Friday, February 19, 2016

Eric's Day Flashback - Another Successful Day and Happy Birthday Mo.

Happy Birthday Mo! Thank you for all you do keeping the Cat Blogosphere up and running.

This week the flashback comes from March 2010 and is called:

Another Successful Day.

This is where mum's best most favourite horse, Mr. Who is buried. We like coming to his grave because there are lots of mouseholes there.

They have made the ground soft where they burrow and I whap with my paw to feel where they are.


Mum tells me she would rather I didn't eat them, but very often I do.

After that it was time to go back home.

The sun came out again and made our furrs look much brighter ginger. Eric decided to sit in the sun for a while.

Then mum called us and told us it was suppertime, so off we went again.

We went on ahead of mum so we would have time to sniff the gate before we went in.

An introoder cat comes around outside our purrison fence and poops by the gate, and he doesn't even cover!

Then we sit and wait for mum to catch up.
Hurry up mum! All this walking has given us an appetite.


  1. That was sure a successful hunting day! Happy Birthday to the famous Mo!

  2. It's nice that you two visited Mr. Who's grave. Do you still do that, Flynn?

  3. What a wonderful day you two had. Happy Eric's Day!
    Marty and the Gang

  4. We bet you boys were hungry after all that mouse hunting.

  5. That mousie-drumming technique is a good thing to remember!

  6. Sounds like it was a VERY good day!

  7. You sure knew how to have a good time together...mouse hunting and dinner sound like the purrfect way to spend the day!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. You and Eric had some great adventures. Guess what? I almost caught my own mouse! The other night we heard something in the wall and I started jumping up the wall and against the wall. We haven’t heard the sound again.

  9. An ALMOST perfect day - if just your Mum would have been faster - waiting for humans is so annoying!

    We're very jealous of the mouse though. Perhaps your strategy to go for mice instead of birds is better.

  10. That sure looks like a successful trip for you two. Your furs do look very pretty in the sun. We sure wish Mo a very Happy Birthday.

  11. Such fun you two had hunting together! Sounds like a good spot you found to do that too with all the mousie holes. What a great flashback.........

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Looks like a great day you two had. Happy Birthday Mo.
    Sue B

  13. I just love seeing all of the adventures you and Flynn had, Angel Eric. You sure were a great mouse hunter, not to mention especially stunning in the sun.

    And, we too are wishing Mo a happy birthday! Purrs!

  14. Looks like you two had a purrfect day out there !
    Me too say´s Happy Birthday to Mo :)


  15. We love seeing your Friday Flashbacks Flynn.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  16. Great flashback. I wonder how many mice you 2 caught over the years? Hundreds or thousands?

  17. What a beautiful golden sunset day that was. I love how you brothers were always together.

  18. doodz....thiz izza grate flash bax....we hope ya dinna mezz up Who's flowerz lookin for mize tho....

    N sew did mum bring sum mize home N barbee que em for ya ore did ya get tinz oh fish ??

    heerz two a flathead sculpin kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    fredz fried flounder N friez at 2 !!

  19. You guys had such great adventures - thanks for sharing them on Friday!

  20. hey Flynn,
    Guess what the Geek was allergic to cats. He got the sniffles within a few minurptes of being here. I was not insulted cause I thought his furs were smelly too. My puter is all fine it had a check up.
    I just love how you and eric were always bfff and did your perimeter patrol side by side.
    Hugs Madi your bffff

  21. What an adventure ! It looks like it was a wonderful day ! Purrs

  22. Gosh, how we love seeing you two outside. Love and kisses to you, Flynn and Angel Eric.

  23. Happy you didn't spoil your appetite with that mouse snack, Flynn. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. What a fun adventure and oh the sun setting on your fur was just glorious.

  25. those were glorious photos, loved seeing the two of you hunting mousies.....your ginger fur looked sooooo beautiful! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  26. Happy Birthday, Mo!

    That was a lot of fun you had, seekijg out the mouse holes and then: Score!!

  27. The snacks are always good, aren't they Flynn..MOL :D You two were so cute together. Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  28. We love seeing your ginger furs in the sunlight! On mum's screen , in photo #7 of you, your furs seem to be glowing. However, our Mum absolutely loves your mousing sequence. She gets all excited when you catch one!
    Eric, we will never forget you. Kisses for Flynnie.

  29. How beautiful - orange furs in the sun. Nice memories, well, maybe not for the mouses.

  30. Sun on the fur of a ginger is so pretty!

  31. What a great memory of a successful day of hunting! We do love seeing Angel Eric every Friday. Hugs to you, Flynn. And Mum and Dad, too!


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