Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from April 2010 and was a : 

 Mancat Monday.

We are prowling around our jungle today.

Eric seems to have disappeared.

I'm looking around for him.

Oh there you are. You are nearly hidden by the long grass.

After that we had a rest on the straw.

But it was just too energetic for Eric and he had to get back in the garden for a snooze.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.You get a bonus of three pictures and puzzles this week.

I started with Quirky at 70%, then added Flames at 32%.

For Eric I used Red Blush at 60%, then added Scribble at 15%

For Flynn I only used K2 at 40%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 24.02.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 24.02.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art Flynn 24.02.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. They both looked great it their jungle of green! Wonderful art!

  2. What a purrfect jungle they had for exploring between the daffodils.
    Happy boys that's for sure and for you the fondest memories!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. You always had such lovely outdoor adventures.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. Wow, that was indeed a jungle for Eric to be hidden. I imagine that's the grass that disappears (gets mowed?) at some point, and puzzled the boys as to where it went. It looked like a fine spring day...

  5. Seeing The Boys in the field never gets old. They were such a legendary pair! They didn't cause me to get my first orange/white cat (mostly a happenstance), but they sure made me appreciate them more.

  6. a purrfect day.. hunting, investigation ans sleeping...

  7. You boys had the best jungle any kitties could ever have. πŸ™‚

    I always love your artwork, you really have an eye for it!

  8. What wonderful explorers your Angel Boys were. We love all three pieces of art, but our favorite is Flynn's solo pose in the grass.

  9. Of course all of your picture are compelling anyway, but when you boost the colours they are absolutely magical.

  10. Of course Eric had the right idea. Get out there in that Sunshine with those beautiful daffodils and even the dandelions are blooming.

  11. Aww! Nice flashback a rumble in the jungle :-)
    Have a artistictastic weekend πŸ‘

  12. doodz…did ya see any oh R big cat cuzinz
    in de grazz…? that wooda been total lee awesum
    ya noe πŸ¦πŸ―πŸ’™ and eric, yur snooze foto buddy
    iz way kewl πŸ’šπŸŸπŸ˜Ί‼️

  13. E and F I so very much enjoyed watching you two ginger men as you patrolled the fields and pastures watching and making fun
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. You sweet boys always made the most of your adventures! Mom's catwork is cat-tastic. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  15. I'll bet of I could visit with you two boys back then (well, I wasn't born yet though)( wait..I was! ) I would be a slim trim girl.

  16. Cute flashback. I like all the art you made. Thank you for all the puzzles. XO

  17. That looks like a comfy spot for a snooze. I love all the dandelions too. :)

  18. Love, love, love the long-grass pics!
    They must have loved moving though their own jungles.
    Off to puzzle...lovely art.

  19. What a lovely life they both had, free to roam around in all that lush grass!

    The Chans

  20. Gorgeous flashbacks of the boys. What lovely memories of them and the artwork is gorgeous. K2 at 40%, is our favorite it's so light.

  21. WE LOVE OUR MANCAT BOYFRIENDS in heaven & never tire of seeing their orange slender!

  22. Nicely done. The boys were masters of napping!

  23. We always love seeing Angels Eric and Flynn out and about in the tall grass. What a great adventure.

  24. Its wonderful to see the beautiful green grass and we love seeing the artwork of the boys in the tall grass where you live. Thanks for stopping by to say Happy Birthday! xo

  25. What a fantastic jungle for you Boyz to play and hunt and hide in!
    And We loved the art!

  26. That garden snooze photo is adorable!

  27. Looks like African grassland so tall. Hope you didn't run into any elephants in there. I think the straw would be a nice place to rest.

  28. Boys, you always and ever looked utterly beautiful in the long grass. I loved seeing you in it.all comfy.

  29. When you said you couldn't see Eric, I expected him to pounce on you! That's how it works around here ... and Ellie never sees it coming.

  30. That was a nice and springlike flashback! After two days of 'spring' here (Record breaking temps), we now are cold and expecting snow!


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