Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Update!!! I just noticed tomorrow is our 18th Blogoversary. You can see our first ever post here  on July 20th 2006, and our first post with photos the next day. Thankfully I have improved with uploading photos since then. 

Another update! I had a chest CT scan 2 weeks ago and saw my oncologist on Monday. He said it is clear so the evil c has not spread further. The small c is intentional, I refuse to give it a capital!

The Flashback this week comes from July 2010 and was a Sleeping Contest.

We saw that Kat's Kats are having a sleepy competition so we thought as we do lots of napping that we should enter.

We like to nap on the bed together.

We usually are touching each other when we sleep, but not always.

We like to sleep together on the recliner too.

Eric often likes to show his tummy when he sleeps whether it is indoors..........

or outdoors.

But sometimes he is so tired he just collapses in a heap.

And once he is asleep, he takes a lot of waking.

Flynn prefers to sleep on his back with his paws curled.

Or on the desk with his paws all in a pile.

But it doesn't take long before he is sleeping on his back again.

He also likes to stretch out on the desk. Maybe he needs a bigger one.

Or maybe it is safer to stretch out on the bed.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Flowers at 35%, then Ceremony at 30%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 20.07.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. That sure sounds like some good news, I'm so happy the chest CT was clear. Keep up the good fight and we're always sending prayers and hugs your way. Love those comfy cozy boys and the pretty art.

  2. I'm so glad there is no spread! We'll not name it at all.

    Those are wonderful sleeping poses, you've made me sleepy. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Happy Blogoversary!
    Thanks for sharing the news, and continued purrs for your good health.
    Lovely to see your Angel Boys napping; cats are so peaceful when stretched out like that!
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  4. Now! That was some tummy...HeHe! :).
    And, yes, Happy Blogoversary...!

  5. Well Happy Blogoversary a day early as we'll be hitting the road tomorrow. We're glad to read the positive news, Jackie, and my gosh, all those fabulous sleeping poses are just the best!

  6. Happy Blogoversary! And obviously something is going right for you at the moment and I pray that it continues right through to the end. Get rid of that little c for ever. And those boys, how much fun were they together. I've never experienced two cats at one time so these pictures are extra special.

  7. Happy Blogoversary! What better way to celebrate than with good news?! Continued prayers and Light from me, and purrs from my angels.

    As for Eric and Flynn, they were champion sleepers! I especially love the belly up, paws curled. 😻❤️

  8. Happy blogoversary! Continued purrrrayers for you

  9. If I remember correctly, I think these 2 won the Cat Olypmics competition for sychronized snoozing that we had. They were expert snoozers. Congrats on your blogoversary...and for the good CT scan. Continued good thoughts and prayers for you.

  10. Happy 18 years of wonderful times and so very happy for the "health news" ...

  11. I 10000000000000% agree, "The small c is intentional, I refuse to give it a capital! " thank you for the update

    Jackie I LOVE how F&E loved each other...just the best...
    Happy 18th Jumpin' Catfish!!!! I will be clicking on first link as soon as press publish.

  12. thank you for the link....just loved it.
    I started blogging in 2009 so of course this was like brand spanking new to me
    Hugs C

  13. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    So happy for the both of you!
    Oh, Eric and Flynn slept so sweetly together, touching each other. Also Flynn's curled up feet is adorable.
    Read your first post and also the first images added.
    And Kat's Kats.
    Mariette + Kitties

  14. doodz…nothin better N sleepin in flowerz and on soil🐟‼️💙😺 N pawsum awesum job watchin over mum and keepin de MFGDSA a way….mum noez oh what eye
    speek ‼️😺🐟💙💚

  15. That is wonderful news, Jackie!

    Those boys sure did know how to nap.

  16. I am so glad that little c(hit) didn't spread. Hugs, my dear, and thanks for all these precious images. They made me smile, for sure.

  17. Happy blogaversary and great news on the scan!!! Prayers for continued good news.

    With all the heat here, we have done a great deal of sleeping, just like those handsome boys

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. A sleep contest! Who on Earth will win that? A tie between every cat on Earth! And I remember Fat Eric. He introduced me to a number of other blogs, and one of them may have been this one! Excellent news about the ct scan. If it's not spreading, maybe it'll do the right thing and go back to where it came from.

  19. Happy Bologversary and purrayers that the good news continues !

  20. Glad you got some good news. Cute flashback. Love all the photos of Eric and Flynn snoozing. Nice art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  21. Me again- Happy Blogoversary!! XO

  22. Oh, what uplifting wonderful news! I do think about you and send happy thoughts your way to you and Dad. Love the photos and catwork. Happy 18th Blogoversary! Until next time...Jean

  23. Loved the flashback to first post and first post with pictures! We always like seeing them again, but those were special.

  24. Happy Blogoversary!! 18 years!! Wow!

    And wonderful that the CT scan showed no spread of anything evil...I pray that the chemo you are taking now will get rid of more of that evil. Hugs to you and to Ivor, too!! He must have been as happy as you!

    Those were fun pics of your napping duo!!

  25. We are overjoyed at the not spreading news! Let's keep on the same path dear friend.....that's our prayer. As for the photos - what can I say - those boys were SOOOO "photographable" and you have so many fabulous photos of them....their relationship was "closer than close" which has always kept my heart warm seeing that kind of companionship. Sending you lots of hugs.............Love, Pam and Teddy

  26. We are overjoyed at your good news, and proud of you that you are standing up to that small 'c' and not letting it take over. I imagine that a lot of this fight is a mental

    As for your pictures today and your stunning artwork, they are also inspirational. The boys have shown you the way.

    Everyone would be better off taking catnaps on a regular basis. We hope you are having more good days than bad.

    Hugs, Wendy & Dani😻🥰

  27. Happy Blogoversary. Thanks for sharing your good news!

  28. Kitties Blue: Jackie, that is such good news about your CT scan! Hooray! You remain in my prayers. And Congratulations on your 18th blogoversary. I don’t even think I knew what a blog was 18 years ago. I absolutely loved all these photos, The photo on the desk cracked me up. Hope the boys won the contest. The art came out beautifully. I look forward to doing the puzzle. Love and hugs, Janet and XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  29. Adorable photos and lovely art.

    We're glad you had some good news.

    Happy Blogoversary!

  30. Best blog post of the day, for sure! Happy blogoversary and hooray for a fabulous report from your oncologist, Jackie! Those things both gave us much joy, as did the awesome flashback of Eric and Flynn. Big hugs!

  31. Belated 18th Blogoversary! You've been around even longer than us, although we did not meet you until some years after we started blogging. So many lovely photos in this post!

    The Chans

  32. Such good news! First, the CT scan results. We continue to purr and pray for your good health.
    And your 18th blogoversary! Another milestone.
    Happy blogoversary!
    And such adorable pics of the boys, and beautiful artification.
    Hugs from Mummy and Purrs from Us.

  33. Anyone not melting in adoration looking at the boys is made of stone! I LOVED every picture and word! And thank God for the clear scan!!! XX

  34. I always love how, no matter the smallness of an area, be it a desk or shelf, a cat will lollon and off it and still be perfectly at ease. And even sleep. Your boys do make us laugh, and a real delight to see, though the jigsaws do tend to push Mrs H to the limit. Excellent news from the Doctor.
    Purrs and love to all
    ERin & Mrs H

  35. Belated Happy Blogoversary!!! Eighteen years... You're a legend, for sure. PURRS

  36. We're so happy for you, dear Jackie and Ivor. Keep up the good spirit, you'll overcome🙏 Love the sleeping pictures of you two, sweet Angels. Stippie is sleeping the same as you Angel Flynn, also when he sleeps next to Granny😸😸Double Healing Pawkisses for a peaceful week ahead🐾😽💞

  37. OMC we forgot Happy Blogoversary you all. We wish for many many more🎉🐾😽💞


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