Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from September 2010 and is called:

Are You Home Yet, Mr. Squirrel?

Eric: Do you remember when we were knocking on Mr. Squirrel's front door last week? He wouldn't invite us in so we are back again.

Yoohoo! Are you there Mr.S? We've come to eat you join you for dinner.

You keep looking Flynn, I'll just look around outside.

Flynn: Don't be scared, we only want to play.

It looks like we are out of luck Eric.

Flynn: I will just make sure he isn't hiding around the other side of the tree and then we may as well give up until tomorrow.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess  for Caturday Art.

For the first one I started with Beauty at 30%, then added Fantasy at 35%.

For this one I used Sunshine at 60%, then added Psketch at 20%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 2.01.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 2.01.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.



  1. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    What a team Eric and Flynn made, so much fun looking for Mr. Squirrel!
    Don't think it would be play time, at least not in a soft and cuddly way IF they would encounter him.
    That old tree in itself was already intriguing enough for any kitty nose to explore.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Such fun squirrel hunting even if nobody was home. Very pretty art too. Hugs from all of us.

  3. Squirrel hunting is all the rage here, too. Although squirrel catching is another matter.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. There may be elves living under those roots!

  5. The boys must have seemed like too-nosy neighbours to that squirrel...

  6. you can smear dirt at the door knob or cou can throw tp at the house of mr. squirrel... those who will not open the door to give us a treat will get a trick ;o)

  7. How unfortunate to have missed Mr. Squirrel again! Though perhaps he would not have agreed. 😁

    I especially like the warm shades of second art pic! Great filters!

    Take care, I hope you're having a GOOD week. ❤️

  8. I know you Angel Kitties saw that squirrel try to get in my house. I didn't want it there and I wasn't going to go hunting yet but I wish you could have been here to do something about it.

  9. You two were into everything, weren't you?

  10. What another wonderful flashback adventure. The boys sure did live the life!

  11. How very polite of you both Eric and Flynn to knock on Mr. Squirrels door...MOL MOL or maybe it was a 5 second warning for him to vacate the tree.
    Hugs to you Jackie and Ivor

  12. MOL MOL mew guys are absolutely epic, and we think it was really rude of the squirrel to not invite mew in for tea, mew know some squirrels just have no manners at all!!! Happy Friday to mew all, and we hope your weekend is EPIC!!! 🐾🐾

  13. doodz….squirrelz iz vizshuz….just like deer.. sew it waz prob a blee a good thing ya dinna seez him, snax ore knot ‼️ hope mum N dad hada pawsum annie fur sarry
    N still keep yur eyez peeled like poe tay toez on yur pawrentz….💙🐟💚😺

  14. I wonder if the boys ever did receive an invitation from Mr. Squirrel to come on in?! Maybe I don't really want to know! Beautiful catwork. Hope all is well. Until next time...Jean

  15. As adorable as you both are, I wouldn't let you in if I was a squirrel either!

  16. That squirrel was so rude to not come out to play with them. Cute flashback and beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  17. We remember these photos - that tree is amazing. What a fun place to play and hide and find "critters" !!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  18. Squirrels are so fast!

    Love the art as always.

  19. What a fun event...squirrel hunting. Great artwork.

  20. We hope that pesky squirrel wasn't playing tricks on the boys and hiding up high in the tree. We try and try to catch one too, but no luck yet.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. Did Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel ever come out for the boys? :)

  22. Oh Goodness Me, could it be that Mr Squirrel outsmarted the boys here??

  23. Poor Mr Squirrel - you must have given him quite a scare!

  24. Too bad us pups weren't there to help you tease out that squirrel!

  25. You two must have had the most wonderful time together. That tree is amazing, and so were you, sweet Angels😸😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy week ahead, Jackie. Are you feeling alright🙏🐾😽💞

  26. We so loved those squirrelly antics! Such beauties…uh the kitties, not the squirrel…

  27. I loved the picture last week, so this week I love it twice as much! That tree is something else. Will the boys ever be invited inside? Probably KNOT!

  28. We are still trying to catch the squirrels around here. They are looking for all the stuff they can to put away for winter and I think that is going to happen soon! We are already seeing snow up high! Mom says you would probably WIN any wheelchair races. She mostly uses the walker in the house (there are too many places she can't get through with the chair) and her shoulders and arms are sore from being hips and legs. We kind of like that she can't catch us! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutmeg and Mom Barb


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