Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from April 2010, and is called:

We Found It!

It's been a long cold winter and we have kept checking to see where Spring is.

Well, at last we think it is here. The birds are building their nests.

Mr and Mrs Pigeon have returned to their nest they always use in the tree outside our window.

The daffodils have flowered well but are nearly finished now.

The dainty little primroses are flowering......

and today we saw the first violets.

Flynn: The mousies are back in full force. I hear them wherever I walk.

Mr. Pheasant is looking for a wife.

The vishus badgers are digging holes everywhere. We aren't allowed too close to their setts because they have big furroshus teeth.
Eric: Mum yelled at me because I wanted to see if anyone was home.

The grass is getting longer and greener. Yup, Spring is definitely here.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Illusion at 50%, then Beauty also at 50%

For this one I used Psychedelic at 55% then Surreal at 40%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 17.02.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 17.02.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. They sure did a wonderful job hunting up Spring. Very pretty art too!

  2. Hooray for spring, and thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    1. I'm not sure why I came up as anonymous, it was me.

  3. Dearest Angels Eric and Flynn,
    What an interesting and beautiful country life you lived! Oh, those mousies and how 'dangerous' to go looking for the badger being home or not.
    Your Mum looked after you with concern Eric and good she yelled you back.
    Well documented and wonderful interlude to spring.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. The boys need to pay a visitation to my part of the world and find spring for us!

  5. our mousies are back too... but we prefer bigger toys so... either we need a cat or mouse-ton we have a problem...

  6. I enjoyed this flashback nice photos too damn those mousies heheh! the art really stands out ๐Ÿ‘

    Roll on Spring, have a mousielesstastic weekend

  7. We are beginning to see a few signs of spring here. We can't wait!

    The Chans

  8. We, too, need them to come and find spring for us! We had a snowstorm blow through late yesterday afternoon and evening, and it seemed doubly cruel coming after our plus 11C and sunshine last Saturday. So if the boys have any pull with Mother Nature, I'd appreciate it! ๐Ÿ˜†

  9. What a delightful day that was when the boys found the spring. I am grateful that I don't have badgers where I live even though they are in our Western states. Don't know which look better, those orange kitties are those beautiful flowers.

  10. Gosh this is a FUN "Spring" flashback of the boys checking everything out. We have NO signs of Spring here yet although there are some buds on trees but we expect snow starting tomorrow - just 2-4 inches but still SNOW! Love seeing these photos of the ginger twins. We miss them still...and always.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  11. I wish they were here to find Spring for me!

  12. Like The Island Cats commented above, we are searching for Spring here in Michigan.
    There was a tease for a couple of days, now we are back to biting cold and grey.
    Oh well, it'll be here, and the mousies and birdies will be dancing happily.

  13. Looks like the boys always had so much fun exploring.

  14. MOL MO Mr. Pheasant looking for a wife...and she is playing hard to get. This is so funny.
    What a wonderful flashback
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. doodz...badgerz iz az vizshuz az deer...YEOW !!! and tell de fezz ant ta go look fora date sum place elze....he haz sum kinda nerve ~~~~ ( we think spring mite knot bee two far off heer in TT !! ) ♥♥♥

  16. Badgers scare the hair off my head! I would never want to meet one. Those boys were watched and that is a good thing. We don't have any but I have never read anything good about them.

  17. Nice flashback. They sure liked to explore. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  18. Looks like the boys found a lot of signs of Spring

  19. What a beautiful picture of these two! Thank you for sharing it!

  20. Springtime brought blooms and critters at your place. And fun for Eric and Flynn! XO

  21. Great spring pics. Love the art effects as always!

  22. It's always so nice when spring arrives.

  23. Sometimes (most times!) it feels like Spring will never get here. But it always does. And you boys know all the tell-tale signs. Mom's catwork is sure nice. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  24. Ah, the signs of spring. It snowed here today, so this is a nice contrast. :)

  25. Effurry time We look out of the window and think that Spring is finally here - somebody Up There changes their mind and back comes Mr Winter! Maybe We need to go hunting for it, like you Boyz!

  26. The Angel Boys' spring-y artwork is just beautiful! Here, you wouldn't know spring was anywhere near if the two snowstorms in the past week tell you anything.

  27. What a great memory!
    You boys had a wonderful life and such a pawsome place to wander :)
    Purrs winnie

  28. Such a beautiful post, sweet Angels. We wish Spring sprung here too with lot of warmths and sunshine๐ŸŒžIt's still to cold. Thank Cat we don't have badgers here, Peachy would be inside of that 'house' for sure๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜บDouble Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead, Jackie๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  29. We wish Spring would come out of hiding arounds here...but so far we are stin winter. For at least another month by the calendar!

    Lots of pretty wildlife in your surroundings!

  30. How very exciting! I have never caught a mousie, but I did catch a baby dragon here in FloryDa. Momma made me let him go. So sad. I always enjoy yoor adventures! Love, Dori

  31. We are glad we don't have badgers around here. Groundhogs are bad enough.


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