Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from March 2008 and is called:

Our Ham-Mick 

Flynn: We won Forty Paws raffle furr the Meezers and got this great Ham Mick. I fink I'll try it out and haf a wash. Yep, it's nice and comfy furr washing my toes.

And it's good furr washing my tummy too.

Fanks Forty Paws, it's a great Ham Mick.

Eric: Hey where did this come furrom?

Wow what's that I can smell? Mum sez it's a Dorf smell. I don't know what she means by that, but it is a furry inchresting smell.

Oh yes! I like this. It's furry comfy, and look there's a quality sirtiffykit signed by Dorfington Fish Stanley. That must be the Dorf smell mum wuz telling me about.

This is the life. I love this Ham Mick. Tell you what Flynn, you can haf the vishus deer furrs all to yourself, this is MY bed cuz it sez purrfect cat on it and that's me. You got that?

Do you remember that you didn't want to share our nip crowns? Well I'm not sharing the Ham Mick.

The Random Photo has been chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 5.05.07.
We're Just a Couple of Bums.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for the Caturday Art blog hop and using the random photo.

I used Red Blush at 50%, then added Embossed at 70%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 13.03.21

I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. That was fun and the Bums were purrfect. We're still using our Ham Mick.

  2. Heeheehee! Couple of Bums, that's wonderful.

    Nice Ham Mick, too.

  3. That "couple of bums" photo cracked me up!

  4. That sure looked to be a nice and comfy 'hammick'!

    I had to giggle at the title of your Puzzle,and thanks for making it for us, too.

  5. Lovely photos and loved the banter heheh!

    Hav a bantertastic safe weekend 😷😷😷 👍

  6. Boys,'re a couplea bums! And you made mom and me laugh. XXX

  7. I still use my hammick from 40 Paws! I love that last pic. ~Ernie

  8. We love our 40 paws ham-mick! Your bums made us MOL.
    Thanks for the puzzle.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Well done Eric and Flynn
    the hammick is nice but OMCs I love the air sniff photo of Flynn (I think). You are truly enjoying something quite fragrant
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Sometimes you share and sometimes you don't. It works out.

    Love the Couple of Bums. I laughed out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  11. Wonderful photos - really. Fun to closely examine any NEW thing in the house. The photo of the two bums is beyond precious - "CLOSER THAN CLOSE" is what I always thought about your adorable Angels. I'm sure they still are.

    Hugs, Pam

  12. LOVE that rear shot! haha...made the furs a hammock and neither will get in it. BRATS.

  13. The hammiks were awesome, so comfy looking.

    We love that bums shot, so funny and cute! :-D

  14. Love the photos! Especially the tail ends! Cheers!

  15. I suddenly feel very abused since I've never found a ham mick at my house. The rear end photo is so cuuuute! Have a wonderpurr week!

  16. I love that ham mick and it looks like the boys did too. That last photo is just precious!

  17. That is one cool hammick. And that bum shot...too (two) cute!

  18. Jackie! This post made me laugh out load! Those guys are so terrific! And the "Couple of Bums" Purrfect! I can't wait to do the puzzle. |Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks for being you! Have a marvellously happy day!

  19. They always make me laugh! So adorable! :) <3

  20. That Random Photo is just priceless!!

  21. We really love that picture of you two bums it made us laugh and Dad too. Nothing like a Ham Mick that's fur sure

  22. Having a good hammick is impawtant. We liked how Eric enjoyed his.

  23. Pawsome flashback!! Mum remembers thpse hammocks.
    I giggled at the pair of bums ;) MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  24. That looks like a comfy Ham Mick, and he looks like he fell in love with it.

  25. Oh you coupla of bums are so beautiful and what a lovely caturday artwork it is!!!

  26. Looks like the hammick was a very popular item!

  27. Awww... we love the last picture ! Nice hammick ! Purrs

  28. That is a sweet flashback of the hammick. I like the bums too. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  29. That is a nice ham-mick for sure. How nice that it was such a hit with both Eric and Flynn. :)

    LOVE the random photo. So sweet!

  30. Your art had us in stitches these week. Just a couple of bums (mol, mol, mol)...

  31. MOL...your hammick looks so comfy, sweet Angel Eric and Flynn and what an excellent shot of your behinies...MOL MOL😹Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞
    Ps Thank you for leaving a message on my 2 month ago bloggie, Jackie. Sorry that we didn't reply, but Granny was really tired of all the work that had to be done. Now we're still very busy, but we can take a little more time for ourselves now🙋‍♀️

  32. Look at those two, with their bodies in the shade, but their tailios sticking out!
    Adorable, and I'm off to puzzle...thanks!

  33. I have a hammock, too, but no one has been in it since Tucker took ill. But you know how it is with cats: tomorrow it may be the most popular place in the apartment again.

  34. Such cool art. Flynn, you should have put dibs on the hammick.

  35. Love seeing the photos. Always makes me S M I L E ! Have a great week.

  36. Coupla bums, huh? Could you use one more?? Huggsies...

  37. Eric certainly looks happy and content! Good beds are like that.

  38. We had to see you both again. Eric you look so content and Flynn I think a nap is coming

  39. They look quite content. Warm greetings!

  40. Mew mew mew "Wee are just a cuppull of bumss!!"
    Heelareeuss foto an capshun Miss Jackie. Yore artwerk iss wunderfull purr usual.
    An that Ham-mick lookss so cozy....did Eric an Flynn ackshully share it??
    **purrss** BellaDharma

  41. love your ham mick and am going to order one for Beau who weighs in at 88 lbs and yours is a tad small. can't stop smiling at the TWO BUMS.. so cute.

  42. I fixed the puzzle. I think mum was too tired when she helped me with the post!

    Also, no that is not a cyclamen in the picture. Too fragile outside here to go outside. It is actually a weed that is called creeping charlie. Some type of ground ivy.

  43. Eric is such a pretty cat! I miss my cat Hermes who left us last Oct. at 19 years old. Miss his soft bushy coat and having him slept next to me.


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