Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art. In Memory of Crockett

Sadly, earlier this week Crockett had a tragic accident and tomorrow would have been his 5th Gotcha Day. I am joining all those who love and miss him and dedicate this post to him.
We miss you, Crockett.

This week the flashback comes from August 2012 and the photos were taken during one of our hotter summer's days.

Relaxing in the Grass.
Flynn: We were out walking and the sun was getting hot but there weren't any trees close by to get in the shade. The next best thing is to lie down in long grass and that will cool you down.

It looks like Eric has found a better spot.

Hi Eric, mind if I join you?

Ah yes, this is much better.

You still there Eric? I can't see you.

Eric: Of course I'm still here.

Now I can't see you Flynn.

You know what Flynn, I think I want the spot that you've got.

Eric: Well if you won't let me have that spot I will sit here and sulk until you do move.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and used the next to last photo.

I used Lunapic as usual and started with Fairy at 40%, then added Picasso also at 40%. I have felt that my art has been turning out too similar each week so added Frost at 50%.
It turned out much darker than usual and I am not really happy with it.
I saved it, then removed the Frost effect and added Flow at 50%

I am happier with the bright colours in this version. Let me know in the comments which you prefer.
I have made both into puzzles.
preview99 pieceCaturday Art 18.05.19 version 1
preview99 pieceCaturday Art 18.05.19 version 2
I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Feline Friday.



  1. That was some fun grassing with those boys! Love the art too.

  2. That was some serious high grass to play and hide in!

  3. They definitely looked comfy in that grass.

  4. Ah! Bless!xx True brotherly love! 🐾🐾🐾

  5. Flynn was very intelligent to use the high grass to get some shade heheh!they seemd to enjoy bathing in the shade there :-)

    The artwork stands out doesn't it :-)

    Have an artistictastic weekend

  6. We were always a bit jealous of you two being able to romp in that fine brass!! What a pawsome memory :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  7. Cool green grass is wonderful and I'm certainly taking advantage of it lately. A nice lie in the sun in the grass is SOOO nice - a bonus is that the grasshoppers are out and I can leap on one when it passes by! Such GREAT flashback photos of the ginger twins....

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. Oh Eric and Flynn you two were hunkered down in the cool grass just waiting for the buffet to come to you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Absolutely love the fourth photo down, the one in which the two are lying, each in their little grass oasis!

  10. cats nesting in the grass...looks like they had a fine time!

  11. That is a good spot to get in the shade. We have lots of tall grass here too. You all have a great day.

  12. Love this flashback! Can imagine the grass smelled wonderful too.

  13. Those two look like they were great buddies! :)

  14. I love your flashbacks. Precious memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  15. You know Jackie it is just as I picture them at the Bridge together playing the fields of the artwork, both pieces are terrific but for different reasons.

  16. Great snuggling in the grass photos of those sweet boys. Nice artwork. Hugs

  17. doodz....we thinkz purrhapz dad pree pared thiz spot for ya both... bee for ya headed for de feeldz... that waz nice oh him AND him picked a burd free zone !! :) ♥♥

  18. That grass looked super cool. I bet it was thick and cushy and so comfortapurr to lie in on a hot summer day. Love these photos!

  19. your artwork is beautiful and I always loved watching your boy's adventures in the lush green grass!

  20. I love these shots! Must've been such a nice feeling for them to lounge on that grass!

  21. Such lush grass. I'd want to play in it, too.

  22. What one wants, the other wants, it's the way of it. Happy Friday!

  23. Those look like some cool spots to lay in. We cats always want to sit right where another is. Love the art and all the great photos

  24. Such cuties. I love how they were always together. Thank you for 2 puzzles- I was the slowest, but I had fun :) XO

  25. You do the best art. TW would be afraid I'd bring home fleas if I went in high grass like that.

  26. Those boys were sure having fun that day! Love the art, the colors are so cheerful.

  27. Dear Eric and Flynn...I know you two Gingers were there waiting to hug your fella Ginger angel Crockett.
    Hugs cecilia

  28. Always sad when a kitty crosses the bridge,especially cute orange ones. We still miss Eric and Flynn.Now little Crockett.
    WE do like the Friday flashbacks :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  29. Lovely art and purrfect for Wear Orange for Crockett.

  30. Those boys sure had a lot of fun in that tall grass. We like to roll in the plush grass too. Ours is getting super long with all the rain. But Mom won't let us out to play since we have lots and lots of storms here today:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  31. We've been heartbroken over Crockett all week. So glad the cat blogosphere is honoring him this way.

  32. Great Orange Tribute as only the Orange Angel Kings can do

  33. Thank you for remembering Crockett today.

    There's nuffin like an orange brother.

  34. What a lovelee way to reememburr Crockett an Eric an Flynn! Such hansum orangey man catss….they are all rollin inn long green grass together inn Purr Land. Wee will miss Crockett so much...iss still hard to rap mee head 'round him beein gone.....
    An Miss Jackie yore artwork iss furabuluss! You are so talented....
    **purrsss** BellaDharma

  35. What great spots you found in that grass, Angels Eric and Flynn. The green against your gorgeous orange furs is so striking.

    Thank you for remembering Crockett. XO

  36. Orange kitties make for a great Orange For Crockett tribute!

    We like the brighter version of your art the best:)

  37. Cute photos of the kitties playing in the grass :)

  38. I like the brighter colors for the boys.
    Eric and Flynn, you handsome orange boys! I know you were waiting for little Crockett. I know you showed him around and made him feel welcome. XXX

  39. The last one, where you added the Flow at 50%, I think is just beautiful. I really like what you did with it. Your sweet boys always knew how to get comfy and enjoy themselves. I can just imagine how cool that grass felt down against the ground. Hugs to you.

  40. That was such a ginger tribute to dear Crockett.

  41. Two gingers in the tall, green grass. Could there be anything better? - Tom x

  42. Orange kitties are just the best! I think cats love to hide in tall grass...maybe they think they are in a jungle!
    I do like the brighter picture, too. :)

  43. We know that Crockett was reading this from the bridge. And we know his family really appreciated it here.

  44. your boys are perfect in their natural orange, I am sure they are protecting Crockett at the is beyond tragic and so heartbreaking. He will be deeply missed but always loved as your boys are xoxo

  45. You boys always make me smile, and sometimes laugh, too. But sharing the brotherly love is a good thing, but I do think there was loads of that grass to go around MOL I am totally envious of that grass, by the way, as we have very little long enough lay in and hunt the mice.
    Lots of purrs

  46. Love to watch kitties in the long grass! Sweetie loves it so much, that The Hubby has left an area of tall grass just for her edification! She's so cute, napping in her private jungle.

  47. Pushing yer way down to the cool ground sure does help cool us off.


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