Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from August 2008 and was:

A Strange Adventure.

Dad had left the door open to the implement shed so we went in for a look around.
Flynn:  Come over here Eric and smell the hay baler. It's very interesting.
Eric:  I can't right now. I've found something much more interesting than that.

Eric:  Look Flynn, see what I've found. It's a toad but you don't want to pick them up or taste them because they make your mouth go frothy.

We managed to drag ourselves away from watching Mr. Toad and went into the field.

Eric: I think I hear something down there.
Flynn: I can't hear anything. What was it, where did it go?

We walked further into the field but something was wrong. It smelled the same as usual, but something had definitely changed. Can anycat see what is different?

Eric: I don't know about you Flynn but I don't like this one bit.

Flynn: I agree, I'm worried. Something has been going on here without us knowing about it.

Eric: It's no good, I can't relax.

Flynn: Me neither.

Flynn: That's it, I've had enough. I'm going to bush my tail up to scare off any intruders and I'm going back to the garden.

Eric: Okay but wait while I have a drink. All this worry has made me thirsty.

Did anycat see what was different in our fields?

Dad had been working with his tractor and he had made all the grass go flat. It didn't look right, and it didn't feel right to walk on. It made us very nervous. We didn't like it at all.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Smoke at 35% followed by Emboss at 75%

Flynn started with Flow at 50%, then Sadness at 20%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 14.0.21
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 14.0.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop. Linky to follow.


  1. That was a big time flat grass adventure, twas fun! Love the art too!

  2. That was a big toad! It's good you both knew not to chomp him!

    We noticed the flattened grass; it would have been quite different to walk on it!

    Your art is always wonderful and makes the biped think she should use Lunapic (think it's Lunapic?) more often! :-)

  3. Yes, the grass was flat, i noticed. There's a big difference between mown grass and flat grass. Flat grass is weird.

  4. I can understand why you guys didn't like your jungle being flattened!

  5. Oh yes we did notice all that flat grass - we thought maybe a space ship had landed in your field! In fact maybe it deposited that alien frog there too as a spy....good thing you avoided it!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Good Heavens, all that cover the boys enjoyed had been flattened. No wonder they were nervous. They must have felt naked.

  7. Crikey what a toad I would had run even if the grass was flat hahaha!

    Love the art as always

    Have a flashbacktastic weekend 👍

  8. I'm glad you didn't mess with that toad. I did see the grass all flat. I wouldn't have liked that either.

    A wonderful flashback as always.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  9. doodz...flat grazz iz like flat beer....UGH~~~~

    and we iz buzzed happee ya dinna tryz and bite that toad..YOW....we hurd sum haz POIZEN in ther selvez

    for what itz werth we liked yur canna ree lax fotoz...even tho ewe both waz strezzed ♥♥♥

  10. I bet that grass popped back up eventually. And what a fun find, a toad!

  11. That is a BIG change from the nice high grass with all the critters in it fellas. Our Dad keeps our grass low so we never have fun. Darn
    Thanks so much for sharing with us all it is always so very much fun! Great Art too!
    Angel Tim says that the boys are always in the high grass fields and Flynn is still the best hunter!
    Purrs Friends

  12. Love the art.

  13. Cute flashback. I love the poofy tail. Beautiful art. And thank you for the puzles. XO

  14. We don't like it when things look different from normal either. But we think we might have been tempted to take a lick of that toad:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Good you didn't mess about with that toad! Yes, cats are very aware of changes in their environment!

  16. Ohh I'm late for an impawtant date!
    I hope that toad didn't try to kiss Eric and Flynn
    Hugs cecilia

  17. What interesting adventures and surprises! Good that you both left Mr. Toad alone, don't need a frothy mouth. I can imagine walking on flattened grass felt strange. And glad too, dear Eric and Flynn, that you decided to return to the familiar garden. Mom's catwork is pretty! I hope she is feeling better. Until next Friday - take care! Jean

  18. What a big toad ! Glad you both knew to leave him alone ! We never walked on flattend grass, but that sounds weird. Purrs

  19. You two were so smart not to mess with that toad, angels Eric and Flynn. And the fields most certainly did look different after Dad used the tractor on them!

  20. Terrific post of the boys! They do look confused. I LOVE it! Yes I am back home. I did not get a whole lot of notice. My brother-in-law is very ill and my sister got a bone infection. Knowing how much the treatment wipes you out I went to help her through the first few adjustment days. I expect I will be heading back there later this summer or early fall.

    1. I forgot to say I can't wait to get a chance to do the puzzle! I LOVE your art! You have a magnificent eye!

  21. Ooh ooh! I oticed the cut grass right away. At least I could see you, Flynn.

  22. Funny how the flattened grass got to the boys right away. That sure was one fat toad, and as always, their artified selves were purrfect!

  23. We wouldn't have guessed that it was the flat grass that made you so worried! We thought it was a Real, Live Intruder!

    We have never met a Toad - which is fortunate, as We wouldn't have known about it making your mouth go frothy - and Shimshi would almost certainly have tried to eat it!

  24. Boys, you're right! I always noticed the beautiful long strands f grass...I can't think how I missed that it was flat!

  25. Humans are very annoying with the grass, just when it gets the right height they go and mow it down/flatten it.

  26. frodo hates walking on the grass after i mow it!

  27. OMD! What an adventure it was!!

  28. There was an episode of the old TV show The X-Files, where licking toads was a thing...GROSS!!!
    Off to puzzle, thank you, and thank you for thinking of The PO'M.

  29. OMC, we thought it was a crop circle!! Good that it was only their dad doing his work. Eric was very nice to warn his brother about that toad!

  30. Wow, that is sure going back a LONG WAY! Even before our blog. We noticed that flat grass, but got the reason wrong. We thought mebbe a big vishus deer had slept there.

  31. It always makes our hearts sing to see what wonderful and happy lives the boys lived.

  32. Aw...sweet memories. Smart to stay away from the toad. I love looking back and I know you do too. Thanks for the memories.

  33. At first I thought maybe the long grass had been mowed and the clippings were all flat on top of the grass 'left behind', but now I can see the flatness of it. That might happen here in a few weeks, when the concrete company comes to do some work for us so we can have more patio space and set up a shed closer to the house.
    Thanks for those puzzles!

  34. We don't have frogs around here but I bet they'd be fun to watch. I really like Flynn's art.

  35. Oh the adventures you two had. I am loving those photos. Enjoy the weekend.


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