Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Flashback and a very big thank you!

 My post this week is very different. On Wednesday morning I received a package from Cecilia at My Minds Eye. Thank you to Cecilia and Ann for organising it. I was amazed when I opened it to find so many cards with good wishes and prayers from my friends. It really made our morning so much better reading them all, and a sincere thank you to all of you.

I have scanned them and some I had already received and they are below the flashback.

Of course I can't leave the boys out, so just a one photo post this week.

This week the flashback was a Wordless Wednesday from June 2010. No puzzle or art this week.

Cecilia and Bryan,    Ellen 15 and Meowing.

Laura, TT Tabbies.        
Carla, Gidget Blue Sky and Angel Honey P Sunshine.

Terry, Celesta and Brian's Home Gang.
Linda and Angels Amber and Max Da weenies of Florida.

Debra, Manx Mnews,             Lynn and Precious.

Lin Brigid, Ezekiel and Sunny T Lab. The Book of Barkley
Steve and Carole Cole, The Colehaus Cats.

Monika, Elsa and House Pony Wilson.
Ann and June.

Sherri Ellen and Bella Dharma.
Angel Binky, Stippie, Peachy and Granny.

Kea and her Angels,            Cindy Ann (Turtle Lover)

Nelly, Phenny, Katty and Mark.

I am joining the blog hop with MessyMimi.


  1. You are in the hearts and prayers of many, including me.

    I do like how the boys were together but not totally on top of each other. It's as if they wanted the reassurance of the other's presence without having to snuggle too close at the moment.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  2. I'm so happy you enjoyed the cards! You're super special to all of us and we're all here for you!

  3. Good morning Jackie and Ivor...are in thought of daily.
    You are so very welcomed!!! YOU MADE my day by knowing how much you enjoyed the Card Shower. Thank you for scanning the cards too.
    You and your ginger men were among Angel Madi's first feline friends. And I remain amazed at how they wore the cameras on the collars as they partrol their fields. I love the flash back photo.
    Many hugs and love

  4. What a wonderful gift, and a surprise, too. May it give you added strength and heart.

  5. Dearest Jackie,
    LOVE the boys on the bed, they felt so loved and so protected and safe. They knew love and that is so rare for so many...
    Lovely gesture for receiving a parcel with cards.
    May I also send you virtual well wishes and prayers for strength and endurance to go the road ahead of you.
    Big all around hugs, also from Spooky boy, Spunky girl and Tiggy Tiger girl,

  6. We know how special that shower of cards was for you. We think of you often and send you the best of wishes for all good things.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  7. Such a nice display of cards to let you know how loved you are. XO

  8. we hope the power of all this good wishes can move mountains.... and more... hugs and lots of potp

  9. Awww, how sweet to receive all those cards....I had one ready but forgot to address it...oops!

  10. Oh! Wow! What lovely beautiful cards,
    they are amazing, and look at all those
    pussy~cats...Bless! :0.)

  11. You are in the hearts of so many, Jackie. We love these shots of your Angel Boys together like this.

  12. That was a lovely wordless Wednesday photo of the boys. So glad that you received so many cards and you know everyone is thinking of you all the time.

  13. If our arms were long enough to reach across the pond, we'd give you a big, warm and gentle ((hug)) ...

  14. We all deeply care about you dear friend - you're on my mind constantly for sure as I send vibes of hope to you every day.

    Hugs, Pam

  15. You are in the thoughts and prayers of so many, Jackie. I hope the cards provide a bit of cheer. ❤️❤️

  16. What lovely cards! And of course a cute photo of the boys.

  17. doodz….pleez keep watchin out for N over mum, herz gotta ruff road a head thiz summer. all de cardz R total lee awesum, tell mum ta take one card with her, each treet mint week 💚💙💖 ta purrhapz make de day a bit
    eazier 💖💙💚

  18. Dearest Mom Jackie - I'm stretching my arms and stretching more to give you a warm hug, and Ivor too in hopes it helps bring comfort. And to let you know you are both in my thoughts and prayers too. Your sweet boys, the way they are posed, remind me of a heart. Your card shower is wonderful. Until next time...Jean

  19. Sometimes silence speaks volumes. Love the photo. And beautiful cards and sentiments. :)

  20. That is such a lovely gesture! We all care about you, Jackie!

    Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
    All of us at The Poupounette

  21. I missed it! I'm sitting here with your card and will post it shortly. Sorry for that. Of course, Dani and I wish you speedy progress in your return to good health. Knowing that there are so many out there who are sending their healing thoughts should surely be a boost.
    Love the boys, back to back. Sweet!

  22. We are all purring and praying for you. We send healing thoughts and encouraging vibes - and Lots of LOVE.

  23. darn,Jackie, I missed the deadline but I’m sending a big hug across the pond. Odin and Otto send purrrrrrssss and smooches xoxo

  24. That is such a sweet memory of Eric and Flynn. How wonderful to receive all those cards from so many friends. You are loved by so many of us, Jackie. Love, purrs, and prayers are being sent to you from all over the world.

  25. You are in the hearts of many, Jackie. Including mine.

  26. What a peaceful scene the boys create. So used to seeing them out and about. And such wonderful cards from wonderful people across the globe. To a very special and wonderful person.
    ERin & Mrs H

  27. We tried to make a card. but out color printer is all messed up. So we are glad you got many others.

    It was nice to see the boys napping together. Marley and Loki get along well, but haven't quite reached thar level of closeness yet.

  28. That's wonderful to hear about the package from Cecilia at My Minds Eye! It's heartwarming to know you received so many cards with good wishes and prayers from your friends. Read my new post.

  29. That's wonderful to hear about the package from Cecilia at My Minds Eye! It's heartwarming to know you received so many cards with good wishes and prayers from your friends. Read my new post.

  30. Hi Jackie, You will be receiving a small package from me in a few days. I looked all over to find a UK seller.
    I would have needed a special stamp for the card I had and had asked my hubby to get one, but he kept forgetting. I am housebound, so this little gift seemed like the best idea. Just know that I'm here radiating positive

  31. Oops! positive thoughts for a full recovery. Hugs, Wendy and Dani

  32. That white stripe on their backs gets me every time!

  33. Our thoughts and purrayers are with you tomorrow, dear Jackie. You can do this✨Healing Pawkisses and much strenghts for you and Ivor too🐾😽💞

  34. Just stopping by here today to let you know once again that you are in our thoughts and prayers and hope only the very best for you

    Hugs and Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom Kathie

  35. Love the ginger flashback. Your kitties are too cute.

    So thrilled you enjoyed the card. We sincerely wish we could magically make you totally healed but hope the notes at least bring you some comfort. Know we continue to think of you and keep you in our prayers. Hugs and tail wags. 💙


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