Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The main flashback this week is from December 2010 and features Flynn who once again goes crazy for nip. There is a video at the end for Eric.

Mum said I was being rude by blowing her raspberries right after she gave me some nip. It's not my fault, nip makes me do funny things.

See how blurry my head looks? That's what it looks like from the inside for me as well when I have a bit too much nip. Wait, what am I saying? There is no such thing as too much nip. I don't have a nip problem.

I was attacking my nippy carrot then somehow my leg got in the way and I attacked it by mistake.

Carrot will pay for that, he's going to get a good bunny kicking now.

Look out!! I just saw a flying pig on the curtain pole.

Umm, what happened, what's going on and why am I sat here?

Oh yeah, I remember. ATTACK THE CARROT!!

Mum took this video 3 months ago and never got around to posting it. Flynn is a very good tree climber and can run down as fast as he goes up. Mum tells me I am like a camel in a tree so I wanted to show her how well I can go up there too. Uh oh, I forgot I am not very good at coming back down. She has had to help me back down several times and thought she would have to get the ladder for me. Don't worry, I got down safely on my own right after the video ran out.
If the video won't play for you, you can see it here.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

preview117pieceCaturday Art Flynn 15.03.25
preview117pieceCaturday Art Eric 15.03.25
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. That was some Flynn NipFest and Eric was sure way up there. Pretty, pretty art too. Hugs from all of us.

  2. Cute flashback of the little nip addict :) Eric was a brave boy way up in the tree. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  3. what artists they are... and we love the raspberry photo LOL


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