Friday, September 5, 2014

Eric's Day Flashback.

This week the Flashback comes from February 2008 and was originally a Mancat Monday.

One of our very important mancat jobs is to check that the straw in the barn is good quality.

We check that there is nothing there that shouldn't be there.

Sometimes we just sit quietly at the top of the ladder to make sure no introoders come in.

And on the way down, we smell the straw in case there are any mice hiding in there. It's important to check for mice because sometimes they chew the string that holds the straw bales together, then when dad picks them up they break. That usually makes him say bad words.

When we go back down the ladder, we have to be careful because it's easier to go up than down.

If you try to go down to quick, you end up down the bottom quicker than you'd want to.


  1. Those really were impressive ladder skills!

  2. We love to live vicariously through you and your adventurous farm life!

  3. Yep Eric, bale patrol is very important. Great ladder skills :)
    Happy Eric's Day!

  4. We're impressed how well you scale a ladder. Pierre went up a ladder once and found out that going back down isn't as easy as it looks.

  5. Angel Eric, you sure knew how to work that ladder! :)

  6. February 2008 - wowsers - Ă„iti was in England and i wasn't even born! Much respect for this. That straw looks wonderful. Do you still get to patrol there Flynn ?

  7. Eric, you ROCK !
    Guess what , I really don't know how to use da ladder :)
    And thanks for birthday wish , my mom totally forgot.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Eric certainly was a ladder master. Checking the bales is a great job.

    Spyro and the Gang

  9. Look at him on that ladder! And you reminded us it was THURSDAY and you know what the woman hadn't done? Yep. Working on it..

  10. What a great mouser Eric was!

    We hope Flynn is doing better on his methamazole.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Eric you were a great mouser and so brave coming down the ladder in the barn.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. What an exciting job to have! Especially the mousies part!

  13. What a great spot up at the TOP of the ladder - getting down looks to be a bit tricky BUT nothing stopped you did it Eric!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  14. Angel Eric always had the whitest of white chest furs. We love seeing his flashbacks and remembering all his adventures.
    Hugs madi your bfff and Mom

  15. dood...awesum ladder skillz cuzin boomer haz ladder skillz like that...once him wented up in de attic above de garage..noe one saw him, de ladder got folder up N closed....he started makin noizez N de peepulz started freekin OUT...

    scared de be jezuz outta em coz they dinna noe what wuz up IN de attic til de dad said....were iz boomer !!


    lets head ta de fish fry ~~~

    sauce ♥♥

  16. The photos on the ladder are terrific. Such agility and grace displayed. Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Eric, we still miss you... you live in my heart!
    Have a nice weekend friends!

  18. Eric the barn sure does look like a great place to play!!

  19. Those are impressive skills. Are those ghost orbs in one pic or dust? I heard Flynn is on thyroid meds. He's at a healthy weight and paws crossed for good results. Our other ginger and cream blogging friend Sammy is going through the same and responding nicely to meds. Weight loss is always a worry and I'm so glad it's not kidney disease or worse.

  20. That barn is such a fun place to explore!

  21. Great memory and we agree on the great ladder skills!

  22. hee hee...that's excellent ladder advice!

  23. Whoa! Lookit him on the ladder. Can you climb the ladder too, Flynn? That is so manly.

  24. Wow! You can come down the ladder too? Awesome!
    You kitties really live in a cats paradise.

  25. Don´t think I would dare to climb a ladder ?!


  26. so grand to see ol' eric again!

    mommer tells us the barn cat mouse patrol on her granpa's farm was a herd of about 9 kitties--no wonder! free moo juice, an' all the mouses they could eat. must be like kitty heaven, we bets eric is runnin' rings around those bridge mouses!


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