Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This flashback comes from June 2008. It refers to Eric feeling better again. Long time followers may remember when Eric couldn't poop for nearly 2 weeks which resulted in a lot of vet visits, enemas, a GA and a bowel flushing.

Flynn: Now Eric is feeling better again we are going on our walks around the fields. I check furr mousies in the hedges.........

and we sit in the grass and listen.

We check under the broken slabs. They like to build their nests under there.

Eric: We listen in the grass again.

Yep, sounds like something here.

Then when we have finished, we go and sit in our tree and watch what is going on.
Eric: Trouble is, even when we catch a mousie, mum takes it away furrom me. She says I am banned from eating them because that might be what stopped my interestings from pushing the poop through. Not fair!
*Note: Interestings is what Eric called his intestines.

The Random photo this week was chosen by MessyMimi who asked for 3.08.10

Relaxing in the field after a walk.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.
I used the photo of the boys in their tree and used Flow at 40% then added Sadness at 30%.

Also the random photo and used Colour Scribble at 80%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 17.07.21
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 17.07.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. We remember when that poor boy couldn't go but romping in the fields was wonderful after that. Love the art!!!

  2. Our inner parts are quite interesting in how they work, or sometimes don't work, that's certain.

    It must have been a huge relief to you all when things got back to normal and the boys could go outside again.

    Thanks for the lovely photo of them in the field!

  3. Yeah, you never know what might have bunged up the 'interestings'. Better safe than sorry!

  4. Historical Facts: Buddy Budd's Interestings had a block too. The secret service (vet) said he had a dam built up by the lippy Noma gang (Lymphoma) who were hiding out after preventing him from enjoying his treaterz. The Fire Department (enema) streamed the gang and they were flushed out of hiding. He proceeded to have many years of spy work including Floppy Buddy and others. Great Post friends Thanks for Sharing and we are so glad you got a good report

  5. PS Love the Boys in the tree and your Art. That is a Cat photo all the way!

  6. OMGosh! I LOVE cats! My mom has a female cat that looks very much like your boys. She is not very adventurous, though!

  7. we love the tree foto, ist is great!!!... we had this problem once with Easy... the vet did things we can not describe.... but we celebrated the first pile like a birthday..

  8. Poor Eric. That bowel ordeal must have been really super unpleasant.

  9. I'm still trying to figure out the arrangement of both boys in the tree ... looks like one on top of the other!

  10. Had to be awful to have your interestings uncooperative for two whole weeks! Glad that was "fixed".....Have always marveled at how those handsome boys enjoyed climbing trees to get a better view. They were absolutely "THE DYNAMIC DUO".

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  11. And then straight back up to his antics heheh! nice memories and love the art version too :-)

    Have a memorytastic weekend 👍

  12. Oh no Eric...2008 was before we were blogging. What an ordeal that must have been. My first grandkitty, Cali had mega colon which made her quite uncomfortable. Once while favorite SIS and BIL of Angel Madi was on vacation we kept Cali here. OMCs she had a bad episode we were at the ER vet in the wee hours. Thank goodness that was cleared up
    Hugs and Happy weekend Jackie and Ivor

  13. We love the tree art. We can't remember if we were around the CB in 2008, so long ago now. What a terrible time for you all, though -- with a happy ending, no pun intended!

  14. They sure loved hunting mousies!!! Great art and thanks for the puzzles.

  15. I hate it when our babies don't feel well. A happy ending here. No pun intended.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  16. Another cute story! The art is soft and beautiful! Happy Friday! :) <3

  17. So glad you started feeling better, Eric, and were able to rejoin Flynn in your mancat adventures. Mom knows best though in regards to those mousies! Hope Mom is feeling better since last week's flashback. Love the artwork. Jean

  18. Interestings, hehe. Better safe than sorry by taking the mousie away.

  19. Love the photo of the cats up a tree! Darling kitties!

  20. Looks like you lived in good mouse country. That is a nice big tree to climb in.

  21. OMC that must've been so scary! He sure needed a fun adventure after going through that.

  22. Wow ! We hadn't discovered your blog back then but that must have been a very stressful time for all concerned ! We are glad Eric got better ! We always enjoy the pictures.

  23. Oh I have to agree. Eating the wild things they can catch has always worried me. Mine catch stuff even here in the house. I always take it away after thanking whoever it was. XX

  24. MOL, we have a new word to use! Love all the photos today.

  25. Wonderful photos! I can't imagine having to go through those weeks. It must have been so stressful. Love the artwork, too.

  26. Beautiful art. Glad to see Eric enjoying himself after all that!

  27. Eric looked good for all he went through. Hmm, which puzzle should I let TW do.

  28. We remember when that happened to Eric. We loved this flashback, and your artwork turned out nicely. :)

  29. That's such a lovely pic of the boys in their tree. It made for some great art.

  30. The boys always had such fun together thanks for sharing this wonderful memory. The boys in their tree made for great Caturday Art.

  31. Sorry I am so late. That was a nice flashback. Those boys loved to hunt for mousies. Very pretty art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  32. OMC, I didn't know that mousies could make you stop pooping ! Maybe that's why Zorro mainly catches birdies only... Purrs, Pixie

  33. Inner workings can sure be complicated at times.

    Loved seeing those two in the tree! A perfect kitty perch!

  34. your boys always had the most glorious places to explore! That tree is just amazing. I don't remember Eric being blocked for TWO weeks! OMC that's a long time!! xoxo Those darned mousies!!

  35. dood...mouz ore bass terd burd two; knot sure how much bass turd chckn ore turkee ya ever eated but that will due any one in....we likez de fotoz mimi picked; ya both look most chillaxed :) ☺☺♥♥

  36. That photo of the boys in the tree is stunning! Suitable for framing! My brofur Herman has interestings issues. Thankfully that's never been my problem.

  37. EEK! Vet visits... We dont know what the other stuff is (and TBT says he hopes we never find out).


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