Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week Eric gets the main flashback which comes from December 2010 and it is called Forbidden Sunspots.

Yesterday when I got caught checking out the Bonsai tree, that was not the only reason I was caught out. Can you believe we are not allowed on the worktops? You only have to look to see that it is the most wonderful sunspot and mum thinks I shouldn't be up there. Madness!!!

Anyway, after I had enjoyed the sun for a while I decided to see what the little tree smelled like.

Then I checked to make sure it had enough water. Nope, looks too dry to me. Mum should be grateful that I let her know it needed watering instead of making me get down.

This is the Bean's Christmas Cactus. It used to belong to our dad's mum and is very old. They brought it with them when they moved when dad was a very small boy so must be at least 60 years old. It lives in the porch. Mum just put it on the worktop to take the photo. It lives outdoors in the summer and has often had big pieces broken off when we get strong winds, but it seems to survive everything.

Update 2025. Probably 75 years+ by now, but getting smaller as pieces die off.

And a short post for Flynn also from December 2010.

Easy Like Sunday.

I am just going to have a quick wash.......

....and then I am going to put my feet up for the rest of the day.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Illusion at 55%, then Beauty at 30%.

For Flynn I used Psychedelic at 75%, then Sadness at 25%
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 22.03.25
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 22.03.25
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  1. Those were wonderful, so expressive! Beautiful art too. Great big hugs from all of us.

  2. It certainly is madness, not letting you enjoy those sunpuddles. They're perfect, as is a Sunday afternoon spent with the feet up (we call it attending the service at Bedside Baptist).

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. What a lovely Christmas Cactus; ours get just so big, then they sorta die off.
    Could be the fact that Manny chews on them, but...

  4. What precious photos of the boys AND of that incredible, long-lived Christmas cactus. It's beautiful and sometimes plants last forever and ever like that. When mine loses a branch I just root it in water and start another one.....they're such beautiful plants.

    Hugs, Pam

  5. Eric, I can't believe your mum wouldn't want you to lay in the sunshine on the worktop. I'm afraid to say in our house every table and countertop is always been available to the cat. Never figured out a way to stop it, lol. And Flynn you had a lovely photo there. My 25-year-old cactus got over watered by accident this summer. And I had to cut it down to practically nothing to save it. It's sort of hanging on. And yesterday for the first day of spring in the US, it snowed.

  6. Eric found a terrific spot to enjoy the sunshine! The red of the poinsettia really adds a lovely touch to the photos. And that Christmas cactus is glorious! I'm amazed it's still hanging on, 75 years later. I used to grow lots of indoor plants, but I seem to have lost my knack for even the hardest of them. 😆

  7. Great Flashbacks. Mom's Christmas cactus plants did a bit of a die off last year but are coming back.

  8. Mom apologizes for not being around much. She’s exhausted from taking care of Dad. The Christmas cactus is amazing. Our mom has never tried to grow one. Your art is even better than usual, and Mom looks forward to doing the puzzles. Jackie, she sends prayers that you are continuing to do well. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  9. JUST beautiful each and every photo. I love the Christmas Cactus.
    Hugs to you and Ivor

  10. eric..dood..ewe coulda puzhed de flowerz two de floor sew mum shuld bee THANKIN ewe that ewe did knot…and flynn, eye timed it…that waz de quikest wazh in cat hizz tree ‼️‼️ that cac tuzz iz total lee pawsum…de gurl said her will snap shotz ourz and send it…her thinkz itz bout…14 …may bee 🌿🌸🪴😺‼️💙💚🐟

  11. Well, we are never allowed on any of the table tops or counter tops or furniture of any kind. But we do enjoy a good sunpuddle.

    Mom saw something on Instagram on how to start new Christmas Cactus from cuttings. You fill a glass of water to about an inch from the top. Cover the glass with a piece of plastic wrap. Cut a slit in the wrap for each of the cuttings to slip through enough to touch the water. And keep in a warm spot and wait. It took about three weeks but all of Mom's cutting got hairy roots. They are not potted and thriving. Maybe you could make some babies from that heirloom you have.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. A warm and sunny post! I also have a Christmas cactus that is hanging in there, not nearly as old as yours though. Stunning catwork! Hope everyone is doing well. Until next time...Jean

  13. 75 years for the cactus is amazing!! Have a good weekend. :)

  14. Sweet flashback of both boys. That is a nice cactus plant. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  15. The counter does look like the sunniest of spots.

  16. Ahhh, the arty farty versions of the boys are joyfully bright and colorful. I'm not allowed on any counter tops or tables. Dad made some comment about my butt being where food is prepared or something.

  17. We loved seeing Eric in the sunspot, and are amazed by the age of that Christmas cactus. And Flynn with his feet up made us smile so, so big. XO

  18. That's a great spot for a photo shoot and the art came out lovely on both pics!

  19. They do love the sunspots, don't they? Those pics of Flynn are so cute. Very comfy.

  20. The art is absolutely stunning this week!
    We have had Christmas cactuses in the past but they never seemed to last more than a couple of years.
    Oh - and we, too, are not strictly speaking "allowed" on the kitchen counter or the table - as if We even recognise the word "allowed" (mol).

  21. Wowzers! That Christmas Cactus is older than our Mom! (and we thought we were ancient!). We LOVE the photos today and the art is exquisite! Too bad about the "No Counter Surfing" rule! We have it here too! (Except sometimes I do, don't tell Mom). Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutcase and Mom Barb

  22. Cactii are tough! Best sunny window and you cannot go there--how unfair


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