Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art

This week the flashback comes from November 2007 and is called:
Ear Washes.

Flynn:  Do you know what Eric? I don't trust you the way yer lying there. You look like yer planning sumfing.

Uh oh, when he gits on my back he sumtimes starts biting my neck and I don't like it.If I yell loud enuff, mum comes and rescues me.

Huh Eric, why are yoo sniffing my ears?

Oh that's all right. he's just going to wash them furr me.

He's still lying on me though.

Do you want me to wash yer ears furr you now Eric?

Aaaargh! I wuz only giving them a good wash. You didn't haf to put the bitey on my throat.

That's enuff of that, and you can stop looking at me out of the corner of yer eye like that Eric.

My random photo this week was chosen by Katie Isabella who asked for 25.09.10

The mouse catcher and the watcher.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.
I have used the random photo and one from the post.

I started with Smoke at 60% then added Landscape also at 60%.
I am not happy how it turned out. It is too dark and gloomy. I should have started over again but was running short on time.

This one turned out better. I started with Beauty at 40% then added Flow at 25%.
Of course there are puzzles.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 15.08.20

preview99pieceCaturday Art 2 15.08.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.


  1. Aw, it's nice seeing the brothers being so conscientious about each other's welfare - even if it became annoying for one or the other, eventually.

  2. Earwashing seems to be part of the mutual groomer's Pipo and Minko used to do that a lot...and Minko would also wash MJF's ears. He would go up to him and beg for it, MOL!
    Pipo was the neck biter to Minko...

    Thanks for the puzzles, too:)

  3. that is a very good idea to clean your ears before da humans come with their equipment... we will try that too LOL

  4. Aww! how cute do they look in these pics and a bit of bitey heheh!

    I liked the art versions as always :-)

    Have an artisctictastic safe week 😷😷😷

  5. That post is from before we even started blogging. The boys looked so cute!

    Have a good weekend!

    Tama and Genji

  6. What a wonderful flashback post....the boys were absolutely devoted to each other - ear cleaning included! Love both of the puzzles - the photo effects are spectacular on both of them.

    Hugs, Pam

  7. One good wash deserves another, but not a bite. Silly boys!

  8. This is so sweet and precious! And of course the art is beautiful! Have a fabulous Friday & weekend! Deborah

  9. Sweet moments! Have a happy weekend!

  10. Pawsome flashback. We do ear washing here but it sometimes ends up in a smackdown. The artwork is cool and thanks for the puzzles!!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Clearly I could have used as devoted a sibling as Eric and Flynn...I have always had to clean my own ears.
    I smiled all the way thru this post
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Angel boys, Manny and CB always start with ear licking, then biteys, then racing around the house...then licking, finally sleeping together!
    Thank you for the puzzles...I'm off to play.

  13. Aw, so adorable. It's wonderful to groom each other. What wonderful memories you share here.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  14. That was some seriously fun ear washing!

  15. We just saw Seal and Simon "ear washing" ... is there something special going on today?
    (Cute photos ...)

  16. doodz...all theeze ear washin fotoz bee awesum....pluz we think mum dida grate job with yur art peezez....speekin oh awesum we hope her haza awesum day two morrow ;) ♥♥♥♥♥♥

  17. Those times of ear washing are the best. I have them with Rumpy and we switch off too. Great stuff and we love the catcher and the watcher. Thanks so much for the wonderful memories

  18. Sweet brothers:) We like to clean each other's mouths, but we leave the ears alone:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. That's so sweet, even with some bitey ! Purrs

  20. They were such cuties. My Sammy used to do that to Prancie every day and she would cry for us to save her. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  21. We remember this post...well none of us do, (except Angel Nellie and Mom). There has not been any earwashes here since Nellie went OTB. Now if we have time, we will go and do the puzzle.
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  22. That was some mighty fine ear washing by Angels Eric and Flynn. What about 25-3-2011 for a flashback?

  23. What a lovely set of photos of Eric and Flynn. They were so close! Love the artwork.

  24. Funny, I rather like the "smokey" effects on the first photo! Ear washing-we can take it or leave it! I mean the "activity" and not your photo!

  25. Whew! I'm glad it was only an ear wash. I thought Eric was gonna hump Flynn.

  26. They are so adorable!

    As for the artwork - We, too, prefurr the second one.

  27. Thank you Boys! That was on my mommy's birfday! You boys are just the right present!

  28. This is a favorite and the ultimate in brofurly love!

  29. Good night, how are you? I'm from Rio and looking for new followers for my blog. And I will follow yours with pleasure. New friends are also welcome, no matter the distance. I'm follower number 253.

  30. Cat dynamics are so interesting to me. Bear's our alpha. He'll go up to Ellie and lick her until she moves. It's fascinating to me that he does that to assert his dominance. He also bites the back of her neck sometimes if she doesn't get the message. Cute pictures of the boys though!

  31. Those ears must be clean and shiny, sweet Angels, but you did mislead me at first...MOL...Great artwork. We like the ear-wash-art very much😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday, Jackie and Angels🐾😽💞

  32. Aww, they were the cutest! Dexter does this to Sophie - he cleans her ears all the time!

  33. This made the Human laff and laff! She had two big ole bruiser boys named Mr. Teeth and Clark and a lot of their 'friendly' mutual grooming sessions turned into wrestling matches. Heh heh. They were bad boys!

  34. Frodo often gets the same look in his eyes when he goes to wash Zulu's ears!

  35. Oh they are so precious ~ sweet kitties and great photos too!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  36. They are super adorable!

    Fabulous artwork!

  37. They look so funny together !

  38. We had a HUGE Sweet Gum tree damaged by lightning 10 years ago. 20' of it fell down last week. It only missed a new Dogwood sapling we planted last year by a foot! That is going to be some serious chainsaw work...

  39. So cute! I like the funny captions about them looking and cleaning each other's ears.


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