Friday, September 9, 2022

Friday flashback and Caturday Art.

This week it is a selection of one photo posts.

Flynn, Mancat Monday 17.11.08

When our Beans were on their Holly Days, all our toys were put in purrizen with us. When they came back, mum put all our toys in the toy box to bring them back indoors. She just threw them all in together. That's right, she just mixed them all up with not a thought to us. I had to tip all the toys out to see what had happened. Can you guess what I was looking for?

Ahh here it is, my most faveritist nippy carrot. A mancat needs his nip. Eric can't find his scruffy rat. He's very upset cuz he's had it since he wuz a babycat. Mum sez it has to be in the garage somewhere and he must haf hidden it. He told her he did hide it but he can't remember where, so she said she will help him look.

Eric, Tummy Tuesday 9.09.08

Surprise surprise! It's raining yet again. I came in this morning all soaking wet, so mum got the towel and dried me. She called me Spike cuz my furrs were all standing up and pointy.
I think I will spend the rest of the day on the bed unless it stops raining.
You can look at my toesies as well as my tummy if you want to. They are clean today because when I came in from the Outdoors, they were full of mud, and mum said,'If you think you are going to bed in that state, you can think again Eric.' She very kindly cleaned my toesies for me after she had rubbed me down with the towel. I only put the bitey on her once!

Flynn, Easy on Sunday 22.02.09

Wake me up when you've got my breakfast would ya.

Eric, Easy on Sunday 28.09.08
I am making the most of the dry weather by sitting outdoors on my chair. It's supposed to rain again next week.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Fantasy at 60%, then added Watercolour at 50%

For Flynn it was Metallic at 45%, then Sunshine at 60%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 10.09.22
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 10.09.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those were all fun ones and such pretty art too!

  2. Comfy boys. I love how Flynn sank into the bed. And I know Eric would find his Scruffy Rat, but still, it's a bit distressing thinking of him not having it with him at any time!

  3. Oh, the boys, always busy, even if it's just busy napping.

  4. the best motto ever ... wake me up when we have breakfast ;O)

  5. Playing is so much fun when you have your favourite toy!!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Wow, that was a lot of toys to search through!

    We love the artwork, great choices for filters as always. :-)

  7. We are sure everything worked out OK. But we unnerstand. Most times, our toys are organized by type in little containers (so we can choose, but TBT has a box of random ones and we never know what will come out of that.

  8. What fun memories! Eric's tummy was asking for a snorgle.

  9. Sheesh, I can't believe your mom mixed all of the toys. I'm glad you were able to straighten things out though.

  10. Your boys were so precious. I can see how much you loved them and how much they loved you back.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. ♥

  11. Flynn what a stash of wonderful toys you had
    Such fun flashbacks
    Hugs cecilia

  12. Aww! loved it and very entertaining nippy carrot made me laugh :-)

    Have a nippytastic weekend 👍

  13. Sometimes it is a good thing to get your toys all mixed up together. You never know what you will find that you might have forgotten

  14. What beautiful memories! ❤
    How much joy our furry friends bring us! ! Flynn, in particular, reminds me of my dear "boy" who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in January 2019.
    I love processed photos! They were made by the "cats painter". 😊

  15. Boys, mom can't quit admiring and loving you two. Really and Truly

  16. Flynn seems delighted with his stack of toys. Maybe he ate the scruffy rat. Poor Eric. His whites look very white, though. He sure cleans up well.

    Your art is always spot on. You know how to pick the colours which enhance your boys the most. Lovely.

  17. Wonderful post (well, they all are) I'm glad you boys both found your special toys (with Mom's help) and clean toesies only allowed on the bed! Mom's catwork is so pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  18. Very cute flashbacks. Eric had such a cute tummy and toesies. I hope he found his toy rat. Flynn was adorable too. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  19. Eric you have plenty of tummy too! Oops, was that rude? Hope you found your ratsie.

  20. Loved all the photos.....those boys ALWAYS looked perfect in their photos! Love the search for that nip carrot - glad it was found. All kitties definitely have their favorites.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  21. a mancat does indeed need his nip! Frodo certainly would agree!

  22. Look at all those toys! Beautiful pictures and artwork!

  23. That's such a great memory. We love that even though you mixed all the toys together, both Eric and Flynn wanted and searched for their favorite ones.

  24. Those two sure knew which toy they wanted/needed!

    Lovely memories!

  25. Such adorable photos, especially the ones on the bed!

  26. We sure glad the nippy carrot turned up. Nice artwork and thanks for the puzzles.

  27. Wow, that was a lot of toys to straight out again ! We're glad you found your nip carrot, Flynn, and we hope Eric finally found his rat ! Purrs

  28. My boyfriend always huffs and puffs when I painstakingly pick out the cats' favorite toys so they don't end up in the toy bed. He just wants to be done with vacuuming and I go through each toy assessing its desirability to my cats. I'm sure they appreciate it :)

  29. Did you find your Scruffy Rat, Angel Eric? Thank you for showing your tummies today, I think we need to eat more for temptation😹Great to see you guys! Oh, and the artwork is very nice, I especially like Flynn's metallic and sunshine effect. Double Pawkiss for the both of you🐾😽💞


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