how fast the time flies by. WE are so happy that you both bloggie brothers because we love love love reading about your adventures and you always make us whiskful when we see all the beautiful fields and meadows you have to play in. We just plain out love you guys and we are so glad you are here!
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
Happy Blogoversary!!!
ReplyDeleteHey guys, happy blogiversary. And congratz on your awards!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogo to you! And woohoo on that pawsome award :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary to you, Eric and Flynn! I am so glad I got to know you, and reading your blog is a joy.
ReplyDeleteHappiest best wishes on your 3rd anniversary.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this awardie, it is so well deserved and you two are such lovely endearing friends, I am so glad to know you.
purrrs always
Happy happy blogoversary Eric and Flynn...and many more!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary and wish you many more!!! We are new at blogging and just stopping by to say hello.
Happy Blogoversary, Eric and Flynn. Even though I don't comment, I lurk frequently and love to follow your lives on your blog!
ReplyDeleteYour friend,
Happy Blogoversary! If you guys have had a 3rd blogoversary, then that means that we had one too. Key word being HAD. Missed it apparently. Good thing your mom isn't as neglectful as ours! Purrs!
ReplyDeleteWe're trying (hard) to see if there's anyway we can say
one-thousand-and-sixty-eight times.*
We'll let you know if and when
we figure it out. Until then,
HB Day to two great guys!
*once for each day you've been
Congratulations on your award, and happy blogoversary. We hope you have many more blogoversaries to come.
ReplyDeleteTavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
ReplyDeleteWe hope you celebrate many more too !!
We read your cool list and were shocked to learn you like to get in water :O On purpose!!! ::shudder::
Other than that,you are both pretty neat cats!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Happy blogoversary!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary! Yoo know our the mom forgot bout ours dis year so it must be a mom bean fing to ferget dis stuffs?
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary, you big handsome mancats! (It's still July 20 where I live.) Mom rarely lets me blog or comment anymore, but she and I still check in on you.
Bravo! Well done! Congratulations on the accomplishment, and keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd Blogoversary, guys! I'm sure glad I know you..It's such fun to be in on your adventures and live in such beautiful fields (vicariously) with you. You're great mates!
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd Blogoversary, Eric and Flynn :-D