Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week I have two very short posts from May 2008. 

I can hear rustling noises. It's too loud to be a mousie. I fink it might be Eric but I can't see him.
Hehe if I just lie here quietly, Flynn will never find me in the long grass. I can have a nice peaceful snooze.

Mancat Monday.

I am the mighty mancat hunter. I am stealthy while I wait in my jungle for my prey. I stand motionless, barely breathing, just listening and watching and waiting. I am patient, I have all day........

Then along comes Eric stomping through the grass, sneezing as he sniffs the pollen from the flowers. Oh well, I suppose there's always tomorrow.

The random photo this week was 13th June with no specified year and was chosen by Meezer's Mews and Terrieristical Woofs.
We are usually on a cruise around that date and the only year I have photos for then was 2007. I didn't have any of them together so have two individual photos.
I call them Grumpy Face and Poser Face and I think you can work out for yourself which is which.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art                                                                  

For Eric I started with Psychedelic at 45% then added Watercolour at 40%.

For Flynn I used Gorky 60% then Metallic at 30%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 29.05.21 Eric
preview108pieceCaturday Art 29.05.21 Flynn
I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those were fun ones! Love, love, love the poser and grumpy faces!

  2. What fun those boys had! We think that must have been Flynn's see-how-cute-I-am-please-mum-give-me-a-treat face.

  3. Grumpy and Poser, too funny.

    Stealth mode needs to be done alone, doesn't it.

  4. Those two were just such a funny pair. ��

  5. Grumpy face and poser face, too cute!

  6. you are much better hunters than we are... and you can climb on trees.. that is da best thing ever..

  7. Poser Face and Grumpy Face are both so adorable, but dad and I agree- Grumpy Face takes the cake! Mom was sitting on her lounger last week and heard a rustling from the trees, and out came a deer, right near her! Another wonderful Angel boys flashback post, y'all.

  8. Great photo choices ... and the art renderings are wonderful!

  9. Love the flashbacks but those two "portrait photos" are just plain adorable. Love them both - AND you gave them PERFECT titles!

    Hugs, Pam

  10. Oh my Ginger friends your antics and adventures and constant companionship were intriguing and fun.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Fun photos. Thanks for the puzzles!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. You should see my face! I am smiling particularly at the Grumpy Face but the Poser...perfection.

  13. supr fum today I did a feline Friday and friendly fill ins as well. and I did my 5 On Friday music posting.

  14. These are great! I love the art! Have a wonderful weekend! :) <3

  15. Aw, such precious memories. Funny the faces a cat can make.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  16. LOL @ grumpy face a nd poser face heheh!

    Have a mousietastic weekend 👍

  17. Such great memories and very gorgeous artwork as always!

  18. That was some nice tall grass to hunt in. Yes the grumpy face is unmistakable!

  19. Such versatile and adaptable boys, up to any challenge whether it's hunting mousies or protecting Mom's computer. And always so handsome. I enjoy the flashbacks very much. Thanks for sharing! Jean P.S. Do love the artwork as well!

  20. Really great memories friends. Flynn it sure is hard finding a spot that Eric cant find MOL. Love seeing you both today

  21. doodz...grumpy face wood bee.....and poser face wood bee...... ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

    eric de foto oh ee in de tall grazz iz awesum buddy ♥♥♥

    and glad N hopin iz bee eric and knot a bass terd burd ewe heer in de grazz...
    ore a vizshuz deer ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  22. ooopz...R furst speelin izzue oh de yeer...thatz spozed ta reed: hopin IT .....knot hopin IZ....even we dinna understand R own selves ther ;)

  23. I can hear Eric sneezing, probably just like my Tucker.

  24. I adore both Grumpy Face and Poser Face!
    Thanks for the puzzles...I'm off to play!

  25. Grumpy face. MOL! It's a cute grumpy face.

  26. MOL, yep! Grumpy and poser, both cuties.

  27. Love seeing the mighty hunter! And your artwork came out really well.

  28. OMC! Flynn was sooooo handsome!! Sorry Eric grumpy face.

  29. I love these photos! They are all wonderful!

  30. I loved those two random pics you chose for my date!! They made me giggle, too!

    That sure was tall grass to hide in, Eric! Flynn, sorry your mouse hunt got interrupted.

  31. Very cute flashbacks. And I love the art and puzzles. Thank you for making them. XO

  32. I LOVE all the photos in the 2 flashbacks and the Faces the boys made. Especially Eric's Grumpy Face! I can't wait until I am caught up and I can do the puzzles.

  33. Haha, I love this memory of Flynn hunting, and then Eric romping through the grass and scaring away any mousies. :)

  34. Such lovely art - and beautiful flashbacks.

  35. Stomping through the grass...I loved it!

  36. Love this flashback, guys mew are EPICALLY EPIC!!!!! XX

  37. The housekeeper wants to kiss both faces..Me? I just see two handsome fellow mancats! Meow!

  38. Brofurs tend to ruin everything! That said, I still miss mine. ~Ellie Mae


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