Friday, December 17, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

This is our last Friday Flashback as we have now reached the end of our 2009 posts. We may wait a year and do Flashbacks from 2010. Mum is thinking of going back through her oldest digital photos and some scanned ones and having a Friday's Favourite Foto Flashback. If she does, it will start in the New Year.
This flashback is from December 2009 and was originally


Mum got us out during a break from the rain so I took the opportunity to get up in my favourite tree.

Eric decided he would stay in the grass and keep a lookout for mousies.

Hey Eric! I can snoopervise you from up here.

Then mum called us to go back home, so I put my lasers on so she could see me.

She opened our own private gate so we could get back into the garden the quick way.


  1. Oh we remember this one! But it is still great the second time! We love to read about your adventures.


  2. Isn't it great to be up high? I am a climber too!

  3. Very nice climbing skills.

    Guess what? My mom person & I have created a blog,, and we'd love it if you would come over and check it out.

    It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. I really like that tree!!! Hey, that gate is way cool too!

  5. Doze tree shots are so much fun! A big handsom tree wif a handsome mancat in it. Duzn't matter what year it was, it's da greatest.

  6. Wow! You guys can see for MILES up in that tree! Next time, let us know, and we'll wave...

    We think a Foto Flashback would be neat, maybe Mommy will try it too.

  7. Eric, Rumblemum says we have mousies here, you guys should come hunting. (she's not telling the truth - don't tell her I told you!!)

  8. I really love where you two live - it looks like a great place for adventure!

  9. Bonjour dear friends,
    It's so nice your flashbacks, your pictures are wonderful and I love your beautiful place there.How lucky you are!
    have a great weekend,
    Stay warm

  10. We remember it too. Old pics sound good!

  11. That tree is fabulous...We wish we had a tree like that to climb! (The mom is shaking her head no, no, no for some reason.)

    We love the idea of older photos! The mom has so many thousands of us, maybe she should consider something like that too!

  12. We remember this post too ~ and now we have tree envy again!

  13. We remember this post too ~ and now we have tree envy again!

  14. Morning Eric and Flynn...we are enjoying the flashbacks!!
    Mom said you two are very well behaved to come when called very much unlike someone she knows who lives with Mom and the Dad.....I don't have a clue as to whom she might be referring. MOL

    Hugs and Happy Weekend,
    Madi and Mom

  15. We wish we had a big tree in our garden like that - we have to go on the roof if we want to see a long way!!
    We've enjoyed your flashback posts.

  16. Just as good the second time around.. Love the lazers.. Hugs GJ xx

  17. That is a great tree! What good boys you are to come in when your mum calls for you :-)

  18. Remember old adventures is funny XD


  19. Thank you thank you thank you :)

    We can't wait to open our Secret Paws package, especially as it is from two wonderful ginger mancats :)

  20. Thank you thank you thank you :)

    We can't wait to open our Secret Paws package, especially as it is from two wonderful ginger mancats :)

  21. We luff that video of you going through your private gate. Very cool!

  22. That private gate to the garden is just the best. That is a great tree to snooopervise from too. We don't have big trees like that here. But it is great fun to fun up the trees. Take care all of you. Have a good Sunday.

  23. You guys just have the COOLEST yard--with trees to climb and all. Just lucky---lucky indeed...will your mom adopt me?


  24. Looks like a great time of climbing trees and having fun. :)


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