Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from May 2008 and is called:

Happiness is....

Flynn:  Lying on your favourite Ham Mick with a nip ravioli having sweet dreams, but speshully knowing your Beans are back furrom their Holly Days.

And going furr the furrst walk wiv them after they get back and letting your dad give you a cuddle.

Eric:  And happiness furr me is lying in the grass wiv your dad and giving him a kiss and saying welcome home.
But best of all is when our outdoor run gets taken away furrom the garrij door, cuz that means the Beans are staying home.
The random photo this week was chosen by Lola the Rescue Cat who asked for 7th May 2011.

Having Fun in the old oak tree.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and using the random photo.

I used Scribble at 40%. I liked the effect so was going to leave it at that. Of course I couldn't do that and added Flow at 25% to Scribble.

Do you have a favourite? I think the second but can't decide.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 24.04.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Such sweet photos, especially the one with Dad. Lovely art too!

  2. Happiness is indeed having the Beans home again. The boys look so content.

    For a random photo, how about August 3, 2010.

  3. Aww! cute photos as always but these are even cuter heheh!

    Have a memoriestastic weekend 👍

  4. Such sweet flash back photos......they were the BEST tree climbers and cuddlers.

    Hugs, Pam

  5. Oh, those sweet, sweet cuddle and kiss photos! ♥

    We like both art pics, but the second one with "flow" gives the pic a real "pop!"

  6. Great flashback photos but the ones with Dad are the sweetest.

    Thanks for the puzzle!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Good morning Jackie what an excellent Feline flashback and artwork. No matter how many times I see Eric and Flynn their devotion to one another is obvious and of course their love for Dad
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. It was nice to have cuddles and attention outdoors. Like your run, but running free is more fun!

  9. All precious but the shots with dad made me smile. Such wonderful memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  10. I love this whole post and everything in it! :) <3

  11. That is a very sweet flashback. I bet they missed you when you were vacationing. Thank you for the puzzle. And yes, I like the 2nd art version better. XO

  12. Oh what a lovely flashback! Such great adventures and stories and such wonderful memories. Love the artwork.

  13. We remember this post! The pics with your dad are especially sweet and jogged our memory right away.
    Midnight & Cocoa

  14. Awww... What a sweet picture with your dad ! Lovely memories ! Purrs

  15. I remember how happy they would be when you would both return from holiday. Love seeing the photos of their Daddy xoxo

  16. What a sweet day for the boys! We like the tree photo too--we don't think we could be that brave!

  17. We sure enjoyed seeing you both welcoming the beans home. What a wonderful day thanks so much for sharing it with us. We sure love your beans and you Angels too.

  18. I love the random pic! Eric and Flynn are daddy's boys.

  19. The boys must have missed you when you went on your holidays - but what fun when you came back! They sure loved you.

  20. Cat Daddies are the best! Great series of photos today, so much fun to see ... and sorry to disagree, we prefer No.1 art the best, subtle, soft, dreamy.

  21. Awww so adorable - those paws over face, and with Dad. I love the second edit too.

  22. Awwww your two kitties were the best! Have a sweet day!

  23. The photos of Dad Ivor and Eric and Flynn are just the sweetest. What special memories.

  24. Beautiful photos and very sweet. The second is our fave but they are both great x

    1. Oh my goodness. May 2008 is when I started my first blog. And I still have the same ham mick! My fave is the one with Ivor. P.S. I’m so travel starved, I booked 4 cruises including 3 transatlantics to and from Southampton. First one is early Nov. Am I crazy?

  25. What a terrific post! I remember this one! Eric kissing Dad and Flynn in his lap are priceless! I love the photo of the Oak tree too! I like how the color pops in the second picture, I can't wait to do the puzzle. I hope that you and Ivor have a marvellous week!

  26. So much love in the pictures, Jackie💗and your artworks are both very beautiful, the second one is our favourite too, because the colours are deeper😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  27. What a wonderful collection of Happiness is... flashback photographs. So sweet!

  28. We love the pics of you with your Dad.
    About the artwork - We can't quite decide which one We prefurr. They are both lovely.

  29. The boys were so sweet! We love the ones of Eric and his dad.

  30. i love the photo of dad and Eric- such lovely memories!

  31. Coming home from holidays is a pleasure we can't wait to have happen around here,too!! Seems we might forget the routes we used to travel on, if we can't get here soon, LOL!
    I like the second picture best! Thanks for the puzzle, too:)

  32. We don't see enough of the Boys loving their people! This post does a heart good.

  33. What a great post and great photos, too.

  34. Loved seeing you two up a tree. You sure were good buddies.


  35. Hello you both ! When I see you outside laying in the grass I feel sorry for Rosie who after being an in and outside cat is now only an inside cat, but the strangest thing is she is happy ! She has completely changed and becaame social with all humans and doesn't even go out on the huge balcony ! Was relieved.

  36. Kinna late we are, but the pictures were precious...


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