Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Flashback and Thanks for More Cards and quick update.

Update (added Thursday)

Yesterday was a very bad day. No need to go into details, but I feel a lot better today.

Yesterday I had a port implanted under the skin on my chest under local anaesthetic. The line was done first and then a larger incision for the port. The line goes from the port and into my jugular vein. I hadn't expected that! Very sore and bruised so plenty of Paracetamol. Apparently I have 24 cms (9 1/2inches) of line under my skin. Today I had my third session of Chemotherapy and apart from being very tired feel fine. Now I have a week off, no more chemo for 2 weeks! I have an Oncology appointment Monday to see how I am doing, and hopefully the results of the chest CT I had last week.

I received another package of cards from Cecilia again last week. Thank you to all my friends who know how to lift my spirits. I will try to thank everybody  either in a comment or an email as soon as possible, but in the meantime, a very big thank you to all of you.

Once again, I have scanned the cards, but first a short post from the boys. 

This flashback comes from July 2010 and is called Hide and Seek.

Eric: We had been for another walk and were just relaxing in the long grass.

Flynn: Mum has to keep watching us or we sneak off in the long grass when she isn't looking and then she can't see us.

Somebody else must not have been able to see us either. This pretty blue Damselfly came and perched on the grass next to us. Damselflies are like Dragonflies but smaller, and when they perch on the grass they fold their wings back against their body, unlike Dragonflies who keep their wings outstretched.

Sorry, no art or puzzle this week.

A lovely hug in a mug from Dani and Wendy.

Cheri, Don and the Cats
Suzanne, Don and Angel LouLou.

Laura and Mackerull
Cecilia and Bryan

Terry, Celesta and all at Brian's Home

Steve and Carole Cole and the Colehaus Cats.

Kathie, Misty and Timber, The OP Pack
Sandee at Comedy Plus

Mary McNeil, Catlady Mac
Terry and Celesta and Brian's Home Crew

Ann and June

Debra, Manx Mnews,  Ann and June
Brian, Maureen and Smudge

Monika, Elsa and Wilson the house pony
(Tails Around the Ranch)

Lynn and Precious
Cheri and Don and the Cats

I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Sorry you had a tough day. We're thinking of you always. Those boys were always so much fun!

  2. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    Wishing all the best for a positive outcome and know that you remain in my prayers and thoughts!
    Those hide and seek images of the precious boys are speaking volumes of a happy life lived with both of you.
    Those cards are precious and you earn all the support we can muster.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. You're in my heart and prayers. I hope yesterday means the worst is over.

    Those boys, I'm sure they thought they'd want to run off, but if they did, they'd be wanting to come straight back. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. Thanks for the update ! We continue to send purrayers and purrs for continuing strength for you and Ivor.

  5. Mom keeps you in her prayers every day. She has quite the list but she believes it is what she needs to do. We hope the next two weeks keep you feeling better and that the doctor has some encouraging news for you too. Hugs from all of us

    Woos - Misty and Timber, and Mom too

  6. Oh, man, you're braver than I would be. Into the jugular! and twenty-four inches of line. Good Heavens. That's one of those things better used than thought about. But it will do its job, and you'll be the better for it!

  7. You are lucky to only have one port...I had two, one like yours and one sewed into my ribs for chemo directly into my abdomen...that one was very painful at first, but it always bugged me...
    When I started chemo (Sept 2006) te first couple of rounds were the worst for me, but then my system got used to it, so I could better deal with it. I hope and pray the same for you, not to mention the prayers for better health and good reports. 🙏
    Wow, you can hardly see Eric and Flynn in all that tall grass! That damselfly sure is a vivid blue!

  8. You know how much we love those flashbacks of your boys......and we know you're going through a lot of tough things right now but we pray for you EVERY single day and send you our love. Hopefully a little break in the chemo will allow you to get some strength together for more rounds. Cancer is tough but we can be TOUGHER! Ted and I sent you big hugs....... Love, Pam

  9. I realize you must go through with getting that line in your vein but I cringe for you in pain. You are brave and deserve good news on the results. I pray you get them. I love seeing how the boys could hide in the tall grass and the lovely damselfly. We have them here and I enjoy seeing them flit about.

  10. Jackie, Laila and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Glad yesterday is over for you. (((HUGS)))

  11. Jackie thank you for the update. I'm so sorry yesterday was B A D...Very thankful for today being better and most of all 2 weeks off.
    What a wonderful scan all the beautiful cards..
    Angels Eric and Flynn always delight me
    Hugs and cuddles
    You are very welcomed for the cards
    Love Cecilia and Bryan

  12. Sorry to hear about the rough day. We're sending lots of hugs!

  13. doodz….while ewe iz in ther in de grazz, watchez out
    for fezz ant N vizshuz squirrel.. N while ewe iz up
    ther a bove, pleez send extree hugz and lovez two mum, YeOW if her dinna haza a 😈👿👿👿 day…N heerz hopin that waz de last &’shf@*# azz day her haz.
    hope dadz do inn oh kay two 💙💙💚💚💖💖

  14. I hope the ordeal of the port is the worst of this for you. I'm continuing to send healing thoughts and prayers. ❤️🙏

  15. We are saddened to hear about your bad days, but heartened to hear you will have a period of relief for awhile. We hope your test results are good news. The cards you have been receiving are all very charming, like little works of art meant to make you smile. I enjoyed seeing the mug, as well. And it's always lovely to see those ginger boys in their natural habitat. It's heartwarming. Just think of that -- a puddytat in a habitat!

  16. Thinking of you always and pray for better days ahead.

  17. I wish that you were not half a world away. Just know that there is much love, strength, hope and thankfulness coming your way from us. I am grateful that you are such an integral part of the catblogosphere and have continued to be so through out the years. Sending you much love Barb

  18. That sounds so painful. Your cards are beautiful. That tall grass looked fun to play in!

  19. Sorry you are in pain from the port. You are so loved by all. I am praying for you and I know everyone else is too. Nice flashback. XO

  20. Awww...I love all the cards. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I had never heard of damselflies. Thanks for the info.!! :)

  21. So sorry that getting the port placed was such a trial. Hope it's easier going forward. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.

  22. We are glad you are feeling better today and are sending tons of healing purrs, POTP and good vibes from everyone here. Our paws are crossed you get a good report from the Doctor.

  23. Thank you for telling us about Damselflies we didn't know about them.

  24. Oh, Jackie, we are glad you are feeling better today. What an ordeal you had yesterday. We're purring and praying for a good report from the doctors. XO

  25. Sending Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers for a good outcome on Monday. Hang in there Jackie... and Ivor too🙏🐾😽💞

  26. It is never a good day to feel bad. Crossing paws for a better day soon.

  27. We're thinking of you and glad you're feeling better after that tough day. The photos are lovely and so are all those cards and messages. Sending healing vibes and purrs xx

  28. Thinking of you all the time. We are sorry you had such a rotten day, but glad you are feeling a bit better now.
    Sending virtual hugs from me, and healing purrs from the kitties.


    PS. The pictures of the boys are so cute, as always.

  29. I'm so sorry for all you are going through. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  30. Kitties Blue: Mom says she’s never seen a damsel fly before. Pretty and interesting. We imagine the boys were very good at hiding in the tall grass. If Mom doesn’t get off her butt and send a card, we are firing her. Please know you are in her daily prayers. Ouchies on the port, but we know that saves your veins. Praying for a good CT report for you. Mom’s MRI results were BAD, but you do not need to hear about her problems. Love, hugs, purrs, prayers and POTP. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh and Janet 🙏🏻💗

  31. Mom and I both say you are in our daily prayers. Well, Mommy's daily prayer. But I am in communication with Mom, so I know. Love from us both. I was enjoying seeing the boys in the sparkling grass! The sun was hitting the dew still on the grass and making the boys and the fly, surrounded by tiny stars.

  32. We're so sorry to hear about your bad days, Jackie, and we're keeping you in our thoughts and in our hearts. Paws crossed for positive news from Monday.

  33. Hugs and healing prayers, my dear. I can only imagine going through this difficult time.

  34. Please know that Peepers and I are thinkin' of you every day and sendin' lots of purrs and love and good vibes your way. PURRS

  35. Such lovely cards. I can't seem to make them anymore. Even Photoshop Elements defeats me these days. I need to completely reorganize my computer with apps I can use.

    But you are in our thoughts.


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