Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art

 This week I have a selection of  very short posts.

Flynn - Claws 30.09.08
It's impawtunt to keep your toesies clean, but do you make loud crunching noises when you clean your claws? I do and it makes mum cringe.
Eric-  Easy Sunday 30.11.08
There is one thing better than reading the newspapers with your dad................... Sitting in the sunspot and having him read to you.

Flynn - Tired Out 2.10.08
I have been working very hard trying to catch up with commenting. I have worn my claws down to the bone and now I need to rest.

Eric - Not Easy on Sunday! 9.11.08
This is Sunday right? We are supposed to take it easy on Sunday, right? Well in that case why have you stuck this hat on my head again? Don't you understand the word no? Let's get this straight mum, this is definitely, yes definitely the last time you make me wear a hat. Right, now have you got that? Now let's all get back to a nice easy Sunday.

Another Easy on Sunday with Eric and Flynn 1.02.09
There is nothing like relaxing with your brother when it is cold and blowing a hoolie outdoors.
  Okay, you've got your photo now go away with that flashy box.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art,

I used Gorky at 45%, then Watercolour also at 45%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 9.07.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. Those were some really fun photos, classics! Of course the art is handsome boy wonderful!!!

  2. What fun posts. Yes, one of my cats makes odd noises when cleaning her claws, i just laugh at her.

  3. Such a great selection this week(as always)
    Those two were pawome cats!!!!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. love the photos!!! an we agree to keep the claws clean is a good thing.... and we can do it with our own vet needed LOL

  5. These weeks are the cutest ever heheh! I like the art too especially the vivid colour too

    Have a memoriestastic weekend 👍

  6. Love the photos..especially Eric with the
    hat on..very go~a'head...! HeHe!Bless!xx

  7. What adorable characters those boys were.....Love the nail biting - Ted does that too and it's a sign his Dad and I need to trim his nails!! Love the photo of poor exhausted Flynn in front of the computer.

    Hugs, Pam

  8. What a sweet flashback with your Angel boys. Thank you for your very kind words on Cleo's passing. My best to you.

  9. Super choices and all amusing, if we had to pick one, OMC "Tired Out Flynn, '08" is
    just the cat's meow.
    And todays art is lovely!

  10. Watch my blog to day, I got suncell lamp of you :)

  11. I love the pictures of Flynn tired out and Eric with the hat! Have a great weekend! :) <3

  12. Purrfect selections.
    I love the one of you and Dad in the sunglow
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. We humans have never known an overworked cat, fellas!

  14. Great photos. Noelle makes weird noises when she cleans her toesies!!

    Thanks for the puzzle.

  15. Cats have a great live and your boys sure did. You and your husband made sure of that.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, Jackie. ♥

  16. doodz…theez bee grate flash bax thiz week, N we hope de vizshuz
    deer skin waz cozee! who bee de championz on yur hatz? ❤️ gotta
    type fasto two day !

  17. Eric found that perfect spot - dad's lap AND the sun. Love the belly-up shot too. These are all adorable!

  18. ROFM/ROFL oh Miss Jackie those are sum of THE funniest fotoss' efurr!!!
    Eric with Mistur Ivor an Flynn flat out on his back!
    An once again yore snazzy arterk iss a pleasure to look at.....
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  19. These were all such super fun photos. Loved the hat dialogue as well. Mom already did the gorgeous puzzle. Your puzzles always are some of her favorites. Have a great weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  20. Those were all fun memories! LOvewd the one where Flynn is sprawled out on the desk, LOL!

  21. I love these! Such beautiful boys. Too funny about the toe cleaning MOL :)

  22. Those were all perfect! What a fun way to end a week!

  23. Boy, Eric loved his dad - but not hats... And Flynn, was that comfortable? It must have been...

  24. I love the shots of the boys today! The one with Eric and Ivor is fabulishious and the one of Flynn airing his belly in front of the monitor is priceless! I can't wait to do toe puzzles! Thanks Jackie and I hope you have a marvellously happy week! Barb

  25. Very sweet photos. I especially love the one of Flynn on his back. My angel Sammy used to do that too. Thank you for the beautiful puzzle. XO

  26. Eric and Flynn were so lucky to live with you! Hugs to you!

  27. the photo about commenting totally cracked me up!!!!! xoxo

  28. Those posts were adorable. Love to snorgle the tum!!!
    Great artwork this week!

  29. When it is time to sleep, the photoshoots should be over.

  30. I make a lot of noise when I'm cleaning my claws.

    Lovely photos and art!

  31. Gorgeous pics - especially Eric in the sun puddle and Flynn, flat on his back...

  32. Look at Flynn relaxing - he really knew how to do that well. Love all the shots of the boys taking it easy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  33. Such a precious post, every single photo is a gem. Mom's catwork is very nice. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  34. Aww, we especially love the Easy on Sunday photos of Eric and Flynn. As for that toe cleaning and the crunching noises, our Ava is carrying on that tradition. MOL

  35. I loved every single one of them! Mommy did too!

  36. At my house we don't dare chew our nails. That's a signal we need a mani/pedi and out comes the clippers. Freak out! Love yoor artwork. Love, Dori

  37. I've heard Latte do the crunchy paw thing - and Bear did too! I know I'm weird, but I find the whole cat bath thing relaxing. It drives me boyfriend crazy when he's trying to sleep, but it puts me to sleep every time :)


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