Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from November 20210 and was a Mancat Monday.

We haven't been for a walk for the last three days because it has been bitterly cold. The furthest we have been is out in the garden, but today the wind dropped so mum asked if we wanted to go out in the fields.

Flynn: Hmm, I don't know if this was a good idea. I've got frozen toesies in this icy grass.

Eric: You're right, I don't think I want to put my feet in it.

Nope, a walk was definitely not the best idea.

Flynn: I had to floof my fur up and even my tail to keep warm.

I managed to stop for a few minutes to check the smells on the grass though.

Eric: That's enough for me. I'm going back in by the fire. Are you coming Flynn?

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I did someting different this week and because it was so cold used Frost as the only filter for both boys. Flynn was 70% and Eric 50%.

preview117pieceCaturday Art Flynn 1.02.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric 1.02.25
I am also joining Messymimi for the blog hop.


  1. Those two were such manly mancats no matter what they were up to! Pretty art too and hugs from all of us!

  2. Cold on bare tootsies is well COLD! We wouldn't want to be in that icy grass either! Maybe if we were polar bears!

    I like that frost effect!

  3. "Frost" was the perfect artsy accompaniment to photos of the boys in a frosty field! Lovely flashbacks....

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  4. You boys were very brave, though, to even venture out in the cold. Frosty paws wouldn't be fun!

  5. That is some Frosty artwork today. And I cannot imagine how cold their little toes were walking on that Frozen grass. Brrr.

  6. Those boys needed boots on frosty days!

  7. Icy toes...bummer indeed!
    Lovely artwork; love the shadowy effect.
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  8. Eric and Flynn I agree with your decision not to tip toe thru the frosty grass. I don't like my toes to be cold.
    Jackie what a fun Caturday Art offering.
    Hugs to you and Ivor

  9. You know, Brian in his comment said it for me. They were the most manly mancats there ever were. LOVE those two.

  10. doodz…ewe bee braver N de hole oh TT, nun oh uz wooda even made it out de door…knot even fora perch pizza pie πŸ™€❄️🧊πŸ₯Ά‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸ

  11. Well, boys, you can't know until you try, right? Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  12. Your artwork was so appropriate given the situation:). The two pups here love the cold and the snow and never seem to mind getting their feet cold. AND they both love to burrow in the snow to chill their bellies:). All part of being Sibes.

  13. Awww...walking in icy grass is no fun. Much better by the fire. Very nice artwork.

  14. Cute flashback and I love the icy art. Thanks for the puzzles. XO

  15. Aw, he needed some wellies. Nice frosty effects!

  16. Nothing worse than cold, frozen toes! We are not surprised the boys decided to go inside. This is a different art effect, and we all like it. Mom will look forward to doing the puzzles. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  17. I don't imagine smells are strong in frigid weather, either. All in all, a nice try, but a day better spent indoors. The boys had good judgement.

  18. Cold toesies defnitely are a good reason to cut a walk short, Angels Eric and Flynn. That artwork does look frosty!

  19. Icy grass- Yuck! That frost effect works purrfectly these past few days. Dad keeps whining that he can't wait for shorts & flip flops weather.

  20. That frosty artwork turned out great. We bet we get warm when we put the pieces together again, because it always takes us a long time...MOL Stay warm! Double Pawkisses for a warm week ahead to you sweet Angels and your mommy tooπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  21. Beautiful artwork! But the frost is best kept for that alone. Nobody wants their toesies to get all frozen. A cosy spot by the fire is a MUCH better option, to be sure!

  22. Tee! Hee! Cold cat toes! The tabbies have not gone outside (much) for the last few weeks. Its not really all that cold (5 degrees either side of freezing) but there is snow! Kozmo has chosen NOT to use the litter box. It is downstairs and this winter his arthritis is bad and he tells me the tabbies bug him when hes in the box, so he goes out the front door and uses the flower bed! He comes in with cold toes that he assumes should be warmed up on my lap. Yes I DO let him warm them there, hes getting very spoiled. Have a terrific week and don;t get too cold yourself! Keep being awesome! Barb

  23. Those boys were so adventurous!

    Thank you for your kind words about Dexter.

  24. That was a little adventure on cold day! Juno xo


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