Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The main post this week is Flynn with his nip and comes from September 2010.

Mum gave me my tub of nip to enjoy.

Mmmm, I love my nip.

It makes me happy.

Very happy.

Then I get the munchies.

Of course everycat knows you have to sleep it off afterwards.

I can't leave Eric out, so here is a one photo post for him also from September 2010 and called 


..........leave the drawer open if you don't want me to sit in it?

I had some more cards arrive during the last week. Thank you to Cecilia, Terry and Lynn.

Cecilia and Bryan

Lynn and Precious           Terry and Celesta

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I used Beauty at 45%, then Scribble at 25%.

For Eric I used Red Blush at 60%, then Sadness at 50%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 16.11.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 16.11.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. That was some NipFest and DrawerSit! Hugs from all of us.

  2. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    What special boys Flynn and Eric were.
    They bring us so much joy for years.
    Getting to know them and giving them what they love is a joy.
    Haha, Eric sitting in the open drawer is priceless.

  3. Oh, the nip! It's such fun when the nip comes out around here.

    As for the open drawer, of course it has to be inspected.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. aaah we wish the nip would work in dogs too... can you imagine what a time we had? happy weekend to you

  5. Angel Flynn truly enjoyed his nip! And who could resist such an inviting open drawer?

  6. Flynn, you sure did have quite the nip fest! I'm thinking I need some nip too, to perk up the long winter days ahead. 😁

    Eric, open drawers are fair game! Especially if it has cosy sweaters in it, to curl up on. 😊

  7. Flynn I just want you to know that the cats outside come and tear up my nippy plant something awful. And Eric I'm just the same as you, as soon as Lynn opens a drawer I'm in it on it at it. Lynn was glad to read that your mommy's extra supplements are helping a lot. We have our paws folded in prayer for her. Precious

  8. You two Angel Boys are so delightful!
    Love the art and the puzzles...thank you.

  9. Dear sweet Ginger Angels Eric and Flynn you two always gave me the happies and I am so happy to continue to enjoy them. Jackie you always captured them at their best or most mischievous. We cat lovers know mischievous is another word for CAT...that is just how they are and what we love.
    You are very welcomed for the cards.
    Hugs to you and Ivor

  10. Always look forward to coming here! Delightful post. Flynn sure does look very happy haha And Eric made me smile at his "what do you expect leaving a drawer open" expression! What characters. Hope all is well. Until next time...Jean

  11. eric…dood…an open drawerz an inn vite ta eggz plore what waz in de drawer when it waz clozed…cat rool number 35622…and flynn…eye will say …ewe waza buzzed😺😺‼️‼️ thatz like a feeld fulla nip….hope ya had sum donutz and pizza pie afturr 🧡💛🤎😺🍕

  12. We always wonder why they don't make nip for dogs:). Mom says we would probably go nutso:)

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. I love seeing your two adorable angels. Nice flashback and sweet cards. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  14. Oh how we love these flashback photos - nip makes us act like kittens again no matter our age. Flynn was obviously a fan of it - and Eric liked open drawers!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  15. Such awwdorable pictures of you two, sweet Angels. Can we join😸😸Granny says she can't leave one of us out also💞Thank you for your Birthday wishes, Jackie💗 We hope all is well🙏Healing Pawkisses for a Healthy week ahead to you and Ivor too🐾😽💞

  16. Look at that! MOM if Flynn can have nip we should too! Break out a new bag from this summer's batch! And Eric, If I go in a drawer, I would get in so much trouble...
    Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv

  17. Looks like you enjoyed that very much, Flynn! 😻

  18. I am always wary about giving my beasts catnip after it turned Tungsten into a grumpy and growly cat. But I'm very glad Flynn liked it: nip, eat, sleep; that sounds like a good time. And Eric's question has been asked by many a cat!

  19. Wow, that was an amazing nip extravaganza for Flynn, and Eric was right ... that drawer was just asking to be sat in! XO

  20. That's a lovely double memory. Eric in the drawer made us laugh!

    The Chans

  21. What a fantastic nippy-trippy flashback, and dad says the Eric-in-the-drawer artwork is wicked cool.

  22. Wow, a whole tub of nip! Lucky you!
    Yes, drawers - like boxes - were obviously created for cats to sit in!

  23. Nothing better than nip, a snack and a nap! We loved all the photos, and Mom always enjoys doing Mom Jackie’s puzzles. She remains in our Mom’s prayers. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  24. Now that is one happy nipped up and content feline. Way more nip than I have seen for ages! You lucky chap you.
    And I so agree about the drawer, too. Plus cupboards and the like.

  25. Amarula does the same thing with drawers--if i leave one open she falls asleep in it!


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