Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Before the flashback I want to say a big thank you to Timmy Tomcat and family and their dad Pete.
A few days ago they had a competition and I was first with the right answers. The package arrived on Thursday, just in time for me to add it to today's scheduled post.

There is a book, Frizzy Izzy Goes Home. It is a publication from the Helen Woodward Animal Center and was created for Remember Me Thursday. It is a lovely book with the sweetest illustrations.
Also there is a calendar supporting Tiger Haven which sounds like a marvellous rescue for these beautiful big cats. There is also the cutest little coin purse and two cards. Thank you dad Pete and all the family.

This flashback comes from August 2006. I checked my records and it doesn't look like I have posted it since the original, probably because the words and photos were all over the place and it wouldn't copy and paste. Hopefully I can get it looking better now. The photos are from April 2000 when the boys first came to their forever home. The photos are non digital and scanned, so not great quality but very precious to us.

Baby Boys.
Here are some baby pichers of us. The picher where we are cuddled up by the books was the furrst day we came to our furrever home. The door was opened back against them, and the beans couldn't find us. They were getting in a panic, an we was fast asleep.In the picher of us playing in the wine rack, mum says Eric's head wouldn't effun fit in there now. The cheek of it!!(Don't know where the rest of that picher went. Fink blogger mustn't haf liked it.) An the picher wiv the slippers, that was our most favourite fing to play wiv. Mum had to get herself new slippers cos we nearly ate them up. An in the uvver picher we was all played out. 

The random photo this week is from the Trout Towne Tabbies who chose 23.10.10. We are usually on a cruise for our anniversary on that date, but in 2010 we went a bit later.
I had just won a Dewey book in a giveaway and both boys wanted to read it.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and using the photo of the boys tired out on the bed.

I started with Beauty at 40% then added Scribble at 20%.

Caturday Art 21.11.20

I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.


  1. Those were really nice prizes! Oh my goodness, those baby boys, how adorable and purrfect!

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love the baby pics!!!!!
    You cute kittens grew up to be handsome mancats!
    You won a great prize back then too :)
    Thanks for sharing this flashback !
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Well, they surely love to play don't they? They're adorable for sure to say the least, but I love when they play!!! They get in such silly positions! hahaha Have a great day!

  4. that's so super sweet.. thanks to the one who invented the cam. what would we do without such wunderful photos what go straight to our hearts?

  5. OMC, we luved seeing those kitten photos!

  6. What precious and adorable baby pictures - those boys were adorable and STAYED adorable!!! Wonderful memories..............

    Hugs, Pam

  7. K-I-T-T-E-N P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S!!!!!!!!!!!!! [super loud squeal] It's funny, I know the boys so well, I don't even need to know the physical differences - I can tell based on their positioning and the way they're laying who is who. We love these boys to pieces.

  8. Ah! Bless!xx
    I've nearly worn the mouse out,
    scrowling up and down..
    Never seen the boys as kittens..
    HeHe! Bet they were into everything,
    as all kittens are..
    And it's a good job we humans have two
    feet..cos with two kittens there's a
    slipper for each of them..Lovely! :0)

  9. Baby photos are always wonderful! Have you been watching the "Kittens and Cats" programme on Channel 5?

  10. OMC! We don't think we've ever seen baby pics of Eric and Flynn. How cute they were! Congrats on your win, too.

  11. Great prize package!! We're squeeing over the baby pictures of the boys!!

    Thanks for the puzzle!!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Congratulations on your win. Way cool.

    Love the flashback. Such precious memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  13. Congrats on your win and what a prize.
    Did you hear me squeal with jubilation and delight when I saw you as wee Eric and Flynn. You two were always 100% devoted to one another

  14. What lovely flashbacks especially the baby biys awww

    Have a cutetastic safe weekend :-)

  15. Those baby photos are TOTALLY precious!

  16. Oh my stars! What cute babies the boys were! And concatulations on winning.

  17. Oh My Catness how very sweet! We started blogging way later and did not know the boys then and really love these! Thank You so very much for sharing them with us. We love seeing our friends when they were little scamps

  18. Congrats on winning! I love your baby cat photos...such sweethearts!

  19. Yikes, blogger ate our comment.

    Awww, so cute - we love seeing baby pics.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Good grief! These baby pics are too much...I'm Squeeing all over the place!
    Thanks for the puzzle too.

  21. Well done on the win! And the pictures come at the right time for me, with my couple of examples of kittenhood living with me. I hope Oleo and Bisto grow up to be even half the cats Eric and Flynn were - and have as loving a home.

  22. Aww, those baby pictures are so adorable. Dad says he'll always wish we had some of me like he did with his old Orbit, but they didn't know me back when I was a tot a hundred years ago. As always, thank you for sharing your sweet flashbacks.

  23. Your kittens were SO cute!! TRhanks for the puzzle!

    Concats on winning the game with Timmy and Dad Peter.

  24. OMC! The guys were so cute curled by the books! It's cool how it ties together that you just won something (concats!) and the TTT-chosen pic shows something you won years ago. Cute art!

  25. Congrats on winning Timmy's contest, that was a tough one. Very nice gifts. Squeee!!! The boys were so adorable as kittens and were cuties their entire lives. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  26. What great presents from Timmy and his family! We enjoyed the flashback so much ... that third photo, of Eric and Flynn sleeping as wee little ones is squee-worthy! XO

  27. We are sure we never saw the boys in kittenhood before! That is SO wunnerful...

  28. THOSE are the best ever of the boys as babies! Mom and I are grinning all the way around our faces!

  29. Oh! Squeeeeeeeeee!
    Those baby pics of the boys as kittens are so utterly adorable!

  30. doodz !!! yur wee kittenz fotoz iz de best :) ewe waz act shoo lee both de same size !!!! we will see if we can sneek over for thiz puzzle:)

    and thiz weekz foto pix getz 984 paws UP....we hope ewe red de book two mum N dad; eric that fotoz bee yond AWESUM buddy ♥♥♥♥♥

    { way kewl gift mum ree ceeved two !!! ☺☺☺

  31. Hello Kitty & kittens.. hope you are all well & having fun. Your 2 baby kittens are getting big for sure & I bet they're a barrel of fun just watching them. Happy Thanksgiving to all & I hope all is well & you're staying safe. God bless.

  32. We never saw these baby pics! They are so cute! Glad you ran this post again. - Tom, Bridget & Penny xoxoxo

  33. Thanksgiving love and purrs from Deb and the Zee & Zoey's Cat Chronicles gang - Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, Jazmine, and Shadow.

  34. Sqee! Oh my Cod!!! Oh my Cod!! Oh my Cod!!! THese is the bestest pictures of my hunky man cat furreneds! Mes can't waits to show them to the Admiral (and all the other lady cats who lives them over the bridge!) Mes is so going to makes Mom does the puzzle! Thansk yous Ms Jackie! Yous made my day!
    Your Nellie Bellie


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