Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week I have three very short posts that were originally posted on consecutive days in August 2008. 

Toesies Tuesday - Whose Toesies?

I may go out in the garden and in the greenhouse, but I do keep my toesies nice and clean and sparkling white. I love tickle toesies so feel free to have a tickle if you want to, but do you know whose toesies these are? You have a 50/50 chance of being right after all.

Wordless Wednesday.

Thursday's Answers.
Flynn: I'm doing the talking today because Eric is a bit embarrassed about his toesies. For Tuesday toesies, we asked whose toes they were.Well of course they were nice and clean and white, so they had to be mine. This is what Eric's toesies look like when he comes in furrom the garden. He's not like me, he's very lazy about cleaning them. For our Wordless Wednesday post we had a photo of us in a snuggly nap pile with our Kitty Yumbum. Several of you didn't realise there were three kitties there. Kitty YB is at the back, Eric is at the front, and all you can see of me is a bit of my head on the left. We were four months old. Kitty Yumbum was only 6lbs, but quite a bit bigger than us back then. This is us when we were two. We had grown a lot bigger than Kitty Yumbum by then. Not long after this, she left us to go to the Rainbow Bridge. We all still miss her very much. You can read her story here.
I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Scribble then Beauty, both at 30%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 28.08.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those are all such wonderful photos and they all sure made us smile. Love the art too!

  2. It was nice learning about Kitty Yumbum - I never knew about her before.

  3. What happy memories with Kitty Yumbum.

    Eric, i don't blame you for not wanting to wash those paws so much, cleaning up isn't always fun.

  4. Oh! Paws for thought....! :).
    (well someone had to say it)..!xx

  5. Aww! what cute toesies flashbacks heheh! cleanliness is godliness as they say (=⚈ᆽ⚈=)

    I liked the art as always

    Have a memorytastic weekend 👍

  6. Oh my goodness....what a wonderful bunch of flashback photos. I don't think we knew about Kitty Yumbum before but she and the boys made a sweet ginger pile.

    Hugs, Pam

  7. that are fabulous toe-tails and we love the photos...

  8. What fun you shared with us today Eric and Flynn.
    Mom picked an excellent flashback
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I love paws, dirty or not...MOL...Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  10. I knew they were your paws right off Flynn because we both keep our white feetz reely nice. Eric you are like my brofur Rumpy Bump MOL. It was so nice to meet YumBum she is such a nice lady cat. Goodness Flynn you do such a great stretchy! Thanks for all the fun photos friends
    Angel Timmy Tomcat and Family

  11. Aww, I love the toesies shots, clean or dirty! Cat paws are the cutest.

  12. Beautiful photos and art! :) <3

  13. kitty; we troo lee N joyed yur storee and we wanted ta say ewe beez a gorgeouz gal....we iz glad ewe had eric and flynn ta chillax with de last few yeerz.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  14. Oh, my goodness, for some reason your nap pile pics brought a tear to my eye (and a smile) So sweet. And Flynn, yes, I guessed correctly those pristine toesies belonged to you. But I liked Eric's toesies too. As always, the catwork is so pretty. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next week...Jean

  15. Great photos. I always love the ones where they are cuddled together. So cute.

  16. Fifty-fifty on the guess? I always lose fifty fifty so I guess that makes it "no chance" to get it right!

  17. Nice to learn about Kitty Yumbum. You three make a beautiful honeybun cuddled together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. We knew that little paw was Flynn's! We never knew about your sister. Very sweet photo of the two of you.

    1. Well, we meant *three* of you. Not that the other photos weren't sweet. :-)

  19. Very sweet flashback. That is dunny about the dirty toes. :) Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  20. We are gonna guess it was either Eric of Flynn. And hoping you didn't bring a surprise kitty in there. ;)

  21. Clean toesies!! You are granted the rights to come into our den and not get scolded for making it dirty. LOL!

    Thanks for the puzzle!

  22. Toesies, sure, but that darn snuggly nap pile is just too precious.

  23. Humans get all squee when they see kitties sleeping together!
    Off to puzzle, thanks!

  24. YumBum was a wonderful mentor to the boys! And Flynn's toes were always kissable! I LOVE your post today! Thanks for the puzzle! Have a marvellous week!

  25. Oh wow, Eric did have smudgy paws didn't he??

  26. Those were terrific pawsie photos! And the art is just beautiful ... nothing is sweeter than sleeping kittens!

  27. Even in matters of hygiene, cats are individuals. And I didn't see a third cat in that pile until I read the text. What a wonderful life cats provide us with.

  28. I knew those were your tootsies, Flynn! Fun post for Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and thanx for the puzzle.

  29. Aww, we love these posts. Flynn's toesies were spotless! :) We loved the photo of him and Eric napping together. So sweet. XO

  30. We couldn't guess whose toesies they were but they were so furry sweet!

  31. I wish I'd gotten to know Eric and Flynn. My toesies are tabby on the front and black on the back of them though. purrs, Tango

  32. BOys, I am going straight there to read about her. And Mom said she isn't getting notifications so she's missed too many. But she's here now to catch up.

  33. Oh the joys of going in the mud. Very sweet. i always love seeing your photos here. Thank you.

  34. Toesiess!! Toesiess!!Terrifick Toesiess!!
    Miss Jackie mee thitt wee leeved a commint here butt lookss like BellaSita did not....
    So mee iss here now an sayin yore man catss were so hansum.
    ***purrss*** BellaDhaahrma an ((hugss)) BellaSita


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