Monday, December 10, 2012

Mancat Monday and Blog of the Year Award.

A mancat is not afraid to go out in the cold even if it does make the fur on his back stand on end.

We have received the Blog of the Year award from Katie Isabella, The Island Cats and Ayla, Iza and Marley which means we have 3 stars.The rules are easy, you just send it back to whoever sent it to you and on to as many friends as you like. You can collect a maximum of 6 stars which you get from The Thought Pallette who created the award.

We want pass it on to Chey, Colehaus Cats, Hannah and Lucy, and Madi


  1. This is such a fun award, collecting the stars and everything and it doesn't require answering questions or anything! Congarats to you both and good luck getting all your stars. I would be happy to fling one your way too!

  2. Concatulations on the award - I am sure you will be up to six in no time!

  3. Oh wow! We are honored that you would think of us! You are only the second to give us one. Congratulations on your three stars! You deserve it!

  4. Concatulations! Plus, that is a great pic. You are both fine mankittehs.

  5. Congratulations on your award!!
    You guys are always the biggest stars!

  6. I hope you keep your stars warm, congrats!!!

  7. Concatulations! Yous will has all your stars before yous knows it!

  8. ha ha! Mommy calls those "Heating Hackles"!

  9. You do look a little chilly in that photo!

  10. You are very brave, Eric. And thanks for passing back a star to us!!

  11. Brrrr, you're giving us shivers just looking at you. Hope you got back inside and warmed up quickly! And thank you, Eric and Flynn for sharing a star with us! Purrs from your friends at

  12. Thank you so much for sending us our 5th STAR! We will MEOW at TBT to get it posted soon!

  13. Grayson does not enjoy the really cold days, mostly because his feets get wet... and then he has to shake them all over my desk. And me. srsly.

    Have a lovely Monday, boys!

  14. brrrr.. chill-ee!
    Concats on your stars guys!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  15. Concats on the stars! We've received a few, but has our human bothered with them? Nope. What a slacker she is.

    We'd like to wish you a wonderful holiday now, in case we don't get back to leave a greeting later. Our e-card is on our blog, if you haven't yet taken it and want to. :-)

    Much Light and joy to you all...and we hope you get LOTS of treats and presents from Santa this year!

  16. Oooooo, brrrrrrrrrrr and shiver! Good thing you have a nice, thick, fur coat to keep you warm ... AND a nice, warm house to go back into!

    And concats on the award. We definitely agree!! =)

    Grace & Company

  17. Eric, you are making us cold just seeing you outside in the BRRRR cold! Get back inside where it is nice and warm.

    Look at all those stars!

  18. Thank you for passing the award on to us - Mum is very naughty with awards but we will try to purrsuade her to help us with this one.
    Eric why are you sat outside in the cold when you could be somewhere nice and warm and comfy?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. look really COLD!!!

    ConCats on the award. That's a really fun one!!

    The Florida Furkids

  20. conga ratz E & F on yur awards starz and cash sum flounder, trout and salmon...that'lll warm ya up in a quik minit two !!!

  21. You fur standing up, Eric, makes you look even more delightful and sends your cuddleability factor right through the roof! (Hi, Flynnie.)
    Congratulations on your award! Lots of love to all.

  22. Oh Eric and Flynn thank you thank you thank you. I think we might have missed up the first time we rec'd it...we did not send it back to Ash, Traveler and Sherlock.

    So we'll send it back to you as soon as we figure it out
    Hugs Madi our BFFF

  23. We'd probably look like porcupines if we went outside in the cold! LOL

    Congrats on your award.

  24. Eric come and talk about cold weather when you have 5 inches with snow ;-)
    ConCATulation to the blogaward !

  25. Eric that is a great award.
    Concats on all your stars.
    Happy Mancat Monday.

  26. YAY! Concatulations! We'd be happy to send you a star! We just gotted our third one - but SOMEbody *glares meaningfully at mommy* hasn't taken the time to post about it yet. *cough*cough*

  27. You are an excellent manly mancat Eric!

  28. ahh, a man cat surveys his savannah to make sure all is well--no matter the weather. And I hope you we in soon to warm up--and get treats!


  29. You two sure are handsome mancats!

    We are giving you another star at our bloggie! :)

  30. oh, you make Mom shiver just looking at you...burrrrr...and concatulations on that award...I personally, really like this award, and trying to collect all 6 stars...someone put some thought into it...rock on Eric and Flynn, Savannah


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