Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Flashback and an update.

 I know International Box Day was 16th July and we are 6 weeks late with it but I saw it when I was looking for a Friday Flashback. Sorry, there is no puzzle or art this week, and that I have not been visiting, but this has been the week from hell. This is a rushed post as I never miss a Friday flashback.

There will be an update at the end. I will try and keep it short, but it probably end up longer than intended.

We were excited when we heard that Zoolatry were having International Box Day today cuz we both like boxes, duzn't everycat? We helped mum find all the photos on all her files so she could get our post ready in plenty of time. Then it nearly didn't happen when the compooter died, but mum looked through all her back up flash drives and we got the photos onto the laptop instead.

We've got a tattle tail about mum and the laptop before you look at our box photos. Mum usually uses the laptop on the sofa or at the table but because the PC isn't working, she put it on the compooter desk. She went to print something this morning and we heard her yell 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! NOW THE LAPTOP WON'T WORK!' Do you know what silly mum did? She pulled out the shelf with the PC keyboard and was typing on there, then she wondered why no words were coming up on the laptop. You would think she would learn after the first time wouldn't you, but oh no, she did it time and time again.
Anyway, that's enough of that. Here are our box pictures.

Flynn: Not long after we started blogging, Grr, Midnight and Cocoa had a competition and we won. Part of our purrize was this great box with shreddy paper in.

I love this box and I could smell my girlcat furrend Grr in it. It made the bestest bed.

I have even still got it now. When I sleep in it I dream of Grr.

Eric: I wanted to see what was so great about the box so I thought I would try it. I think it is a bit small for me.

Flynn: This is another good box but I don't have it any more.

It was very comfy though.

Eric: I seem to have a problem finding a box to fit me.

They all seem to have shrunk.

No, no success with this one either.

At last! A box I can move around in!

And another one. What do you mean, it's not a box? It's lovely and comfy with the washing in the bottom. If I close my eyes I can purrtend it is a box.

When I was younger and smaller I used to fit in all sorts of boxes.

Flynn: Bet you wouldn't fit in this box Eric.

This is a nice big box. It's where our Christmas tree lives when it's not Christmas.

Eric: You're right! It's big enough for two.

Now the update:

This has been the week from hell. Sunday is always a bad day, Fridays and Saturdays are good. On Sunday I think I can do more than I can and then I crash! Monday is "Diarrhoea Day" but this week wasn't too bad. Tuesday was a good day. I had bloods done in the morning, then later we went out for lunch to encourage me to eat. We got home and 5pm I sat down to watch a favourite quiz show and that is when everything went pear shaped. The phone rang and it was one of the doctors from our family surgery. She told me my potassium and magnesium levels were dangerously low and low magnesium can trigger heart attacks. She told me I had to go to the Same Day Emergency Care at the hospital and that they were expecting me.
I had been telling the surgery for weeks that I had a problem wiyh my potassium levels which had shown up in bloods I had done before I started chemo, and until I had an annual review last week and it was showing there they took no notice of what I was saying. The bloods for my review were added to the chemo form, so of course they got all the results.
I think that when they saw for themselves that what I had been telling them was right they panicked!
When I got to the hospital they said my magnesium was dangerously low and put me right on a magnesium infusion and hear monitor. I hope I have got this right, the levels for magnesium should be at least 1.2 and mine were 0.25. Then I had a litre of potassium by infusion, then took my bloods again which showed the levels were still too low.
I had to stay in overnight and have two more infusions of 500ml magnesium a1000 ml potassium, then another blood test. Levels were still too low so had to have two more infusions in the afternoon and another blood test. 
 They wanted me to stay overnight again but I told them I couldn't as I had an appointment with my family doctor to sort out some meds. It had taken me so long to get that appointment that there was no way I was cancelling it. I had chemotherapy at noon also, and as I had already missed one a couple of weeks ago due being too run down to have it I wasn't prepared to miss another one. They weren't very happy about me going home but agreed to send the final bloods to chemotherapy and if necessary they would give me another infusion there. The results were improved so no more infusions were needed and I just had my normal chemo infusions. altogether I had 5.5 litres of fluids by infusion in 26 hours.
I was given a new prescription for a diuretic which can cause increased potassium. That is one side effect that will be good for me. My usual diuretics have been reduced from 3 pills to one so we will see how it goes.
Scan today (Friday) to see how the chemo is working, so wish me luck with that, then bloods next Tuesday which hopefully will still show enough magnesium and potassium.
Well that has been my less than wonderful week. I am sorry, I intended to try and keep it short but knew I would have trouble with that!
I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. My heart is so full right now. You're in it and I am praying your levels stay up. I get similar problems, and it's so awful when they won't listen. I hope they test you regularly after this and stay on top of it.

    The box photos are precious, I'm glad the boys had boxes to play with even if they didn't always quite fit. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

  2. Those boys were always the best boxers! I'm sorry you had such a bad week, WOW. I hope the increase in potassium levels helps lots. Hugs and love from all of us.

  3. We are sending you continued purrayers and prayers as you fight through all this. We have had some experience with getting the medical people to pay attention to what we are telling them, so we are glad you had the energy to persist until they listened !

  4. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    The flashback of Eric and Flynn is hilarious and so true for all kitties—they LOVE boxes.
    As for your week out of hell—my what a fate and as the result of them NOT listening to you!
    Glad that somehow they managed to balance it out more evenly so you can live with it.
    Receive a tight hug and lots of support and prayers!!! Both of you.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. All those different kinds of boxes and box like containers!
    Eric and Flynn would have loved to be here at our den today, as the delivery dudes brought in at least four big boxes.

    That sure was a rough week for you to endure, and I hope the new med will help lessen the issues. Praying for you to have a better week, and no more low electrolyte levels.

  6. we hope so much for good news ... and we cross all fingers and paws for better levels.... we send lots of good vibrations... a big box full to the brim...

  7. E and F and their Boxes = Priceless Pics!
    As for Hell Week: we say send it back to Hell, in the proverbial hand basket (or box, if there's an empty box around without a kitty in it). You do not need or deserve this with all you're already going through and putting up with. We have crossed paws for you (and every thing else than can be crossed) and send prayers and gentle hugs. Love, A and J

  8. First I will say that the boys truly loved being in boxes and I'm so glad you felt like making a post with their pictures today. And I am sorry that this is just making life so miserable for you and your body. You are in my prayers and I hope that all goes well this week and that there's no more emergency scares. You and your husband certainly do not need them. Lynn and Precious XX

  9. The boys and all the boxes were terrific to see. But I'm so sorry you've had such a rough go of it. I hope all the transfusions do the trick and you won't need any more on top of everything else. I also hope the medical people LISTEN to you now, going forward. It's SO frustrating to be dismissed, not heard, disregarded. I'm sending you Universal healing energy and love and praying for better weeks ahead. 🙏❤️

  10. I'm sorry you had an extra sucky week! I'm glad that you have a place to vent it out while keeping us (me) updated .... and I'm keeping you in my prayers !

  11. Hey Jackie... I do hope your day was much better than the first part of your week. I send you lots of prayers and hugs for a peaceful weekend to you and IVOR.
    E&F knew how to make the most out of all the opportunities each day gave them. Cats can surely teach us how to just chill and let the day create it self.

  12. The boys in their boxes - too cute. I'm sorry you had a horrible week. I hope your levels stay up! Sending lots of hugs your way.

  13. doodz….theez box fotoz iz total lee awesum…eye N joyed each one…eye am knot much oh a box dood noe matter de size…due knot reel liee like cat nip either…
    but hay, pleez keep watchin out for mumN dad…pawz crozzed a bazillion timez over mumz scan went well 💙🐟💚🐟💖🐟

  14. I'm so sorry you went through this week from hell. I think about you and always send good thoughts and a comforting hug. And good thoughts to Dad too. Hoping that here at week's end you are feeling much better. Your boys are heartwarming to see in their boxes. I remember the neighbor up front had some empty boxes on top of the trash can and Peanut, our matriarch senior feral kitty, liked to sleep in one of the boxes. She'd poke her head up when she heard us outside and it was so cute seeing these little black ears first and then her little face. The boxes are long gone, but sweet Peanut thankfully is still with us. Until next time...Jean

  15. I remember the photos of the boys in boxes from years ago and they still make make me smile. So sorry your week was crazy difficult. Hope your team get on the same page and get it right in the next weeks.
    Hugs and purrs.

  16. That was a very fun Box Day post, we loved all of it. Our Angel Lightning was terrified of boxes, small or big, despite being a very BIG boy. But we know all cats seem to love boxes.

    We are so sorry for the bad week you had. It is really scary when the patient knows better what is going on than the medical staff caring for them. Mom says this happens way too often. You just have to be your own best advocate. We hope the days ahead go much better for you. Hugs.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. I am sorry you had to go through that. I am praying your scan results are good. Cute box flashback- I like the Christmas tree box with both boys in it. XO

  18. Whatever it is, if it's box-shaped, then a cat will go into it!
    Sorry to read about your horrific week; hope you are on the mend, and sending purrs and hugs.

  19. A box with bedding already in it! Double prize! And the boys liked the Christmas tree box, just as my beasts do. As for the update... What a terrible week indeed. Thank you for keeping us updated, and may your next week be much, much better.

  20. Oh dear, Jackie- me and dad are sorry you had such a shitty week and we hope this next one is better. My word, you've endured so much. We're sending you all our purrs, hugs and loving well-wishes. Oh, and Angels Eric & Flynn's box photos are so funny!

  21. I'm so sorry for all you are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  22. Kitties Blue: Jackie, I absolutely loved all the box photos with the boys, but am terribly saddened that you are having such a rough time. Does the chemo strip the potassium and magnesium from your blood? I’ll be praying that you won’t have to go through all those infusions EVER. I continue to pray for you every day and send lots of love and hugs. Kitties send purrs and POTP. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh and Janet

  23. Mudpie has that shrinking box problem too :) I'm sorry you've had such a hard week.

  24. Eric and Flynn were definitely the best boxers! We're so sorry it's been such a rough week for you, Jackie. You are always in our hearts, purrs, and prayers. XO

  25. So sorry it's been a tough week, Jackie. Thinking of you and sending purrs, healing thoughts and hugs xx

  26. Oh, Jackie, we're so sorry about this all. We send Healing Pawkisses for a better week for you and Ivor too🐾😽💞

  27. Hugs and healing prayers, my dear. And thank you for the adorable images.

  28. Comment from CCL Wendy accidently deleted instead of posted.
    CCL Wendy has left a new comment on your post "Friday Flashback and an update.":

    Your medical emergency was the real hell. I don't know why doctors don't listen, and the have to act suddenly to avoid catastrophe. It's the same here. My husband almost died last year because his doctor ignored him. Same as you. I hope the chemo results are good despite all the mishaps.
    Lovely box photos. Kitties sure are silly over them.
    Wishing you easier days ahead.


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