Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the post comes from October 2010 and features Eric. Flynn will get a one photo post at the end.

Would someone let me in the window please.

MUMMMMMMMM!!! I said let me in!

Is anybody there or do I have to wait all day?

About time too! Yes, I know I could have come in through the door but I wanted to come in this way. Any objections?

Anyway I've changed my mind now, I'm going out again.

Flynn Wordless Wednesday- Watching water drip.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Red Blush at 45%, then added Ceremony at 50%.

For Flynn I used Psychedelic at 60%, then Beauty at 35%.

preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric 25.01.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Flynn 25.01.25
I am also joining Messymimi for the blog hop.


  1. Those boys! They always were so expressive with their looks. Lovely art too. Hugs from all of us.

  2. Sometimes it's very hard to get cooperation from the parental staff. Just ask my cats.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Cute flashback. Both artworks are pretty. Thanks for the puzzles. XO

  4. Typical kitty...wants one thing but does another, LOL! Flynn was very absorbed with the drips!

  5. we love that you can go through the window... the mama sadly said no, we have to use the door... sigh..

  6. Maybe Flynn was waiting to see if that drip would turn into Niagara falls. And that silly Eric, he just wanted to make sure you remembered how to open the window for him.

  7. Humans are always supposed to be at our beck and call. End of story!

    The Chans

  8. Yeah, what The Poupounette commented above!
    Lovely art, and the puzzle were fun; always love the textures.

  9. MOL MOL I loved seeing your MOL to get in and of course as always I enjoyed the flashback
    Happy Feline Friday
    Hugs cecilia

  10. hahahaha! Well, it's a cat's prerogative to change their mind! Nice catwork! Hope everyone is well. Until next time - Jean

  11. Ha! I should've guessed what Eric would pull at the end, but I didn't. Good one, Eric: always a true cat. (And Flynn, too, watching water drip: much more entertaining than paint drying.)

  12. Just like a cat--in and out, in and out!

  13. eric…buddy…ya coulda starved out ther…N what if vizshuz deer had strolled bye….ore flynn dinna sharez any mouz…flynn…buddy…iz that de same thing az watchin paintz dry 😺‼️😺‼️😺🐟🐟💙💚

  14. OH how REAL those pictures and thoughts are! And Flynn...that was an excellent occupation!!

  15.'s so hard to get cooperation sometimes. So cute.

  16. Oh how I love this flashback.....Eric - quite a character and as most cats do - he wants what he wants when he wants it!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  17. We enjoyed your Caturday Art but have to confess, we absolutely LOVED the sequence of Confident Eric going in and OUT of the window. We particulary laughed at the OUT picture, with the caption and his big rear end showing and looking so artful. Poor Flynn took a back seat in that sequence, but having watched the two, we know he can stand up for himself! Love to you and the orange angel kitties. (good thing Paprika's not in the room, you know she has a thing for the oranges....)

  18. Eric was purrfectly cat-like in is flashback. MOL! As for Flynn, water dripping really can be fascinating, right?

  19. Ahh, the changing of the mind. It's a regular occurence around here! Lovely flashback as always.

  20. The art is beautiful. It's amazing how We often use the same filters, but get totally different results!

  21. So that's where Timber learned to peer in the window and woo to be let in:)

    Happy weekend, love your art.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  22. Mom loved this. Cooper is just like Eric was. He knows where the cat door is, but he likes demanding personal service of being let in and out. Flynn watching dripping water is priceless. Mom says, “thanks,” for the puzzles. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  23. MOL...this was hilarious, Angel Eric, we wonder how long you were sitting in front of the window before your mom let you in...MOL...We can get lost in the waterdrops, right Angel Flynn😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you and some Healing ones for your mommy too🐾😽💞

  24. Terrific post! Kozmo yells - VERY LOUD! He can yell louder than Queen Nellie ever did! And he YELLS when he wants to go out - as well as come in. We loved your Art today! Wowzers!
    Gong hei fat choy! Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb


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