Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from December 2008 and is called:
Checking Holes.


Efurry day we haf to check out all the holes in the feelds to see if theer is enny one home. This is a bunny's hole but I can't see him.


I'll just put my arm down an see if I can feel ennyfing......... Nope, no-one at home. I wonder if Eric is having better luck.

Theer's a ratty livs in this hole. He goes in the horsie stables an steals theer food and takes it down heer Don't fink he's home either.

Mr.Bunny lives in this hole.Wunder how far I can get in wivout getting stuck.
Eric! Get your head out of that hole right now!!!

The random photo this week was chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 4.04.09

I am also using this photo for Caturday Art with Athena, the Cat Goddess.

I used K3 effect at 60%, then added Scribble at 38%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 7.05.22
I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those sweet boys always had the hole thing covered!

  2. The boys did love to explore, and play with each other. Fun photos.

  3. You two were amazing stalkers!
    Pretty art, and great puzzle...thank you.

  4. I remember the boys had to be careful of badger holes. Even a bunny might put up a nasty fight if it gets trapped. But the boys knew their stuff, and their mum and dad never let them come to harm. Getting stuck in a hole was, perhaps, another matter...

  5. Those boys were really adventurous!

  6. that's very brave to put an arm inside that hole.... the mama has a problem with that she fears Pennywise will lure there LOL

  7. I should'nt think the boy's got stuck in
    any holes..they were far to clever and

  8. So cute they were very inquisitive heheh!

    Have an adventuroustastic weekend 👍

  9. Looks like everybody is out today - which is bad news for the boys, but lucky for the inhabitants!

  10. You two were always up for amazing adventures! It was good your mum was always around to keep an eye on you both. :-)

    We love the artwork; we always enjoy a good smackdown/tussle!

  11. OMCs after seeing they hole I know what people mean when they say they don't want to go down a rabbit hole. It is deep, dark and narrow I'm pretty sure my tushie would get stuck. MOL MOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. What an enjoyable story and beautiful art! Have a lovely weekend! :) <3

  13. Those boys were so curious and cute.

  14. Your angels sure loved to explore. Both so handsome too. I can tell you loved them dearly.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. ♥

  15. doodz !!! a whap fest waz bout ta N sue....!!! N we gotta say we iz glad ya dinna findz a vizshuz ratz coz they like ta carree round sax oh ray beez N if de bass terd wooda bited ewe.....tripull YEOW !!!! DID any one everz getz sticked ina hole...hope full lee knot ~~~ ♥♥♥

  16. Fun having all those holes to explore. You never know what is living in them.

  17. Oh you boys always had such fun in the fields of your farm! Love the artwork this week!!

  18. Talk about going the whole 9 yards! Look out for those dangerous traps! Darling kitties! have a lovely weekend!

  19. You boys sure keep busy - and Mom too! Mom's catwork is interesting. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  20. Frodo is very jealous that you guys have so many interesting holes in your yard!

  21. You were such busy boys! #1 recently read about a rescue operation for a little terrier that got stuck down a rabbit hole!

    Tama and Benny (and the Rainbow Gang)

  22. Love all these photos of your boys being adventurous. We have lots of chipmunk burrows in our yard. Luckily Kitties Blue are confined to the catio. We are happy neither Eric or Flynn got a paw or head stuck in one of those holes. Mom looks forward to doing the puzzle. Have a great weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  23. Great flashback. Did they ever catch the rat? Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  24. They always had such fun together!

    Love the art as always.

  25. Those boys never "met a critter hole" they didn't like!! The best hunters and the best companions for their Mom and Dad. We will always ALWAYS enjoy seeing their flashbacks.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  26. Mew mew mew Eric sure was silly gettin his head stucked inn THE hoe!!
    Hee an Flynn sure checked out efurrywhere there!
    Miss Jackie purr usual yore art iss deelitefull ;)
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  27. We have holes in our yard, too...we don't just stick our paws or schnooters in them we dig them to find what's inside!

    Thanks for the puzzle and we always enjoy seeing your art, too.

  28. Checking holes is one of my favourite activities.

  29. Eric and Flynn sure were intrepid explorers! We love remembering their adventures here with yuo.

  30. Looks like you all had the whole lotta holes all under control sweet Angels😺 That artwork looks real great🎨 Pawkisses for a Happy Mother's Day to your wonderful mom🐾😽💞

  31. Holes are almost as good as boxes, aren't they?

  32. Checking holes can be very entertaining and the doggies like digging them.

  33. Eric and Flynn will always make me smile. How you enjoy their memory encourages me when I feel overwhelmed with loss. Hugs and love to you.

  34. Eric was soooo curious! Hope all is well on this lovely spring day xo

  35. Those are some serious holes ! Zorro is the main hole checker here. Purrs

  36. Those 2 are such characters! I think of them every time I watch Marv and Kozmo hunt together in the field in front of the house. And the puzzle picture is purrfect! I can't wait to do it!

  37. I am a tad jealous of the BIG yard you two had!
    Lots of opportunities to find mice!
    Bet you two were great hunters!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  38. Too bad no one was home or the fun would begin.

  39. CK up above me here was sure right. If anyone was at home..oh my yes, the fun would begin!!!

  40. I just don't understand Moms who yell for us to not stick our heads down mysterious holes. That's what the holes are for! I caught a tiny black froggy this weekend. So proud. Love, Dori

  41. Oh, that Mum intervention made us laugh!

    Thanks for your comment on our Blogger troubles. This worked!

  42. It always makes me nervous when cat friends get into holes..nothing's scarier than half a cat visible..! Meow!

  43. Aww, those Angel boys sure were quite the explorers, weren't they? That artified picture sure has some fabulous colors & textures, too.


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