Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have two very short posts that more or less follow on from last week's when their grass had disappeared. Both were from June 2009 and the first was originally an Easy on Sunday

Eric: We do still have some more long grass, it just means I have to go further if I want to sit in it. I hope dad doesn't cut it too soon . He says as soon as the weather is good, it's all going to disappear like our other grass. I'm going to make the most of it and have an easy Sunday sitting in it. I may even nap in it.

Flynn: While Eric is guarding the grass, I am taking it easy on Sunday and stopping to smell the flowers.

The second was posted a day later and was a Mancat Monday

Now there is some new hay in the barn, we have to work very hard on mousie lookout. We make sure mum pays us well with treats.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I started with Frida at 60%, then Beauty at 35%

For Eric it was Landscape at 50%, then Abstract at 40%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 14.01.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 14.01.23
I am also joining Mimi at MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. They looked very happy in the green grass and the hay, they always had fun. I really like the art too.

  2. A nap in the grass sounds delightful, as does hunting the mousies in fresh hay. Such sweet boys they were.

  3. I think the boys found their missing grass in the barn...

  4. Just don't be in the grass when the mower is busy out there...

    Did you find any mousies?
    Petcretary has them in our cellar...and ancient house with cemented rocks for a foundation, and a dirt floor, here we call that a Michigan basement...sigh...
    She says UGH, but if she would let us we'd be as good as any kitty helping to evict them...we are terriers afterall, and Dalton isa RAT terrier! LOL!

  5. Two very pleased boys finding the grass heheh! and also they loved their mousie lookouts ha! :-)

    The art always looks good, have a mousietastic weekend 👍

  6. John sad what I was going to say...that the boys found their grass in the barn! But. Many mousies to be had. I know Mom and Dad gave good treats!

  7. Oooooo! I bet it was nice being in that grass!!!
    I like grass ;)
    It would also be fun to be on mousie watch!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Those boys loved their grass it seems. I bet they have it over the Rainbow Bridge now. How could they not. Your art shows the boys with beautiful ginger furs.

  9. Every kitty and human needs to take time to stop and smell fragrant posies.
    Hugs on Feline Friday 13th

  10. That grass was pawsome and the hay must have been a pawsome spot for mousie hunting.

    Cool artwork and thanks for the puzzles!

  11. We really like the hay pictures, and the art that goes with them.

    The Chans

  12. High grass is so much fun, isn't it, sweet Angels😺That effect of Frida and Beauty is just marvellous! Double Pawkisses from us to all of you🐾😽💞

  13. Your Angel Boys had a slice of heaven to play in, didn't they?
    Lovely art, and I'll jump on those puzzles...thanks.

  14. I think Flynn was checking to see if something was hiding in the flowers. Hunting in the hay sounds fun!

  15. Gosh- I might find it hard to mow the grass away for these darling kitties! Thanks for sharing ! Have a great weekend!

  16. What great pics! Love the artwork, too.

  17. Looking epically fabulous dudes! And the arty effect is amazing!

  18. Angels Eric and Flynn always had the best explorations and places to hand out. Thank you, as always, Jackie, for sharing them with us. XO

  19. Boy, looks fun in the long grasses, doesn't it? And certainly a big responsibility keeping an eye out for mousies. I can tell you boys take your jobs very seriously, however Mom's treats also help! Speaking of Mom, her catwork is extra pretty. I hope that Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  20. What a good time they seem to be having! And the art is really beautiful.

  21. Great flashback of your sweet boys. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  22. Gosh! The boys sure had fun in the grass and hay! Purrfect photos, fabulishious art and the puzzles were fun! Thanks Jackie

  23. The tall grass is so great for stalking mousies. We like that Dad considered that before cutting it short (as he sometimes had to). We are glad the boys had those tall fields.

    TBT keeps a part of our smaller yard wild, just for us to listen, jump, and grab mousies... There is a never-ending supply of them.

  24. Mee-yow Eric an Flynn were so hansum inn long grass Miss Jackie. Allwayss on Pawtrol an yet enjoyin their land an flowerss!
    Yore artwerk iss so beeuteefull this week!
    Man wee missed you so much ;)
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

  25. Lovely narration and pictures as always! :-) I hope your week ahead is purrfect! :-)

  26. Two fun flashbacks. I love the flower shot.

  27. Playing and hunting in the long grass is so much fun ! Purrs

  28. Flynn Frodo loves to stop and smell the flowers too!

  29. Hello, friends! We've missed coming over and seeing all of the flashbacks of Eric and Flynn. We're happy to be visiting again!

  30. Dear Eric and Flynn and their Meowmy, I live now in FloryDa where I don't have access to grass in my yard. It's a Catio with bwicks. So sad. I miss lying in the grass and pretending I'm a ferocious lioness hunting prey. Of course here I hunt frogs and baby dragons, so maybe I still have it good. Love, Dori


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