Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week Eric has the main flashback from June 2010 which was a Mancat Monday.

Mum is trying to get my photo for Mancat Monday but I told her to take the flashy box away.

I refuse to turn around.

Haven't you got the message yet mum?

If I hide behind these Moon Daisies she won't see me.

Oops, she nearly got me.

Right, I'm coming out, but the daisy stays in front of me

And a post for Flynn also from June 2010.

Don't Wake Me.

There I was peacefully napping the day away.

Suddenly I sensed I was being watched.

You've just got to spoil a good nap with that flashy box haven't you mum.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Grey at 50%, then added Psychedelic at 45%.

For Flynn I used Yarn at 34%, then Red Blush at 60%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 29.06.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 29.06.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop


  1. Those are such sweet photos of those adorable boys. Hugs from all of us, thinking of you.

  2. Sometimes they are funny about the flashy box. They'll often stop doing something cute as soon as you reach for the camera.

    Thanks for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Dearest Jackie,
    Hoping that. things went well for you today!
    Know that you're in my prayers and thoughts.
    As for Eric, he was hilarious for not wanting to be captured on camera. Oh, they know very well IF we plan to do just that!
    Flynn sure was taking a heavenly nap and it is rough when being disturbed.
    Poor boys—what a life they had.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Eric and Flynn, we feel the same way about the flashy beast but it seems like all our friends and your friends enjoy seeing us.

    Sending healing woos and prayers to you at this time.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  5. Eric always was a most reluctant poser. The flashy box had a lot to answer for, didn't it?

  6. GOOD HEALTH TO YOU and healing thoughts. The medical world works wonders.

  7. a sleeping cat is the symbol of peace... not the dove from mr. picasso... a cat is much better

  8. Our Pipo was like Eric, in that he too hated the camera...I never used flash, but he almost always put his head down or turned away.
    Your sleeping Flynn was so comfy and peaceful. Makes me feel the same way.

    I hope your days of having treatments will go as planned and I pray the side effects will be minimal.
    Sending love and hugs along with the prayers.

  9. How do they always know we have the camera when they seem to be sound asleep! And I read about the adders. I do not think that was a safe choice for Flynn!

  10. Humans always spoil the fun and the napping, don't they? That's the trouble with being gorgeous and famous, everyone wants to see you!

    Jackie, I have been and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending Love and Light. ❤️🙏

  11. At least Mum could catch you both,
    when you were asleep...HeHe! Bless! xx

  12. doodz…while mum did cap sure sum grate shotz, she sure made sure her waz playin “ spy “ that day. N oh courz if daiz waz heer, her wood say her fave rite foto
    wood bee 4 🐟💙💚‼️💖😺

  13. Terrific images, and so is the artwork.
    Enjoyed the puzzles, as always...thanks.

  14. Sweet memories. You are in our purrs and prayers.

  15. Eric I loved seeing your ringed ginger tail
    Flynn you look quite peaceful
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. That second photo shows off that cute tail!

  17. You're in my thoughts and prayers, Jackie. Sending you healing hugs and tons of love. ♥

  18. I'm happy that you received the mug. Hot tea is always comforting. I don't have your email either.

    Love the pictures of Eric amongst the long grasses and daisies! And Flynn is so cute in his closeups. Your art always appeals. Here's hoping that you are tolerating your treatments well, and that you are making positive progress. More hugs from Wendy & Dani🥰

  19. I'm sorry to have missed out on sending you a card. I need to follow your blog. ~nods~ Your flashbacks are always so sweet. Hugs and healing prayers, my dear.

  20. Oh, those sweet boys! Love the catwork. Am sending hugs to you both. We're miles apart, but I think of you often and hope you are feeling better. Until next time...Jean

  21. Cute flashback of both boys. Praying your first treatment went well and you are feeling OK. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  22. LOL! That last picture of Flynn is especially cute! :-)

  23. Oh how we love seeing these flashbacks of our dear friends......know what? I am masterful at waiting for the last possible second when Mom is taking a photo of me by turning my head JUST IN TIME. She gets a little bit upset!!!!
    Hugs, Teddy (and Mom)

  24. Paws crossed and loads of purrs from Finland (North) xxxx

  25. Kitties Blue: Absolutely love how the art turned out from such adorable photos of the boys. Can’t wait to tackle them. Sending purrs and prayers for you, Jackie. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  26. These photos are so beautiful.

  27. The cat needle work is quite the work of art!

  28. Eric and Flynn definitely weren't in the mood for having their photos taken that day. We're thinking lots about you, Jackie, and sending love and purrs.

  29. Kitties can read their Humans' thoughts. We always know when you are about to whip out the Flashy Box.

    Ms. Jackie, We are thinking about you all the time. Hugs and purrs from Us all.


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