Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Thank you for the latest cards I have received. I always really appreciate getting them.

Lynn and Precious.                      Cecilia and Bryan.

Carole and Katie           Terry, Celesta and the Brian's Home Crew.

This flashback comes from August 2010 and is called:

In The Barn.

Eric: While we were out for our walk it started to rain so we went in the barn to shelter. I thought I may as well check for any new smells while we were there.

Yup, this is a new one. It's very interesting

In fact it is so interesting that I need to rub my face on it to make it smell right. I would normally pee on it but mum says the horses wouldn't like it on their hay bales.

While I was doing that, Flynn had a baff.

Then it stopped raining so we sat outside the door and Flynn carried on baffing.

Right mum, are you ready to get walking again? The rain shower is all finished now.

Flynn: Yeah, come on mum, I'm ready to go.
So we carried on with our walks around the field and the sun kept shining again.

It was getting near dusk on the way back and mum thought the sunset looked pretty so she took a photo of it.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Rembrandt at 35%, then added Sparks at 45%.

I am not really happy with Flynn's art, it looks a bit washed out. I should have started again from scratch. I used Leonardo at 40%, then added Smoke at 30%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 5.10.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 5.10.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Glad you got some cards. Those boys, what a fun time they always had! The art is so pretty. Take care over there, we're always thinking of you.

  2. It is really nice of you boys to keep the hay safe for the horses. Not every kitty is so considerate. We don't always send a card, but we keep you and your Mama and Papa in our purrayers too.

  3. That was a delightful walk with a break in the barn and a lovely sunset to finish. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. I wonder what that smell was. It couldn't have been an intruder's smell; I think the boys would have wet on that, horses or no horses...

  5. Those boys sure did love the barn and the hay bales....we remember some photos of them up high in the hay enjoying the view......and they probably had some good hunting in the barn too!!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  6. I am sure the great thing about being outside with those boys was that you were in the right place to see some of the most beautiful Skies of the day. Precious would simply love to be able to go somewhere and rub up against a bale of hay. That she'll just have to be satisfied with the flower pots on the patio, with her today devoid of all plants because fall is getting here quickly.

  7. You're mum was right, the horses would not have appreciated your peeing on their hay!

    You both sure had the BEST lives with all your outdoor adventures!

    The sky photo is glorious. So amazing to live somewhere with vistas like that. 😊

  8. Boys, I think I will make a comment to your Mom in a note. A good comment.

  9. That was one glorious sunset!
    Thanks for the art and puzzles...will play soon.

  10. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    It is wonderful how you captured Eric and Flynn's daily adventures and outings for reliving them now!
    Two very happy kitty brothers with a big reign and full of things to explore.
    Love the final sunset photo with the river in the background.
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. Jackie I'm always happy to see/read the Adventures of E&F. Those boys must have logged in a gazillion steps each day and Oh the scents.
    Very happy to see your cards are arriving now that we've figured out a way to avoid any hold ups in customs. You are very welcomed too
    Hugs cecilia

  12. What cute baffing photos!

  13. doodz…that had ta bee awesum fun gettin ta play in de barn! may bee de new smellz waz frum a new mouze? hope mum haz had a grate week and way kewl cardz her getted az well….lotz better than “rox” …her noez what de gurlz talkin bout 😺💙🐟💚‼️

  14. All those nice cards! And the boys sure knew how to fill all their moments, fun or otherwise. Catwork is very nice. Hope you and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  15. That is a spectacular sunset. Beautiful photo. We woul love to sniff around a barn with the boys - we always love to find new smells. Bet there are some great ones in the barn.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Hooray for more cards! I hope and pray you're feeling not too bad this week. ..and you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

    Those boys sure loved checking out everything! Beautiful sunset, too!

  17. Nice cards. Glad the kitties didn't pee on the hay. Pretty art. Thanks for the puzzles. XO

  18. Lovely cards and art! Such sweet photos of the boys.

  19. Such beautiful pictures and a gorgeous sunset.

  20. The barn sure looks like it was fun for Angels Eric and Flynn. And that sunset was so lovely!

  21. Although We haven't sent a card, please know that we are thinking of you.
    The pics of the Boys are lovely!

  22. Dad says he kinda likes to look of Angel Flynn's artified self, especially his eyes.

  23. what my cats would not do to have a barn of their own!!

  24. What a great time you had in the barn, sweet Angels. Loved the pictures and the artwork. Oh, and Granny thinks we would have least one of us...MOL...Hope you're feeling a little better, Jackie🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy week ahead🐾😽💞


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