Friday, July 5, 2019

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Today's flashback comes from September 2012 and is called:

A Windy Day.
Eric:  It was a windy day but we decided to go and check out the barn.
Dad's tractor was in there. I like to sit on the seat but the door was shut.
Flynn was sniffing to see if there were any mousies about.
There weren't any so we walked up beside the barn where it was sheltered from the wind.
It was nice and sunny though so we didn't really mind our fur being blown inside out.
I had a sniff around the bottom of the purrison hedge because an introoder comes under here at night. Mum thinks it may be a rat but we aren't going to tell her.
Nothing to see there so we are moving on again.
Flynn:  Wait! I thought I heard a mousie!
Eric:  Yes, I heard a noise too but I think it is only the wind blowing through the grass.
That Pandora is watching me again. She wants to chase me. You can't see it in this picture, but there is an electric fence between her and us.
Oh listen! I think I hear dad on the little tractor.
He's bringing back more wood to store for the winter. There is a big wood pile in the barn.
Oh well, nothing more to see now. May as well go back and get some food.
Good idea Eric. Let's go!

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.

I am also joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Quirky at 50% then Monster at 30%. I like the way it exaggerated Flynn's tail stripes.
And of course a puzzle.

preview99 pieceCaturday Art 06.07.19


  1. That was a mighty fine outting and the art is so pretty!

  2. Nice to go exploring on a windy day, but it is always nice to have a comfy home to return to as well.

    Happy Fourth of July!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Enjoyed seeing their farm adventure. Too bad no mice to be had that day.

  4. thanks for a super post... the mama is in "we need firewood" mood now too... summer is the time for wood, not november like our dad thinks, right?

  5. Oh what a GREAT bunch of photos of the ginger hunters! Keeping an eye on such a large property is a LARGE job but they sure did it well. Love the artsy version of the last photo and YES - Flynn's tail looks fabulous!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. We likes the "tail art" too ... and if you swish it good, it'll chase off any r-r-rats I'm sure! Happy weekend y'all!

  7. That was quite a lovely stroll indeed. I chuckled about the not tell the mom if it was a rat or not. So cat like.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  8. What a great walk you two had. We love watching you look for mousies. We're glad Pandora couldn't chase you.
    Thanks for the puzzle!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. You Ginger men always took us on the best tours and walkabouts. I always enjoyed the camera's eye view
    Hugs cecilia

  10. I always smile at their past shenanigans heheh

    Have an artistictastic weekend :-)

  11. What a wonderful territory you boys had! I love seeing these photos, and am off to PUZZLE! Hehehehe...

  12. The boys always had so many interesting things to do on their outings!

  13. as always I LOVE seeing this boys, I miss them so......xoxo

  14. What a great literal walk down memory lane and love the effects on the artwork it is gorgeous!

  15. doodz...kinda rood oh dad ta lock de tractor door shut on if ewe waz both in de drivin seet... pandora wood bee doin sum runnin all rite ;) ☺☺☺♥♥♥ see who chazez who.....

  16. Lovely Flashback Friday photos. What a nice and windy day you both had. Love the tours of the barn with some of the photos from recent posts. Have a great upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  17. Looks like it was quite a productive day!

  18. You boys sure had a busy day. Lots of fun things going on. Happy weekend to the peeps.

  19. Great flashback, nice to see Pandora too. Fun puzzle, as usual, I am the slowest at 16 min and 55 seconds. :)XO

  20. We love your field, sweet angels and I can see the fence, not that it is electric though...MOL :D Great artwork again and will do the puzzle asap💗Pawkisses for a Happy Healthy Caturday🐾😽💞

  21. Ah the greenery....the mousies...... Äiti was in central Finland this week and there were beech trees and more interesting vegetation than here. She really missed England, and the lush Devon hills. THank you for the jigsaw as always!

  22. That was some great and intrepid exploring, Angels Eric and Flynn. But yes, in the end, food is in order. :)

  23. Mew mew mew all wayss so much fun to see 'angelss' Eric an Flynn tourin their purrimeter Miss Jackie.
    an yore artwork iss wunderfull purr usual. Yore furry tal-lented!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  24. Looks like a great place!

    Beautiful art and photo.

  25. I think a horse is one of the few animals that could catch up to the boys. It's good that there was a fence separating them.

  26. A good memory today :)
    Such a grand field to roam around in too !
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  27. You guys had some wonderful adventures.

  28. Nothing like going home to some food after a good adventure!

  29. Eric and Flynn...maybe you could have gotten Dad to give you a ride?

  30. Maybe that Pandora can chauffeur you around in a purrivate carriage through the village. Purr purr purr.

  31. What a great day even though it was windy. We hope Dad left the door open on the big tractor for you guys

  32. That was a busy day for the Boys. Too bad about the wind.

  33. living on a farm for a cat must be like Christmas every day!

  34. We always envied you two for all that luscious grass you got to travel through. Great flashback.

  35. I always loved watching photos of Eric and Flynn doing their wandering thing. We have lost certain ones whom we still think about and miss years later. I imagine you have the same type of feelings. We really will never forget them.

    Thanks for have these retrospectives!!

  36. I enjoy your tour of the barn and out in the farm.

  37. wonderful post and love the sweet and adventurous kitties!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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