Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The flashback comes from July 2010 and is called:

Hopper Hunting.

Eric: When it is hot and the grass is dried out, we get lots of grasshoppers.

Flynn: We like to hunt them out but I don't know why I look under the grass mower because they like the sun not the shade. Maybe I will find them under there one day.

Eric: If you see them you have to grab them quick before they hop off again.

Flynn: Hey! Get off my back. I'm meant to be eating you, not giving you a piggy back.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For the first one I used Devilish at 40% followed by Ceremony at 40% also.

For the second one I used Sparks at 55%, then Sadness at 20%.

preview110pieceCaturday Art 1 17.08.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 17.08.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. That was fun, especially the hopper hitching a ride! Pretty art too!

  2. Cheeky little hopper, trying to get away from teeth by hiding on your back. That's a fun post, thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  3. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    Oh, Flynn inspecting the grass mower anyway, they truly were farmland kitties and serious.
    LOVE the photo where Flynn got a grasshopper on his back—that face is priceless.
    What fun boys to be working with and fond memories forever!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. that hoppers are super fast... we mostly snap hole in the air... happy weekend to you

  5. Oh my these pictures reminded me of decades ago when I had a cat that lived outside, it used to love to hunt for crickets and grasshoppers. I see your two boys were experts at it. Hope you're feeling well and have a good weekend.

  6. Happy Weekend, Miss Jackie! Question for E & F ... are there hoppers in heaven? Just wondering ... and a Pee Ess: just love the art, especially the first one, really terrific styling of the cats in the grasses, wow!

  7. That's interesting! We've never hunted hoppers but #1 says there are a lot in the garden. Maybe they'll come into the cat run.

    The Chans

  8. Angel Sammy used to hunt/torture (?) grasshoppers but Teddy shows no interest in them. These are such cute photos of your two "Hunters" !!

    Hugs, Pam

  9. Ha! The grasshopper was clever, to hitch a ride on your back. 😁

    I don't recall the boys ever getting a grasshopper. Some moles, lots of moths, and even a couple of dragonflies, but no grasshoppers. I wonder if they taste like chicken. 🤔😋

  10. Sounds like hopper hunting was a fun time!

  11. MOL MOL Hopper hunting...I bet there was a bit of hopping going on too when you saw a field mouse or vole.
    As always fun fun fun on Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Fun memories. Did he ever get to eat the one hitching a ride?

  13. Those were fun t, hunting for all those hoppers. Sneaky, the hitchhiking one, LOL!

    Nice art!

  14. That should have been: fun times...

  15. doodz….eye hope at de dayz end ewe waz abe bull ta snax on bout 372 …each.. a my tee tasztee treet for sure..did ya ever eat crickettz? eye haz, they R prette good. eye like puzzle peace two…kinda like fall witha bit oh mizz tree 😺🐟🐈‼️💙💙

  16. Kitties Blue: Love both art pieces. Did a grasshopper actually jump on Flynn’s back? We really don’t see many around here until fall. Continuing, Jackie, to keep you in my prayers. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  17. Fun memories! I wonder if the boys ever caught any hoppers? Mom's catwork is pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are well. You're both in my thoughts. Until next time...Jean

  18. Once a grasshopper got into our condo and Harvey went nuts trying to catch it it took him 3 hours when he finally did,that crunch I heard said Gotcha.

  19. As always, your art is beautiful.

    We try to catch the cicadas as they fly by, but maybe we would have better luck with the grasshoppers.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. That was a cute flashback. Very nice art. Thank you for the puzzles. I will work on them this weekend. XO

  21. They must've been like bouncy toys for the boys...

  22. Lovely and enigmatic art, as always. It's amazing how interesting these two can be without seeing their faces.
    The colours in your art are always compelling. I am especially drawn to the last one. And Jackie, we hope you're having more good days than bad.

  23. Fun little adventure! Great pics.

  24. That was fun! Especially the cheeky hopper hitching a ride from Flynn! :)

  25. Hunting hoppers is so much fun, but this one on your back was a cheeky one ! Purrs

  26. Those Angel Boys were quite the grasshopper hunters, I'd say. As always, their artified antics are beautiful.

  27. Once again, the boys display their hunting skills!
    The grasshopper hitch-hiker made Us laugh!

  28. Lol. I think the grasshopper was planning to hitch a ride all along. :)

  29. oh, those hoppers are fast! My boys have no luck catching them. love your first image


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