Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 First, some more cards I have received, and thank you to everyone who sent them. A quick update. I should have had chemotherapy yesterday but have been feeling so ill that the chemo nurse had a discussion with my oncology doctor and they decided it would be better for me to miss it. Next week is my week off so that gives me two weeks for my body to recover. I have been doing quite well throughout, but this last week has really hit me. Hopefully in 2 weeks time I will feel much better again.

Cecilia and Brian  Lynn and Precious
Lynn and Precious Cecilia (birthday card)

Robyn and Angel Sanjee.   Brian and Celesta.
Vicky, Eastside Cats.

Ann and June.  Marjorie and Dash Kitten Crew

This week the flashback comes from July 2010 and was a Tummy Tuesday.

Flynn: Just a minute, you've caught me before I've got my tummy ready.

Eric: ::watching::

Flynn: Have you ever had the feeling you are being watched?

Eric: Chaaaaaarge!

Flynn: Yikes! What happened? I feel like I've been hit by a tornado!

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Quirky at 50%, then added Ceremony at 25%.

For Flynn I started with Psychedelic at 40%, then added Illusion at 35%.

preview110pieceCaturday Art Eric 10.08.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art Flynn 10.08.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. A couple of weeks off is a good thing and we all send hugs to you. Those two always seemed to be having a big old time!

  2. I am praying you feel better and more able to handle the meds in a couple of weeks.

    I'll bet those two did charge at each other like tornadoes when they wanted to have a good play session. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    So sorry that you were feeling so sick and indeed a good thing you can have some off time to let your body recover. Feel warmly embraced 💞
    Oh, mean Eric for hitting Flynn while he was distracted with cleaning his belly!
    Excellent photos of the incident and so timely.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Firstly, I think you are holding up better than I would be, Jackie. Chemo-therapy isn't for wimps, it seems. I hope you are indeed feeling better, and soon. Secondly, that sneak attack had me chuckling. Hardly fair - but funny.

  5. we send lots of positive thoughts and weimpower over the channel to you... and so many thanks for this super card... we laughed a lot, because that really happened once... stay tuned for the story LOL

  6. We hope you will feel much better very soon, Jackie.

    Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs from all of us at The Poupounette

  7. Glad you are having a SO deserve it and hopefully will feel ready to "go" again in a couple of weeks.....thinking of you ALWAYS my friend. Always. The flashbacks are so much fun - seeing those handsome boys makes me happy.

    Love, Pam (and Teddy too)

  8. And it looked like he got hit by a tornado. Those two boys must have really been some action figures when they were outside. I do hope you feel better in that in two weeks you can continue on with your chemo. I'm sure it cannot be easy at all, I would have no idea. Lots of prayers and prayers coming from our Direction though. Lynn and Precious

  9. I hope the two weeks off gives your body the time it needs to recover enough for the next round. I'm sending lots of hugs and healing energy. 🙏❤️

    That "tornado" gave me a chuckle. The boys were big kitties, it would have been quite an impact. Lol.

  10. We are all thinking about you, and sending good vibes.

  11. What an adorable series of photos! Sending you hugs!

  12. flynn….eye haz had that feelin but knot bye a cat…spesh a lee when eye go neer de…due knot scratch that chair…chair….eric …dood….ewe had that look bout ya…eye new ya waz plannin sum thin buddy 🙀😺💙🐟💚‼️ both ewe doodz keep an eye on mum, dad two 🌸💙🌺💚

  13. Such lovely cards full of healing and loving wishes.
    I'm glad you get a bit of a break between treatments.
    My brother in law typically goes for treatment every 2 weeks.
    Eric and Flynn such fun-gis
    Hugs cecilia

  14. da tabbies o trout towneAugust 9, 2024 at 6:38 PM

    off ta cyburr space me commint went eye guezz 😼😼😼

  15. N de gurl doez knot rememburr what her said…pleez keep watchin out over mum N dad…💙🌸💚🌺 (but her can ree call sum thin frum 60 yeerz ago….‼️😺‼️😺‼️)

  16. Pawsome flashbacks!!!!!!
    Sending lots of positive energy and healing to you!
    Purrs Winnie and the mum

  17. Sorry that you are feeling unwell, from all mthat your body is being assailed with. Hopefully the longer break will be helpful to give you more strength and stamina to keep going.

    Those are fun flashbacks!!
    Never a dull moment when those two were at it!

  18. All the best to you in your healing. Our bodies always tell us what it needs. We love looking at your flashbacks and the Caturday art for the boys are lovely with great colors.

  19. What beautiful cards! I'm unable to send a card, but sending a comforting hug in its place. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I think about you often and send good thoughts. Love seeing flashback pics of your sweet boys. Catwork is always so nice. Until next time...Jean

  20. Those boys sure were a couple of characters! Sending you many purrs and hugs from me and the Lady. We hope this little break gives your body what it needs. ~Murphy

  21. Boys will be boys!!!

    We hope your week off will help recharge you and give you some better days.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  22. Thanks for the update. Purrayers continuing with much love.

  23. Sorry the last chemo made you feel so sick. You are in my prayers every day.Nice cards, you are very loved. Cute flashback. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  24. Great photos! Hopefully the longer break will help rest and reset your body and you can back on track with the chemo. I have a friend who has been going through this too. Wishing you a restful and pleasant weekend. :)

  25. Lovin' those rolls in the hay showing white and orange tummies!

  26. Hurray for Mom Jackie in taking a pause that we just know will refresh!!!

  27. The effect of chemo is cumulative so it's no surprise that you're feeling sick and tired. Hope the extra week off will leave you stronger. Will continue to keep you in our thoughts.
    I agree with the others -- this weeks pictures are delightful and tell a good story.

  28. We are sorry you have not been feeling well, Jackie, and hope the week off from cheo gives your body some much-needed rest. Your flashbacks this week are a true delight. What fun Eric and Flynn had, much to the delight to all of us who loved them.

  29. Lovely art. Thinking of you and sending our love xx

  30. We're glad you've got a couple of weeks' break, and hope it helps. We're sending you all the purrs, good thoughts and warm hugs we can muster, Jackie. You're a trooper!

  31. We are so sorry you have been feeling so poorly and hope that the "time off" will help. We send you lots of love and purrs and prayers - both from Us kitties and from Mummy.
    We love the pictures of the Boys.

  32. So sorry to hear that you are feeling ill. Frodo Amarula and Zulu and Me send you all the best

  33. Sorry to hear you are feeling so ill. It will be nice for you to have a break. Thanks, by the way, for offering the advice on resizing. It was kind of you considering how badly you are feeling. The pictures of Eric and Flynn are charming as ever, and I always enjoy your art. They are so special.

  34. We are sad you are feeling worse last week, but glad you are getting cards. And we allus love ta see The Boys.

  35. I hope you feel better. I always love to see Eric and Flynn. I love the art you made. You should frame them. Love everything about both pictures.
    Sending purrs to you, take care

  36. Dearest Jackie, Thank you for your condolences, it means a lot to me. Cinnamon is missed terribly. Especially by Kozmo. He was about 6 months old when Cinnamon came to live with us. I did not know that cats and dogs could be a pair bond until those 2 met. It was funny to see how much they "Kept an eye" on each other and how Kozmo would follow us on our walks. They even slept together, more after we found out Cinnamon had cancer.
    I remember you in my prayers everyday and think of you often. I do hope that you feel better soon. Put your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder and is a HUG from me to you!
    Keep being awesome
    Love Barb


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