Monday, August 4, 2014

Mancat Monday - Border Patrol.

Who wants to join me on my border patrol? I'll just have a quick scratch and we'll be on our way. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier.

Sniff sniff. No recent smells here so that's okay.

Hmmm something has been here......

and seems to have been heading this way.

I think they went this a way.

Or maybe it was this way.

That's the neighbour's field on the other side of this hedge

I think the introoder might have gone in there.

Come on, follow me!

Hmm, the scent has gone cold. He must have seen all us kitties coming and got scared and ran off.

Right everybody, back to my place for nip, silvervine and treats.


  1. Oh thanks for including me. I've never done a border patrol before!

  2. Oh that was fun, Flynn. Thanks for taking us along.

  3. Nip, silvervine, and treats sounds like a great plan.

  4. That was a great adventure, Flynn! Thank you for letting us tag along. :)

  5. I bet the intruder got scared when he saw all the kitties on his trail!

  6. That was so much fun, Flynn! You have the funnest things to do.

  7. Thanks for inviting us along, Flynn. We had lots of fun!

  8. Magic would have loved to join you but she's just getting better and Red is still grounded as everytime he goes out he looks like he is auditioning for a part in a remake of Born Free as he bounds off into the distance and through the neighbours broken fence.

  9. We enjoyed going in the fields with you Flynn and we must say your Mum is very generous with the treats.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Great border patrol run Flynn! I'm surprised not even a field mouse could be found....purrrrhaps they heard you were on the loose and they hid???

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. Flynn, you sure do a good job at that border patrol. Nothing is going to get by you, that is for sure. Have a great Monday.

  12. Flynn the world is safer from varmits due to your diligent border patrol
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Thanks for taking us along, it was a great patrol ! Good job ! Purrs

  14. Sounds like a party?! Lovely walk, thanks for taking us along!


  15. Good work, you deserve some treats.

  16. We WERE supposed to pee on everything, right? MOL!

    Thanks for taking us along!

  17. Good day on the job! After all that work a little relaxation is in order :-)

  18. Flynn you are so good at Border Patrol.
    Sue B

  19. Now that's my kind of patrolling Flynn!

  20. great job Fylnn and thanks for letting us come too,xx Speedy

  21. You look very intimidating all by yourself. Introoders beware!

  22. Woooo hooo! What a wonderful host and leader you are!! Bring on the nip! Love, Cody

  23. Thanks for inviting us along Flynn!!!

  24. Good work, everyone. With Flynn as our guide, we scared off the introoders!

  25. dood....chillaxin with slivervine nip & treetz soundz way better N lookin for border collies any way...18 cents anda sack oh fries sayz that dawgz in de next pasture over by now... any way ! ♥

  26. Sorry, Flynn, you’re on your own. I’ll be waiting in your house, laying on your bed and eating your food. Please be a dear and bring be back a smousy.

  27. Border patrols are great......and the nip & 'vine are fabulous too!

  28. Oh Flynnie! We'll always go along on your adventures! We think all of our mums enjoyed the patrol as much as we did! You're a splendid guide and perfect host. The nip and the silver vine help us forget our creaky joints and make us feel like kittens again!

  29. Enjoy!!!!
    After the snooperviser, you need all treats of the world!

  30. Enjoy!!!!
    After the snooperviser, you need all treats of the world!

  31. Sounds like fun, Flynn! Thanks for inviting us!

  32. We enjoyed doing border patrol with you Flynn! Thanks for the invite! On our way for the nip!
    Marty and Ralphie

  33. You are the intrepid intruder investigator. Sorry he got away, but a little nip of the nip sounds better anyway. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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