Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 Two one photo posts today, and a two photo post from December 2010.

Wordless Wednesday with Flynn.

Tummy, Tail and Toesies Tuesday with Eric.

I am keeping all the T's warm in front of the woodburner.

Tummy Tuesday.

Flynn: Haha! I've beaten Eric to Tummy Tuesday again.

Eric: Hmm, you may think you have got one over on me, but I've got your card marked.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Illusion at 55%, then Sadness at 35%.

For Flynn it was Psychedelic at 60%, then Landscape at 40%.
preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric 8.02.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Flynn 8.02.25
I am also joining Messymimi for the blog hop.


  1. What fun with all the tummies and toesies! I especially like the first photo, it's priceless.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday and please bear with me, I'm having device trouble and may not be able to properly post or comment sometimes, but I am reading along.

  2. Such fun photos and pretty art. Big hugs from all of us!

  3. love the first photo... it is so super sweet.. and it fits to the monbth of love...

  4. It sounds to me there was a little competition between those two boys. Both of them being so handsome a human wouldn't be able to choose one over the other.

  5. All the photos are wonderful memories, but the first pic is the best. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

  6. Those were some of the greatest tummies in catkind!
    Lovely images, and will puzzle soon...thanks.

  7. Well those boys had the cutest tummies and toes for the pose! LOL

    Hugs, Pam

  8. Flynn you are the purrfect shoulder warmer.
    Always happy to see flashbacks
    Jackie and Ivor hugs and happy weekend

  9. Great flashbacks! Love seeing that tummy and toesies.

  10. flynn…dood…waz mum reedin stuff that waz good nooze ore checkin out salez goodz….like cat food ‼️πŸ’š eric…dood…eye hafta tell ewe ..eye haz lurned de art oh box rollin…. thanx mew dood for de tipz…ewe bee pawsum πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’š‼️

  11. loved these! I haven't been here in sooooo long, I'm sorry!!!! Crazy times right now. Thank you so much for the birthday greeting for Lenny! Hoping all is well! xoxo

  12. A cat on my shoulders... I think the only one to do that with me was my first cat, Tungsten.

  13. Such sweet memories. If we roll over and show our tummies, we are sure to get some nice belly rubs.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Such beautiful pictures and great memories.

  15. Oh, these photos are just precious! Beautiful catwork too. I hope everyone is doing well. Until next time...Jean

  16. Nice flashback and beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  17. Angel Toki was my only kitty who sat on my shoulder...but that was long before I was blogging.
    What a great picture of Eric sitting there so handsomely!
    Fun flashbacks!

  18. Great photos and art. The first pic is lovely.

  19. Eric is photogenic as ever and so is his tummy. It shows he is sufficiently suffonsified, as my father would say. And I Iove the shot of you and Mr. Flynn over your shoulder. I'm sure he's still there even if you can't see him.
    I hope your treatment is going well and that you have many more good days than before.

  20. We love all these memories of Eric and Flynn today, but that first one truly made us go, "Awww."

  21. You boys have so much fun, and so much friendly rivalry. Hopefully you both got warm toes that time.

  22. We love these. Such a coincidence, We also have three T's this week, though in Our Case, it's Tongue rather than Toesies (mol).

  23. I love these! Eric and Flynn are mentally mine! Just in my simple minded head. Heeeee.

  24. Your pictures always make us smile. We did Angel Eric's puzzle yesterday and loved to see the artwork😻We hope you're feeling a little better, JackieπŸ™Healing Pawkisses for a Happy Week aheadπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  25. I LOVE the shots of the boys (and of you too). Thanks so much for stopping by Nutmeg's Birthday! I was hoping she would be a little less rambunctious when she hit the 1 year mark, but she shows NO signs of calmness. I am finally able to get around with a crutch and I am hoping for some spring weather so I can get outside to walk. I don't think I will be walking Nutmeg anytime soon though, the springs in her legs and her need to jump are still a little too much for me! Keep being awesome! Barb


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