Thursday, November 22, 2012


Mum just gave me my caterpillar.

It's been marinating in valerian root for the past week.

Mmmmmm this is good!

I can't focus

The room is spinning

I just need to wait a moment for those flying pigs to go past.

Oh look! There's some valerian. It must have been hiding in my caterpillar.

Wow! There go those pigs again!

Phew! I am exhausted after all that.


  1. I'm going to have to try valerian root on Jenna. She is a niphead but doesn't get excited about silvervine.

  2. Oh wow! Look at you guys having a grand time!

  3. Phew! And I'm exhausted just watching you! ...and a little jealous.
    ; ) Katie

  4. Oh, dear! No driving for you and stay away from big animals!

  5. OMC! We think we got a little buzzed just watching you. Flynn!

  6. Whoa! I hope you don't have a hangover from all that partying, Flynn!

  7. We luv marinated toys. Take it easy Flynn, you're up pretty high on that cat tree!

  8. Woah - go easy there boy. Just remember Eric is your brother, not some out of the body experience for you Flynn! We hope you get enough treats for when the munchies hit.

  9. What is this valarian root stuff I keep hearing 'bout? Peep says she knows of a plant called valarian... and herb of some sort. But she didn't know cats would like it. Do you have more info? Inquiring minds would like to know. And so would the peep. purrs

  10. Wooooooowwwwww, we think we seeing those pigs flying around here now we so into yours! Soooo, you gots the munchies now, Flynn? Hee-hee we are all nipheads here :-)

  11. oboy! You boys are really living the high life!!

  12. I didn't know kitties liked valerian, but you sure seem to be having fun! I might have to try that sometime.

  13. Flynn, that was quite a trip you just took. Looks like a fun and wild trip. Those pigs are just crazy, aren't they. Have a great day.

  14. Flying pigs, huh?

    We're having flying turkeys here today. Well, actually they're not flying anymore, they're.. basting..::ahem::

    We'll have to have some of what you're having for dessert, Flynn!


  15. Wow Flynn whatever you've had looks good to us!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  16. That looks like a really good time! We are going to have to give this valerian stuff a try... though we aren't brave enough to try it while on top of the cat tree like you did!

  17. I am going to have to try that valerian as I never have. Mum and I are laughing so much at your pictures.. Looks like you had a great time.. Hugs GJ xx

  18. Clearly that was effective marinating!

  19. OH MY STARS that is one powerful high you have going on Flynn
    Hugs to you all Madi and Mom

  20. That is too, too funny! I just love Flynn's face in those pictures. I hope you saved some for Eric!

  21. Oh Flynn you funny boy...your pictures made me laugh out loud!!!

  22. You look like you LOVE valerian! I think it is supposed to be a sedative for humans...but it doesn't seem to make YOU sleepy.

  23. That was quite some valerian trip you got there , Flynn !

  24. Looks like you had quite a trip, glad you didn't fall off your high place. :) Hugs and nose kisses

  25. Flynnie that is some goooood root you have there!

  26. That is a nice Thanksgiving appetizer!! Have a great day!

  27. Ooh, marinated is great! BTW, you look a bit marinated yerself, Flynn...

  28. High to you too!!! hehehe

    cats of wildcat woods

  29. Hang into your tower, dear. We don't want you to loose balance and fall off during one of the spins. Powerful stuff, you've got there.
    We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful you have allowed us to be your friends and join you in all of your adventures. God bless you all. Kari, Gran and us cats.

  30. MOL=we LOVE valerian root too!!...What a fun post, adorable Flynn, and sweet dreams to handsome Eric=we love you boys!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  31. You are so cute when you get all nipped out!


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