Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Selfie

I was getting ready to take my selfie but my mum had to interfere. Doesn't she know that mancats don't wear bows?

If you've finished making me look silly I would like to go to sleep now.

You can see more selfies with the Kitties Blue at The Cat on my Head.


  1. Oh bows... totally not a mancat thing, but do moms care?? NO!

  2. Bow tie perhaps Flynn? You look splendid as always!

  3. Handsome as ever, Flynn, despite the "decoration"!
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  4. I think she was wrapping you up to give you to me as a gift. BTW, I LOVE my gift with the big white bow.

  5. A bow? Are you a prezzie for someone?

  6. Oh Flynn, you could never look silly... but could like very cute - and do!

    Love to you and Mum and Dad, too,

  7. Flynn, what can I say? You've just gotta deal with them sometimes.

  8. ooooO! Very posh Flynn!x
    And, no, you don't look silly!
    You look lovely! Because 'all'
    pussy~cats look lovely!x

  9. best to snooze through it Flynn then you can pretend it wasn't there...after all if you don't see it its not real,xx Speedy

  10. Just a bit of fun, Flynn! You know what humans are like!!!

    Have a nice Sunday.

    The Chans

  11. Flynn, I think you look handsome in your bow!

  12. I suppose we have to remind ourselves that humans can be silly sometimes but it's all in good fun! You look all snoozy and cuddly in spite of the bow........sending you hugs from this side of the pond - for you, your Mum and Dad!

    Love, Angel Sam

  13. Hehehehe - we love the disdain!

    Äiti rescued the envelope from you parcel from under Mirsku and found it had been stamped 'Missent to Malaysia'. It had been on a long. long joureny. Luckily the treats are safely in our mouths. Kiitos!

  14. Hi Flynn good to see you buddy even if your Mom did put a bow in the picture.

  15. Oh Flynn! The things we have to put up with!! But you do look quite dapper!! ;-)

  16. Humans are so silly, Flynn, but you look extra mancatly even with those bows!

  17. I think you look great with a bow or without. You are a handsome boy. XO

  18. We agree, that kind of bow is not for a handsome mancat like you ! Purrs

  19. Fear not Flynn, your manly fatness is not imputed, and whilst I like princess pink, I do draw the line at bows, and collars.... though if anyone offers a diamond ring I might just be swayed! Purrs, Erin

  20. Hahaha. I love the hint of claw in that first picture! Handsome as always, Flynn. I guess a bow is better than clothes, right?

  21. Flynn, we mancats would not like the bow, either.

  22. Even tho you's a mancat, you look pretty good with that bow.

  23. You look very handsome!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  24. A bow cannot disguise your handsome mancatness!
    Back to sweet dreams, dear Flynn.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  25. Oh Flynn- you are handsome as always ! Purrs to you and your humans.

  26. We think your mom put a bow on you because she knows you are a gift to humans.

    Emma and Buster

  27. The bow is there to show how special you are Flynn. You look fantabulous to us.

    Shoko and kali

  28. I can TOTALLY understand 'bout the bow, Flynn, but truth be told, you wear it very well. Clearly, you're a professional selfie-taker, for sure. PURRS.

  29. Flynn, you are more tolerant than Mr. M ... that bow would had required a lot of treats.

  30. Oh Flynn, you do look mighty good even with the bow on. Those humans, they are always doing silly stuff to us cats. You all have a great week.

  31. We think you're a confident ManCat who can most definitely wear a bow!
    The Florida Furkids

  32. You don't look silly Flynn! You look as sweet as can be :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  33. heeeee! But you wear it so well!! ;-)

  34. You are your Mum's best present ever so therefore a big bow!!! We sometimes have to endure the whims of our petcretary too.....

  35. It's a good look for you, Flynn. Once upon a time, really stylish males wore lace!

  36. With the white bow tie, you look like you're a member of a wedding party. So handsome! Can we steal a little kiss?

  37. Yeah, you don't look too thrilled with it, Flynn...

  38. dood..frank lee we thinkz ya look grate ina tie but if mum triez ta make ya wear pantz.....go with plan Z.....heerz ta 9 tinz 44 kitten chowz % 7812 purrcent kibble :) ♥♥♥

  39. Flynn, you would look great no matter what you are wearing! I just love your fur coat look!

    And thank you for posting a photo of our dear Tabby on your blog!!!!!

    Debby in Arizona


  40. Thank you for your post expressing sympathy to us for the loss of our dear Tabby.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to be supportive in this way!

    Debby in Arizona

  41. Flynn
    That is one huge bow
    Hugs madi your bfff

  42. Flynn, manly man-cats, like yourself, where whatever they want. Though we know you didn't want to wear this bow, we think you look quite handsome. Sending lots of love and prayers to Mom Jackie and all of you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  43. * Giggle * you are da BEST gift for mom =^x^=
    Sweet post , Flynn

  44. At first, I thought you were wearing the dreaded cone of shame. Imagine my relief at understanding that you were decorated with a bow! Whew!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  45. That is quite the bow, Flynn! Please give your mum some headbonks from us, okay? We are keeping her in our purrs.

  46. no. YOU bring manliness to it! NO one would ever say it was not appropriate.

  47. Oh no! Not the BOW! I run when I see any kind of bow. At Chrispmouse I'm a fweakin' neurotic mess, I tell ya. Bows everywhere! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Flynn. So nice to meet mew.

  48. Well, I can understand you not wanting the bow, but you can get away with it!

  49. ps-love your comment -More to the point, did you find anything good in there?

  50. Tell Mom you want a very nice tie instead of a girlish bow

  51. Oh Flynn wee are berry late vizitin (LadyMum iss BERRY ill with Sinusitis an Bronchitis); so mee dashed over as soon as mee could!!
    Now let mee say wee mankatss are NOT bow types however maybe yur Mumma was tryin to create a peece of foto art sayin yur a 'gift' to her an yur Pappaw. What do you fink???
    Now a snazzy Green tie fur St Patirkc'ss Day wood bee berry kewl.....
    ***Hi-5'sss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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