Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art. Some more cards at the end that I have received, thank you. 

Two short posts this week. The first from Flynn from July 2010:

Do You Remember....

.............yesterday that I told you I caught a baby snake last week?

Well today I caught his big brother!
Mum is getting a bit worried now because I am not catching them in the fields, but in the garden. She said she won't be going out there in sandals or slippers any more.

And a Tummy Tuesday from Eric from August 2010.

I told mum she is taking up too much of our blog with her holiday photos and that I needed the blog all to myself today to show off my manly tummy. If she behaves herself I may let her post some more later.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I started with Garden at 60%, then added Fantasy at 40%

For Eric I used Landscape at 50%, then added Beauty at 40%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 7.08.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 7.08.24
Now for the latest cards I have received. Thank you to everyone who sent them.
Terry, Celesta and Brian's Home Gang with a big hug from Chipper.

Cecilia and Bryan

CindyAnn (Turtle Lover)              Colehaus Cats  

Carole and Katie           Janet and The Kitties Blue

I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Yikes, I wouldn't go out in slippers either! Pretty art too. Glad you liked the Chipper hug!!!

  2. Around here, with bugs and lizards and even the occasional snake, I wear sturdy shoes for outside unless I'm just going to be on the porch.

    These are wonderful flashback photos and I really appreciate your linking up with Feline Friday.

    You're in my prayers.

  3. I would have been worried about snakes biting the boys, but they were probably harmless little serpents. I hope this week is a better one than last week was for you...

  4. That is one L O N G snake!! Us pups like to try and dead the garden snakes we have here, too, though petcretary says she wants to keep them cause they are good to help with all the varmints we have around here...hey, we need to dead the varmints ourselves!!

    We hope you're feeling better this week. Prayers abound for your wellbeing.

  5. it seems the dream to go to devon if we win the lottery, got a big question mark... you have snakes there? wow!!!! we had emergency state and a siren like screaming mama for a blindworm in the garden... the whole kraal bursted with laughter ... oh my...

  6. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    Flynn and Eric lived such special lives with both of you.
    In a way, Flynn tried to capture the dangers in order to keep you safe, like a loyal body guard!
    Eric with his manly tummy is hilarious, he sure loved showing his and with that also all the love he received through his stomach.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  7. Those boys were so good at playing together, exploring together AND hunting! We always enjoyed seeing Eric's manly tummy especially after we got Teddy who has a pretty darn manly one himself!! So happy you're enjoying your cards - everybody loves you and is holding you in their hearts - including US!

    Love, Pam

  8. Flynn, wow, what a catch, that snake was huge! (You don't have poisonous snakes there, do you?)

    Eric, no one could resist your tummy! Swoon!

    Jackie, I so hope you're having a better week. I'm sending positive energy/Light, keeping you and Ivor in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. OMC I wouldn't know what to do when such a snake was in our garden, sweet Angels🙈Thank you for stopping by our bloggie to celebrate our 2nd Gotcha Day with us🎉Double Pawkisses for a happy and healthy weekend, dear Jackie🐾😽💞

  10. Flynn, Lynn is always looking for snakes on the bike path. She has this weird obsession with them and she even tries to touch him or pick them up. But they're not poisonous and we're sure that yours must not be or you wouldn't have told us the story. And would look at that big fluffy tummy, wow, that's something to be proud of Eric.

  11. Now! That's what a call a tummy.....! :O).

  12. I sure hope you are feeling better this week. From afar, and though we never met, you are in my thoughts and I do pray for you. And Ivor too. Love the photos, but I can do without snakes too! Catwork is very nice. What a wonderful display of beautiful cards! Until next time...Jean

  13. That Tummy Tuesday pic is so adorable. Yikes snakes! We have all kinds of bugs, frogs and lizards here. Yuck. Many hugs to you.

  14. oh em cod doodz….what pawsum cardz mum getted frum. all her friendz…pleez keep watchin out for N over her N dad…spesh a lee if that snakez iz still hangin round, heez now anaconda size 🙀🙀🙀🐟🙀😺💚‼️🙀🙀

  15. The boys were such good hunters. Beautiful cards. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  16. You can bet our Mom wouldn't go anywhere near that garden with or without slippers on. She does not like snakes at all.

    Lovely art. We especially like Flynn's. I has a bit of an Impressionist garden look to it

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. We live near a woods and Mum just said she hopes there are no snakes in our garden. I only go out in the catio so I hope there are none in there!

    Lovely art as always.

  18. Flynn you are an over achiever...might as well catch the baby's bigger relative
    Hugs Cecilia

  19. Flynn excelled at hunting. Eric did too.

  20. That photo of Eric showing his tummy made us smile so big. And Flynn sure was a mighty hunter, wasn't he?

  21. A spectacularly slithery flashback, and the Angel Boys' artworks are, well, works of art!

  22. I worry about snakes here. The grass has gotten so high. The boys look handsome as always. Healing purrs, POTP and much love from all of us.

  23. Spoiler alert! Tomorrow on Hug Your Hound Day, I, Marvelous Marv will tell you how MIFFED I am at Mom letting the snake I caught go! I am so glad that I am following in the steps of the esteemed Flynn! We love all the shots and the cards you gotted! I shall send you an ecard! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv

  24. Eric Dude, that's the manly-est tummy ever! Pawesome flashback guys!

  25. Yikes! I would've been stuck inside after seeing a snake like that!

  26. Kitties Blue: OMC...Mom says she wouldn't be going in the garden at all if we had snakes. Yikes! We are happy you received our card. Mom continues to pray for you daily. Your art turned out beautifully. Thanks for the puzzles. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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