Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from October 2007 and is called:
The Prison.

Flynn: Yoo mite be wondering where the nice hedge that has lots of mousies living in it has gone. Well dad got a big masheen and it ate it. Cuz there wuz nuffin there after the masheen eatid it, dad had to build a fence to keep us in. It's like a purrizzin.

Eric: What's this ladder doing here?

I better go up and haf a look and see what's out the uvver side.

Hmmphhh nuffin diffrunt than yooshull, mite as well go back down.

Flynn: Well if yoo had a look, I'm going to haf a look too.
Can't see ennyfing at all.

That's better, now I can see.Dad sed he built this big fence so we can stay in the garden all day if we want, and mum won't haf to keep watching us all the time. It's ok cuz she's still going to take us furr walks around the feelds too.

Did yoo see that skeery pikchur yesterday? There is a ghost living in our fence. Mum sez it is watching us to make sure we are good boys. Yoo bet we are going to be good!!

This week the random photo was chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 23.03.12 and is of the boys in their plant pots. I am using this photo for my Caturday Art.

I used Floating at 40%, Beauty at 50% and Sadness also at 50%.
preview99pieceCaturday Art 8.08.20
You can see more art with Athena, the Cat Goddess.

I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Feline Friday.



  1. That was some serious ladder fun and those pot boys were world famous for that photo!

  2. That is a tall fence... I had a cat-tree with a ladder similar to that, but I replaced it because I was scared one of the beasts would hurt themselves missing a step when they grew older... And what was with the eyes in the fence? Yikes!

  3. Oh, yes, the plant-pots. No better comfy spot for the brothers...

  4. I always love seeing the boys in their pots.

  5. Wow--climbing that ladder looks like it was tons o fun! And the pot-sleeping pictures made is LOL a little--it looks like the boys just grew there ;-) Have a great weekend!

  6. Ah! Bless!xx
    And..One of my most favourite photos..
    The boys in the pots..! :).

  7. A safe yard was allus good. We have one ourselfs. The ladder ta look over the top was a nice thing.

  8. MOL MOL MOL definitely new to me since my first blog post wasn't until June 2009.
    Eric and Flynn there is something to be said for Ginger men who are good at ladder climbing: they are successful
    Hugs cecilia

  9. So precious! Blessings of safety and wellness! Deborah :)

  10. Great memories! We always love seeing the boys in their pots. The ghost in the fence is skeery!!

    Thanks for the puzzle!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. If there is a ladder then you need to climb the ladder. Good job. Kitties love to sleep in flower pots. They just do. Adorable memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  12. Dad could always paint the fence, the ghosts are very scary!
    And yes: two purrers in two pots, best photo everever!

  13. doodz....act shoo a lee yur prizzon fence total lee rocked....ewe can stay in N burdz can stay OUT......uh...wait a minit ~~~~~~~~~~

    any way , we DUE see de monsturr ON de fence N how kewl iz that pot fotoz....we shulda played de lottree that day we picked thoz numberz :) ♥♥♥

    let uz noe when ya knead sum mor numberz picked !!☺☺ ♥♥♥

  14. The fence monster should scare intruders away. Nice acrobatics on the ladder! Yes, that is a wonder photo with the pots!

  15. Aww! nice memories as always and art love those ladder ones heheh!

    Have an artistictastic weekend :-)

  16. You were very good boys not to go over the top of that fence. We know that if we could climb a ladder, we would have been off and running far and wide:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Angel Dudes, that was a kick-butt fence!
    Funny, none of The Eastside Cats have ever climbed a ladder...
    Thanks for the puzzle...I'm off to play!

  18. That picture of Eric and Flynn in the pots is one of our favorites.

  19. Amazing how what you thought was a prison turned out to free you for more garden time. Love the Caturday Art!

  20. Whoa! I was afraid Flynn was gonna jump the fence. Whew! Love the art and thanks for the puzzle.

  21. How fun seeing the boys climb up and down the ladder. :) And we LOVE seeing Eric and Flynn in their plant pots. :)

  22. The classic plant pots! What a sweet share! Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your weekend too. HUGS across the miles XO

  23. WOW - ladder climbers! Very impressive! I have always ALWAYS loved the photo of the boys in their plant pots. That's the very best "plant" of all!!

    Hugs, Pam

  24. What a great treat -- a ladder to climb and have a lookout post! Oh one of my favorite all time photos is of the two boys in the pot! Great artwork!!!

  25. Cute flashback, they didn't miss a thing. I love the photo of Eric and Flynn in their flower pots. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  26. Ooooh, those boys sure were daring on that ladder! And that fence face- how awesome is that?!

  27. I have always loved seeing those boys in their pots! Still do. It would be a beautiful and smiley picture on the wall! And those two on that GOSH!

  28. The Ghoulie in the Fence was furry scary!

    We love your Flowerpot Art! Mummy says it reminds her of Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men (mol).

  29. What a change fellows. At least you can still go out with the parents. It may help keep Introoders out too. We love any photo of you in your pots YAY

  30. These flashbacks always warm our hearts.

  31. Great flashbacks, and the double potted kitties is a winner!

    The ghost?? Not so much, MOL!

  32. We finally did the puzzle! It was fun, but we refuse to tell anyone how long it took us, LOL. Hope you are having a good week!

  33. I love the boys in the planters. And that sure is an interesting part of the fence. I'll have to pay closer attention to our fence now.

  34. Thanks for coming to visit us so often! Especially since we were gone for sooooo long. ::glares at Human::

  35. Frodo loves climbing ladders too! Can't change a lightbulb without him climbing up the ladder!

  36. Both also very inquisitive indeed! Hahahaaa so cute sleeping in the pots.

  37. Eric & Flynn,

    I did see that ghost in your dad's fence. He might have to have it exorcised. I mean, who wants a spooky spirit always watching? Enjoy your new purrizzin...I mean garden. Thanks for visiting, furriends. Have a pawwwsome day!

  38. Precious photo memories of Eric and Flynn ~ so sweet ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. Mee-yow wow that iss sum fence!! Butt it iss a guud fence so that THE Boyss did not wandur off Miss Jackie!
    Love yore artwerk too!
    **purrss** BellaDharma
    Pee S: LadyMew said shee did a commint last week butt mee not so sure...mee apawlogizess on her beehalf!!


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