Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This flashback comes from December 2010 and was a Mancat Monday.

Eric: These pictures are from just before it got really cold and we were still going out for walks in the fields.

Flynn: It was not long after the Beans came back from their holidays, and we were glad to get out and stretch our legs again.

And to just sit and survey everything.

We checked for introoders.....

and mousies.

Flynn: It was good to feel the dirt under my tummy.

Eric: Checking smells and nomming grass, what more can a mancat ask for. 

We are joining Athena The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Fairy at 30%, then Scribble at 40%.

For Flynn I used Devilish at 50%, then Ceremony at 45%.

For both of them together I used Starry Art at 60%, then Beauty at 35%.
preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric 8.03.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Flynn 8.03.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric and Flynn 8.03.25
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. You sweet Angels always had the best field fun. Such pretty, pretty art. Hugs from all of us.

  2. There's nothing like being a "lion" roaming your "savanna."

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. we agree... dirt under the tumy is like a spa day... and after the spa time, back to bed or on the couch yeah!

  4. That must have been so fun for them to get out after being 'confined' whilst you were on a cruise. Three puzzles, WOW!

  5. All that exploring must have been so much fun for the boys!

    The hans

  6. Those boys had a lovely time in the sunshine that day. One thing about them eating mice I bet they didn't throw up the bones in the house, lol.

  7. Ah, nothing feels better than to get out after you've been cooped up! Maybe *I* should roll in the grass when Spring finally gets here, just for the sheer joy of it. πŸ˜†πŸ’•

  8. Your Angel Tailios are so expressive, fellas!
    Will puzzle just as soon as I can, thanks.

  9. Eric and Flynn always had such patience while hunting and patrolling. They were our first Ginger Friends
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. doodz…eatin grazz, rollin in mud, hidin in de feeldz, and lookin for mize iz like a stay cation for catz ‼️‼️‼️😺 mum and dad dinna haz all de fun πŸ˜ΊπŸ’šπŸ€πŸŸπŸŸ

  11. Sweet flashback and beautiful art. Thank you for 3 puzzles. :) XO

  12. The boys were happy to be out and patrolling their farm again...

  13. Intruders and mousies and dirt, oh my! Boy, we wish our grass around here was that color right about now.

  14. Morning Jackie... just saw your question.
    The door and many other most unique hanging decorations are at RELISH
    a very fun restaurant about 2 blocks from home. I love that door too. It was one of the first new dining locations we tried after Seaboard closed. It was the
    one where Bryan had a ginormous plate of what was a hamburger and macNcheese. These photos were taken in Mid February when we went for a 2nd time. Sat in another section of the dining room.
    Hugs to you and Ivor

  15. What fun you boys had searching the fields and nomming grass. What lovely artwork! Hope everyone is feeling well. Until next time...Jean

  16. Great fun! Love the art, especially the middle one.

  17. What great adventures they had. Great artwork. Nicely done.

  18. It has always given us so much joy to see Eric and Flynn out in your fields. So special, even to this day. XO


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